1. XYTable The XYTable is useful to display data generated from multiple runs based on variations of variables. Such data can be generated using Condition Sets, Condition Spaces, or Workflow Sets. Based on the values of the two selected variables, the XYTable displays a two dimensional grid. Each cell shows the value of the selected signal for the according combination of variable values. When filtering the signals before the XYTable, keep both variables folder and the signal you are interested in. Otherwise you will not be able to select the signal, as there are no variables available to be used for the columns and rows. Also keep in mind, that the signal must be a single value for each variation and that it must only be varied in exactly two variables. Limitations: 50 signals, 600 variable combinations (columns * rows) 1.1. How to Use XYTable 1. Open the example RIFLEX/Simple flexible riser. 2. Edit its environment and change the wave type to Jonswap Double Peaked. 3. Enter 2.5 and 3.3 for Significant Wave Height and Peak Period. 4. Right click each field, select Set as variable, and keep the proposed default variable name. 5. Create a new Post Processor Task. 6. Open the Post Processor spec. 7. Drag in a Workflow input. 8. Drag in a Statistics filter. 9. Drag in a Workflow output. 10. Link the inpout.out → Statistics.in and Statistics.max → output.in 11. Create a new Workflow Task. 12. Rename the Workflow workflow to innerWorkflow. 13. Drag in the initial condition of the Simple_Flexible_Riser task. 14. Configure the condition node and add both variables. 15. Use the node menu to create the workflow variables. 16. Drag in the Post Processor spec and connect the condition output to the post processor input. 17. Drag in a Workflow output and connect the post processor output to the workflow output input. 18. Create another workflow and rename it outerWorkflow. 19. Drag in a Workflow set and configure it to drive the innerWorkflow, add the only output as output, and set up the two run variables. 20. Add 6 variable combinations (3.3/2.5, 3.3/3.5, 3.3/4.5, 4.3/2.5, 4.3/3.5, 4.3/4.5). 21. Drag in the XYTable and connect it to the workflow set. 22. Run the workflow by starting the WorkflowTask.innerWorkflow. 23. Double click the connection and add the following two signal requirements for the attribute path: *.Simple_Flexible_Riser.max.Initial.Variables’ and ’\*.Simple_Flexible_Riser.max.Initial.Dynamic.RiserLine.Force envelope curve 24. Open the XYTable by double clicking it in the diagram. 25. Select \*.Simple_Flexible_Riser.max.Initial.Dynamic.RiserLine.Force envelope curve.F-MAX.max as signal, significantWaveHeight as column variable, and peakPeriod as row variable. innerWorkflow outerWorkflow The table of selected data will look similar to the one below. Workflow Set