New & Noteworthy 1. General information Version no. 4.2.0 Date 2022-02-25 2. New Help system A new help system is developed The old context help has been removed and replaced by links into the main help. The new help system will open in an external web browser Figure 1. Help documentation 3. SIMA json export/import The JSON file format is now supported as a way to import and export models. Select one or several model objects to export. The exported json can be edited in an external text editor and can be used as a template for scripting or directly imported as it is. When importing it is necessary to select the model that will contain the imported objects in the navigator (if the imported object is not a task or a folder). Figure 2. json export and import 4. SIMA python library Using the newly developed open source simapy-library it is now possible to create models using code run from outside of SIMA. Install simapy: pip install simapy The integration is maintained through the new json file import/export functionality: File→import→json model import. The library can also be used to run sima from the command line link to GitHub: Figure 3. Python library 5. SIMA RuntimeEngine - SRE SIMA Runtime Engine (SRE) is now part of the official release of SIMA. This is a batch oriented version of SIMA without UI. Using SRE it is possible to automate several tasks, such as running a workflow, importing/exporting files, etc. Run sre.exe –help all to get an overview over all available commands BothLinux and Windows versions are available. Figure 4. SIMA Runtime - SRE 6. Wind turbines Fluctuating 3-comp wind: Increased efficiency with IEC Wind format (DTUMann). When using parametric wind spectra in coupled analysis: Windvelocity time series now reported at hub position Windvelocity or turbine blades now computed at blade element vertical position. External WT control system may now also include nacelle yaw control. Warning if WT rotor is not within a specified turbulent wind field Eigenvalue analys is can beperformed for cross sections with MacCamy & Fuchs wave loads Figure 5. DTUMann 7. Aquaculture Hydrodynamic loads on partly submerged crosssections in regular and irregular waves Hydrodynamic loads on net structures in regular and irregular waves Figure 6. Example input data in SIMA Figure 7. Aquaculture 8. SIMA Post Processor Examples Examples of the operations in the Post processor is included in the SIMA Examples Figure 8. Post-processing examples 9. SIMO Description JIRA reference Option to calculate retardation function from added mass and damping added to plot editor SIMA-9812 Fluctuating 3-comp wind: IncreasedefficiencywithIECWind format (DTUMann). SRV-1688 When using psssarametric wind spectra in coupled analysis: Wind velocity time series now reportedathub position Wind velocity for turbine blades now computedat blade element vertical position SRV-1749 The Constant Tension Control in Simple Wire Coupling now has input to specification time and deactivation time. SRV-1685 10. Riflex Description JIRA reference External WT control system may now also include nacelle yaw control SRV-1768 Hydrodynamic loads on partly submerged cross sections in regular andirregular waves SRV-1706 Hydrodynamic loads on net structures in regular and irregular waves SRV-1755 Fluctuating3-compwind:IncreasedefficiencywithIECWindformat (DTUMann) SRV-1688 Options for controlling MatrixPlotstorage added to static calculation parameters in RIFLEX SIMA-9552 Option for calculation of arclength for result presentation SRV-1417 Storage of dynamic results for seafloor and soil contact elements is now optional SRV-1713 Eigenvalue analysis can be performed for cross sections with MacCamy& Fuchs wave loads SRV-1729 Nondimensional added mass and drag coefficients can be given for MacCamy& Fuchs loads SRV-1728 Time domain VIV load for stress joints and thin-walled cross-sections (restricted) SRV-1787/58 Warning if wind turbine rotor is not within a specified turbulent wind field SRV-1626 Incorrect pointer caused error in eigen value analysis with multiple bodies (coupled analysis). This is corrected. SRV-1820 Option to calculate retardation function from added mass and damping added to plot editor SIMA-9812 Fluctuating 3-comp wind: IncreasedefficiencywithIECWind format (DTUMann). SRV-1688 11. SIMA Description JIRA reference SIMA help will now open in an external web browser. SIMA-9340 SIMA Runtime Engine: Batch version available for usewith cluster/cloud environments. SIMA-9828 SIMA Python library (SIMAPY)enables creation of model elements using script. SIMA-9799 SIMA Post Processor Examples Option to specify file with internal (slug) flow definition for RIFLEX SIMA 4.4