General Line Data Specification General line data enables the user to model simple as well as complex line systems. Loads due to gravity, buoyancy, current and seafloor contact are accounted for. Several line systems may be modelled. Each line system may consist of one or several lines connected to one or several bodies and/or to earth. Each line system is described in a finite element formulation. The quasi-static system responses are calculated at each time step during time domain analysis. 1. Line system A line system is identified by a unique line-system identifier. The line system topology is in general described in terms of branching points and terminal points. These points are denoted line nodes. Line nodes are connected by simple lines. This means that the line system topology is uniquely determined by the connectivity between a number of defined line nodes and lines. 2. Line node Line nodes are classified as free, fixed, or prescribed, depending on their boundary condition specification. Line nodes of type fixed are used for modelling termination at fixed structures, seafloor connection, etc. Prescribed line nodes are used for modelling supports with prescribed motions, i.e. connection to bodies. A line node is identified by a unique line-node-identifier. This means that a line node may be referred several times in a system topology description, and also referred to by several line systems. 3. Line and segment A line is a structural element between two line nodes. Its composition is described in a line type specification. The line type is specified in terms of a sequence of segments and nodal components. A segment has homogeneous cross section properties. For each segment a cross section type and a number of elements to be used for the finite element discretization, are specified, see the figure below. Nodal components (clump weights and buoys) may be specified at segment intersections. The line is identified by a unique line-identifier. The line type is identified by a unique line-type-identifier. This means that a line type may be referred several times in the topology description of one or several line systems. 4. Cross section and nodal component The cross section and the nodal component represent the elementary description of the mechanical properties. Cross section properties are given by axial stiffness, weight (in air and submerged) and drag coefficients (transverse and longitudinal). The vertical force and drag coefficient of nodal components may be depth dependent. A cross section is identified by a unique cross-section-identifier, and a nodal component by a nodal-component-identifier. Thus a cross section type or a nodal component type may be referred several times in the description of line types. Figure 1. System definition terms 1 input line GENEral LINE DATA If the data shall be exported to HLA, 1 identification input line. HLA EXPOrt If HLA EXPOrt, HLA name of general line system. CHGHLA CHGHLA: character(120): Character string In case of more than one line system, the following data groups have to be repeated: - Line System Definition - Topology specification - Seafloor support condition (optional) 5. Line system definition 1 input line LINE SYSTem DEFInition System identification, 1 input line LINE-SYSTEM-ID LINE-SYSTEM-ID: character(8): Line system identifier Topology specification 1 input line LINE TOPOlogy DATA Topology, as many input lines as necessary (1 input line per simple line in the system) LINE-ID LINE-TYPE-ID LINE-NODE-ID-1 LINE-NODE-ID-2 LINE-ID: character(8): Line identifier LINE-TYPE-ID: character(8): Line type identifier LINE-NODE-ID 1: character(8): Line node 1 (from end 1) identifier LINE-NODE-ID 2: character(8): Line node 2 (to end 2) identifier Seafloor support condition (optional) The bottom is given as one non-curved plane that may be oriented inclined to the water surface. The contact forces between the bottom and a line is given by vertical bilinear springs. 1 input line BOTTom CONTact DATA 1 input line XB YB ZB XN YN ZN BOTSTIF ZBLOAD XB: real: X coordinates of point on seafloor YB: real: Y coordinates of point on seafloor ZB: real: Z coordinates of point on seafloor XN: real: X components of the normal vector at the seafloor point YN: real: Y components of the normal vector at the seafloor point ZN: real: Z components of the normal vector at the seafloor point BOTSTIF: real: Spring stiffness (normal to seafloor) \(\mathrm {[F/L]}\) ZBLOAD: real: Minimum distance from seafloor plane for distributed element load formulation, i.e. elements attached to a node with a distance less than ZBLOAD from bottom plane will be given a lumped load formulation, see the figure below. Figure 2. Load formulations Advanced analysis option (optional) 1 input line ADVAnced ANALysis OPTIon 1 input line LRELV MET_S MAX_S MIN_S MET_D MAX_D MIN_D TOLINC TOLNOR MAXIT LRELV: integer, default: 0: Control parameter for relative velocity Dummy in present version = 0: Drag force caused by current action only = 1: Drag force caused by relative velocity between current velocity and structural velocity MET_S: integer, default: 1: Static analysis (STAMOD) Incrementation control parameter = 1: Constant incrementation = 2: Variable incrementation MAX_S: integer, default: 100: if MET_S = 1: Number of incrementation steps if MET_S = 2: Maximum incrementation steps MIN_S: integer, default: 5: if MET_S = 1: Dummy if MET_S = 2: Minimum incrementation steps MET_D: integer, default: 2: Dynamic analysis (DYNMOD) Incrementation control parameter; dynamic analysis = 1: Constant incrementation = 2: Variable incrementation MAX_D: integer, default: 2: if MET_D = 1: Number of incrementation steps if MET_D = 2: Maximum incrementation steps MIN_D: integer, default: 1: if MET_D = 1: Dummy if MET_D = 2: Minimum incrementation steps TOLINC: real, default: 10\(\mathrm {^{-3}}\): Displacement norm for termination of global equilibrium iteration; Used during incrementation TOLNOR: real, default: 10\(\mathrm {^{-4}}\): Displacement norm for termination of global equilibrium iteration; Used for last incrementation step MAXIT: integer, default: 100: Maximum number of iterations 6. Boundary conditions and coordinates for line nodes Data group identifier, 1 input line LINE NODE DEFInition Boundary condition and coordinates, 2 input lines per line node. Line node identifier and type LINE-NODE-ID NODE-TYPE LINE-NODE-ID: character(8): line node identifier NODE-TYPE: character: type of boundary = FIXEd (Earth-fixed) = FREE = BODY (Attached to body component) IF NODE-TYPE = FIXED or FREE: Node coordinates and reference system REF-SYSTEM X Y Z BODY-ID REF-SYSTEM: character: reference system = LOCAL = GLOBAL X: real: Initial coordinates for fixed and free line nodes Y: real: Initial coordinates for fixed and free line nodes Z: real: Initial coordinates for fixed and free line nodes BODY-ID: character(8): REF-SYSTEM = LOCAL: Reference to body ID for local reference system REF-SYSTEM = GLOBAL: Dummy IF NODE-TYPE = BODY: Body component reference BODY-COMP-ID BODY-COMP-ID: character(8): Reference to body component ID for which the line node is attached. 7. Line type definition A line type is labeled with a unique identifier. The line is described by segments and nodal components in a sequence from line node 1 to line node 2, ref data group Topology specification. The line must consist of minimum one segment. Nodal components (buoys/clump weights) may be inserted at segment ends. Data group identifier, 1 input line LINE TYPE DEFInition Line type identifier, 1 input line LINE-TYPE-ID Line part specification. Number of input lines as many as necessary LINE-PART-TYPE CROSS-ID / NODAL-COMP-ID SLENGTH NELSEG LINE-PART-TYPE: character(8): = SEGMENT = NODAL . LINE-PART-TYPE = SEGMENT CROSS-ID: character(8): Cross section identifier SLENGTH: real: Segment length \(\mathrm {[L]}\) NELSEG: integer: Number of elements for FEM analysis . LINE-PART-TYPE = NODAL NODAL-COMP-ID: character(8): Nodal component identifier 8. Cross section description The cross section properties data below has the same definition as the corresponding line characteristics data given in section Catenary anchor lines. Data group identifier, 1 input line CROSs SECTion DEFInition Cross section identifier and properties, 1 input line CROSS-ID DIAMETER EMOD EMFACT UWIA WATFAC CDN CDT CROSS-ID: character(8): Cross section identifier DIAMETER: real: Cross section diameter used for axial stiffness and hydrodynamic forces \(\mathrm {[L]}\) EMOD: real: Modulus of elasticity \(\mathrm {[F/L^2]}\) EMFACT: real: Factor of elasticity UWIA: real: Unit weight in air \(\mathrm {[F/L]}\) WATFAC: real: The ratio between weight in water to weight in air CDN: real: Transverse drag coefficient CDL: real: Longitudinal drag coefficient The axial stiffness is calculated by: \[EA=EMOD\times EMFACT\times DIAMETER^2\times \pi /4\] Drag force per unit length by: \(\mathrm{F^D_N = 0.5 \times RHOW \times CDN \times DIAMETER \times V^2_N} \quad \quad\) Normal direction \(\mathrm{F^D_I = 0.5 \times RHOW \times CDL \times DIAMETER \times V^2_L} \quad \quad\) Longitudinal direction 9. Nodal component description Data group identifier, 1 input line NODAl COMPonent DEFInition Identifier and number of points in force and drag coefficient table, 1 input line NODAL-COMP-ID NFZ COMP-ID: character(8): Component identifier NFZ: integer >= 1: Number of points in the force/drag force coefficient versus vertical position table Vertical position and corresponding vertical load and drag force coefficient, NFZ input lines. This feature is meant for modelling e.g. buoyancy modules that may float to the surface. Z(i) Fz(i) CDFz(i) Z: real: Vertical position (global reference system). Dummy if NFZ=1 \(\mathrm {[L]}\) Fz: real: Corresponding vertical force \(\mathrm {[F]}\) CDFz: real: Corresponding drag force coefficient \(\mathrm {[FT^2/L^2]}\) Interpolation within table. Constant values outside the table