1. Text Text editors are used to enter sections of text that will end up in the generated report. The Textile formatting language supported by the editor allows basic formatting. The WikiText editor supports most standard Textile markup. A complete list can be found below. Note that not all features may be supported in the end format when generating reports. HTML and Word documents for instance; have different ways of handling certain format types. You may activate content assist by pressing CTRL+SPACE while in the editor in order to get a list of all supported formatting codes. 1.1. Links The report generator has support for several link types, one of them is the section link type. This would refer to another section in the report. If you for instance want to create a link to a section called Vessel RAO, you would enter "Vessel_RAO":section//vessel_rao. Note that the target is identified using the section title in lowecase with whitespace characters replaced with an underscore. A much easier way of entering the link would be to press CTRL+SPACE and select the section you want to link to. The report generator also supports HTML and file links. For example: "External page":http://itema.no "Relative file":file://report.docx 1.2. Textile Markup Cheat Sheet 1.2.1. Phrase Modifiers emphasis emphasis strong strong italic italic bold bold ??citation?? citation -deleted text- deleted text inserted text inserted text superscript superscript subscript subscript %span% span @code@ code no <b>textile</b> here no textile here 1.2.2. Block Modifiers hn. Heading bq. Block quote fnn. Footnote p. Paragraph (optional) bc. Block code pre. Pre-formatted notextile. Escaped block # Numeric list * Bulleted list 1.2.3. Links "title":http://www.example.com !images/logo.png!:http://www.example.com 1.2.4. Images !images/logo.png! 1.2.5. Punctuation "quotes" quotes 'quotes' quotes it’s it’s em — dash em — dash en - dash en - dash 2 x 4 2 x 4 foo(tm) foo™ foo(r) foo® 1.2.6. Lists Bulleted Lists * one ** one.one ** one.two * two one one.one one.two two Numeric Lists # one ## one.one ## one.two # two one one.one one.two two 1.2.7. Tables |. a|. table|_. header| |a|table|row| |a|table|row| 1.2.8. Alignment and Padding < left text alignment eg: p<. > right text alignment eg: p>. <> justify text eg: p<>. = center text eg: p=. ( pad left eg: p(. ) pad right eg: p). () pad left and right 1.2.9. Attributes (class) eg: h1(foo). (#id) eg: h1(foo). {style} eg: h1{color:red}. [language] eg: h1[en]. example: h1(main-heading){color: red}. header text 1.2.10. Acronyms ABW(A Better Way) 1.2.11. Footnotes reference[1] fn1. footnote text 1.2.12. Extended Blocks bc.. bq.. pre.. 1.3. Textile Syntax Tips 1.3.1. Whitespace Textile markup is sensitive to whitespace. For example, a line that starts with {color:blue;}h1.’ is only a heading if the {color:blue;}h1.’ is immediately followed by a space character. This can bite you if you’re not careful! A less obvious example of the same problem is with {color:blue;}bc.' Usually content in a block code section is on the line following the {color:blue;}bc.’ If the `{color:blue;}bc.’ is not immediately followed by a space character before the end of the line, then the area is simply considered a normal paragraph. 1.3.2. Images Image Size Image size can be specified using width and depth attributes for width and height, respectively: !{width=32px;height=64px}images/foo.png! 1.3.3. Extended Blocks Textile extended blocks (starting with bc.., pre.. and bq..) are useful for blocks that may have multiple whitespace lines. Extended blocks must be terminated by an explicit Textile block (such as p.). For example: bc.. a block code section has started and continues p. a paragraph starts Table