1. Arbitrary system AR This type of specification can be used to model: any of the previously specified systems systems with complex topology not covered by the standard systems systems for which boundary conditions are not covered by SA-SD systems For this class of systems the topology must be described in detail. Boundary conditions corresponding to a 1) stress-free configuration, as well as 2) the wanted static configuration and parameters for a load incrementation procedure from 1) to 2) must be specified. The load incrementation procedure is specified as input to the STAMOD module. 1.1. Data group identifier ARBItrary SYSTem AR 1.2. Topology NSNOD NLIN NSNFIX NVES NRICON NSPR NAKC NSNOD: integer: Total number of supernodes NLIN: integer, default: NSNOD-1: Number of lines NSNFIX: integer, default: 1: Number of supernodes having one or more degrees of freedom that are fixed or prescribed NVES: integer, default: 0: Number of support vessels NRICON: integer, default: 0: Number of rigid supernode connections. Relevant for modelling of stiff connections between supernodes. The connection is described by specification of a master and a slave (dependent) node, see Rigid supernode connections NSPR: integer, default: 0: Number of global springs NAKC: integer, default: 0: Number of kill and choke lines. Relevant for modelling of tensioned risers only (Deprecated functionality)