
More information of various applications and benchmarking of the developed software tools can be found in the publications listed below.

Reference Keywords

N. Luxcey, H. Ormberg, E. Passano (2011): Global Analysis of a Floating Wind Turbine Using an Aero-Hydro-Elastic Numerical Model. Part II: Benchmark Study, OMAE2011-50088

wind, FWT,

H. Ormberg, E. Passano, N. Luxcey (2011): Global Analysis of a Floating Wind Turbine Using an Aero-Hydro-Elastic Model. Part I: Code Development and Case study, OMAE2011-50114

wind, FWT,

T. Sauder, V. Chabaud, M. Thys, E. Bachynski, L. O. Sæter (2016): Real-Time Hybrid Model Testing of a Braceless Semi-Submersible Wind Turbine. Part I: The Hybrid Approach, OMAE2016-54435

wind, FWT,

Erin E. Bachynski (2014): Design and Dynamic Analysis of Tension Leg Platform Wind Turbines, PhD thesis, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway

wind, FWT, TLP

Harald Ormberg and Erin E. Bachynski (2012): Global analysis of floating wind turbines: Code development, model sensitivity and benchmark study, ISOPE

wind, FWT,

H. Ormberg and Erin E. Bachynski (2015) : Sensitivity of Estimated Tower Fatigue to Wind Modeling for a Spar Floating Wind Turbine , ISOPE

wind, FWT, spar

Madjid Karimirad, Constantine Michailides (2016): V-shaped semisubmersible offshore wind turbine subjected to misaligned wave and wind, Journal of renewable and sustainable energy

wind, FWT

Petter Andreas Berthelsen, Erin E. Bachynski, Madjid Karimirad, Maxime Thys (2016): Real-Time Hybrid Model Tests of a Braceless Semi-Submersible Wind Turbine: Part III — Calibration of a Numerical Model, OMAE2016-54640

wind, FWT, semi

Marit I. Kvittem, Petter Andreas Berthelsen, Lene Eliassen, Maxime Thys (2018): Calibration of Hydrodynamic Coefficients for a Semi-Submersible 10 MW Wind Turbine, OMAE2018-77826

wind, FWT, semi

E. Bachynski,M. Thys, T. Sauder, ,V. Chabaud, L. O. Sæter (2016): Real-Time Hybrid Model Testing of a Braceless Semi-Submersible Wind Turbine. Part II: Experimental results,[OMAE2016-54437

wind, FWT, semi

P. A. Bertelsen, E. Bachynski,M. Karimirad,M. Thys, (2016): Real-time Hybrid Model Tests of a Braceless Semi-Submersible Wind Turbine. Part III: Calibration Of a Numerical Model, OMAE2016-54640

wind, FWT, semi

Carlos Eduardo Silva de Souza,Nuno Fonseca,Petter Andreas Bertelse, Maxima Thyus (2021): Calibration of a Time-Domain Hydrodynamic Model for A 12 MW Semi-Submersible Floating Wind Turbine, OMAE2021-62857

wind, FWT, semi, 12MW

Petter Andreas Berthelsen, Erin E. Bachynski, Madjid Karimirad, Maxime Thys(2016): Real-Time Hybrid Model Tests of a Braceless Semi-Submersible Wind Turbine: Part III — Calibration of a Numerical Model, OMAE2016-54640

wind, FWT, semi

Marit I. Kvittem, Petter Andreas Berthelsen, Lene Eliassen, Maxime Thys (2018): Calibration of Hydrodynamic Coefficients for a Semi-Submersible 10 MW Wind Turbine, OMAE2018-77826

wind, FWT, 10MW , semi

Silva de Souza, Carlos Eduardo; Berthelsen, Petter Andreas; Eliassen, Lene; Bachynski, Erin Elizabeth; Engebretsen, Espen; Haslum, Herbjørn (2020) Definition of the INO WINDMOOR 12 MW base case floating wind turbine, SINTEF Ocean report no. OC2020 A-044

wind, FWT, 12MW

Carlos Eduardo Silva de Souza, Nuno Fonseca, Petter Andreas Berthelsen, Maxime Thys (2021): Calibration of a Time-Domain Hydrodynamic Model for A 12 MW Semi-Submersible Floating Wind Turbine, OMAE2021-62857

wind, FWT, 12MW, semi

Yin, D., Lie, H., Wu, J., (2019): Structural and Hydrodynamic Aspects of Steel Lazy Wave Riser in Deepwater. J. Offshore Mech. Arct. Eng. doi: 10.1115/1.4045333

Time domain VIV

Thorsen, M.J. (2016): Time Domain Analysis of Vortex-Induced Vibrations. PhD thesis, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway.

Time domain VIV

Ulveseter, J.V. (2018): Advances in semi-empirical time domain modelling of vortex-induced vibrations. PhD thesis, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway.

Time domain VIV

Wu J., Jin Z.J., Yin D.C., Passano E., Lie H., Sævik S., Tognarelli M., Grytøyr G., Andersen T., Karunakaran D., Igland R.(2020): Time domain VIV analysis tool VIVANA-TD: validations and improvements. Florida, USA: 39th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2020-18795

Time domain VIV

Jie Wu, Decao Yin, Jingzhe Jin, Halvor Lie, Elizabeth Passano, Svein Sævik, Guttorm Grytøyr, Michael A. Tognarelli, Daniel Karunakaran, Torgrim Andersen, Ragnar Igland (2022): Time Domain Prediction of VIV Responses in Oscillatory Flow Conditions OMAE2022-79191

Time domain VIV

Jie Wu, Fengjian Jiang, Halvor Lie, Elizabeth Passano, Decao Yin, Svein SævikNTNUTrondheim, Guttorm Grytøyr, Brendan Francis Hogg, Themistocles Resvanis, Kim Vandiver (2023): Evaluation of VIV Prediction Practice of Deep-Water Steel Lazy Wave Risers (SLWRS), OMAE2023-105583

Time domain VIV, frequency domain, Shear7, (draft)