Environment Specification 1. 1 input line. ENVIronment DATA SPECification 2. Text for describing all environmental conditions, 3 input lines. TXENV TXENV: character(60): Environmental conditions description One or more instances of data groups Regular waves, Irregular waves, Wind and Current can be included after this data group. 3. Regular waves 1 identifying input line REGUlar WAVE SPECification 1 input line CHREWA CHREWA: character(8): Regular wave condition identifier 1 input line NREGWA NREGWA: integer: Number of regular waves NREGWA input lines WAVAMP WAVPER PHASE DIR WAVAMP: real: Wave amplitude, \(\mathrm {[L]}\) WAVPER: real: Wave period, \(\mathrm {[T]}\) PHASE: real: Phase angle according to the Theory Manual, \(\mathrm {[deg]}\) DIR: real: Wave propagation direction, \(\mathrm {[deg]}\) 4. Irregular waves When unidirectional waves are used (IWADR1 = 0), the wave elevation may be read from an ASCII file. See Reading wave elevation from file. 1 identifying input line IRREgular WAVE SPECification 1 input line CHIRWA CHIRWA: character(8): Irregular wave condition identifier 1 input line IWASP1 IWADR1 IWASP2 IWADR2 IWASP1: integer: Wave spectrum type code, wind sea = 11: Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum with 1 parameter = 12: Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum with 2 parameters (average wave period) - ISSC = 13: Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum with 2 parameters (zero crossing wave period) = 21: JONSWAP spectrum with 6 parameters = 22: JONSWAP spectrum with 2 parameters = 23: JONSWAP spectrum with 3 parameters = 24: Double peaked spectrum (Torsethaugen) = 31: Ochi-Hubble spectrum with 1 parameter =100: Numerically defined spectrum IWADR1: integer: Wave spreading code, wind sea, dummy if IWASP1=100 = 0: unidirectional = 1: cos spreading function IWASP2: integer: Wave spectrum type code, swell = 0: no swell spectrum > 0: As for IWASP1 IWADR2: integer: Wave spreading code, swell, dummy if IWASP2=0 = 0: unidirectional = 1: cos spreading function If IWASP1=100, IWASP2 must be 0 1 identifying input line WAVE SPECtrum WIND For IWA5P1=11, Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum with 1 parameter SIWAHE SIWAHE: real: Significant wave height, \(\mathrm {[L]}\) For IWASP1=12, Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum with 2 parameters SIWAHE AVWAPE SIWAHE: real: Significant wave height, \(\mathrm {[L]}\) AVWAPE: real: Average wave period, \(\mathrm {[T]}\) For IWASP1=13, Pierson-Moskowitz sectrum with 2 parameters SIWAHE ZCWAPE SIWAHE: real: Significant wave height, \(\mathrm {[L]}\) ZCWAPE: real: Zero-crossing wave period, \(\mathrm {[T]}\) For IWASP1=21, JONSWAP spectrum with six parameters OMEGA ALPHA BETA GAMMA SIGA SIGB OMEGA: real: Peak frequency, \(\mathrm {\omega _p}\), \(\mathrm {[rad}/T]\) ALPHA: real: Spectrum parameter \(\mathrm {\alpha }\) BETA: real, default: 1.25: Form parameter, \(\mathrm {\beta }\) GAMMA: real, default: 3.3: Peakedness parameter, \(\mathrm {\gamma }\) SIGA: real, default: 0.07: Spectrum parameter \(\mathrm {\sigma _a}\) SIGB: real, default: 0.09: Spectrum parameter \(\mathrm {\sigma _b}\) For IWASP1=22, JONSWAP spectrum with 2 parameters SIWAHE TPEAK SIWAHE: real: Significant wave height, \(\mathrm {[L]}\) TPEAK: real: Peak period, \(\mathrm {T_p}\), \(\mathrm {[T]}\) For IWASP1=23, JONSWAP spectrum with 3 parameters SIWAHE TPEAK GAMMA SIWAHE: real: Significant wave height, \(\mathrm {[L]}\) TPEAK: real: Peak period, \(\mathrm {T_p}\), \(\mathrm {[T]}\) GAMMA: real, default: 3.3: Peakedness parameter, \(\mathrm {\gamma }\) For IWASP1=24, Double peaked JONSWAP spectrum with 2 parameters (described by Torsethaugen) SIWAHE TPEAK SIWAHE: real: Significant wave height, \(\mathrm {[L]}\) TPEAK: real: Peak period, \(\mathrm {T_p}\), \(\mathrm {[T]}\) For IWA5P1=31, Ochi-Hubble spectrum with 1 parameter SIWAHE SIWAHE: real: Significant wave height, \(\mathrm {[L]}\) Ref.: M. K. Ochi and E. N. Hubble (1976): Six-parameter Wave Spectra, Coastal Engineering For IWASP1=100, numerically defined spectrum, 1 input line NWFRE NWDIR NWFRE: integer: Number of wave frequencies NWDIR: integer: Number of wave directions or CHFILE CHFILE: character(4): Indicator for irregular wave specification read from external file = FILE: Irregular wave specification read from external file The next input line are given only if CHFILE=FILE File name for irregular wave specification, one input line IRRWAV_FILENAME IRRWAV_FILENAME: character(256): Character string giving path and file name for irregular wave specification Note that the format and layout of the external file has to be identical to the irregular wave description starting with the input line: NWFRE NWDIR and else as specified below and is only to be described on the external file. For IWASP1=100, 1 input line WADIR(1) ... WADIR(NWDIR) WADIR: real: Wave propagation direction, \(\mathrm {[deg]}\) Wave propagation direction (NWDIR+1)/2 is used as average wave direction in DYNMOD in cases where responses are pregenerated in a range around the average direction. For IWASP1=100, NWAFRE input lines WAFREi SPVAL(1,i) ... SPVAL(NWDIR,i) WAFREi: real: Wave frequency, \(\mathrm {[rad}/T]\) SPVAL: real: Spectrum value, \([L^2T/\mathrm {rad]}\) 1 identifying input line if IWASP2 != 0. WAVE SPECtrum SWELl This data group requires the same data as WAVE SPECtrum WIND. 1 identifying input line if IWASP1 != 100 WAVE DIREction PARAmeters 1 input line WADIR1 EXKPO1 NDIR1 WADIR1: real: Average wave propagation direction, wind sea, \(\mathrm {[deg]}\) EXPO1: real, default: 2: Exponent \(\mathrm {\eta }\) in cos spreading function, wind sea NDIR1: integer, default: 11: Number of directions in spreading function, must be uneven 1 input line if IWASP2 != 0 WADIR2 EXPO2 NDIR2 WADIR2: real: Average wave propagation direction, swell, \(\mathrm {[deg]}\) EXPO2: integer, default: 2: Exponent \(\mathrm {\eta }\) in cos spreading function, swell NDIR2: integer, default: 11: Number of directions in spreading function, must be uneven 5. Wind Wind velocity and direction may be read from an ASCII file. See Reading wind time series from file. 1 identifying input line WIND SPECification 1 input line CHWIND CHWIND: character(8): Wind condition identifier 1 input line IWITYP IWITYP: integer: Wind type = 1: Davenport spectrum = 2: Harris spectrum = 3: Wills (modified Harris) spectrum = 4: Sletringen spectrum = 5: ISO 19901-1 (NPD) wind spectrum = 6: API wind spectrum = 7: ESDU wind spectrum =10: Stationary uniform wind with shear, values interpolated at grid points =11: Fluctuating uniform 2-component wind =12: Fluctuating 3-component wind read from files (IECWind format) =13: Fluctuating 3-component wind read from files (TurbSim format) =14: Stationary uniform wind with shear Sletringen and ISO 19901-1 (NPD) wind spectra applies only for extreme wind speeds, typically 1, 10 or 100 year return values. The API wind spectrum is representing typhoon wind conditions. The wind types 10-13 are intended for wind turbine analyses. However, they may also be applied for other type of analysis. It should be noted that for these wind types the wind velocity time series will be the same for all bodies in the system. For the fluctuating 3-component wind (IWITYP=12), only the fluctuating part of the wind is given in the wind input files. The mean wind speed UMVEL given below is added to the yield the total wind velocity in the longitudinal direction. The input files must conform to the 3-dimensional 3-component wind time series from the rectangular IEC format (See Thomsen, K., 2006. Mann turbulence for the IEC Code Comparison Collaborative (OC3). Risø National Laboratory). More specifically they must include time series of wind velocity in binary format, with a 3-dimensional array having indices in vertical direction running fastest, then indices in lateral direction and indices in longitudinal direction running slowest. For wind files from NREL’s TurbSim (IWITYP=13), the mean wind speed and shear are included in the binary files. The input files must be generated by TurbSim with WrBLFF=True. Both the .wnd file and .sum file are needed. Wind spectrum parameters for IWITYP = 1,2,3 1 input line. WIDIR ZREF ALPHWI WINREF LEN FRIC NZ Z_MIN Z_MAX EXTOP WIDIR: real: Wind propagation direction \(\mathrm {[deg]}\) ZREF: real, default: 10: Reference height for wind velocity \(\mathrm {[L]}\) ALPHWI: real, default: 0.11: Wind profile exponent WINREF: real: Average velocity at ZREF \(\mathrm {[L/T]}\) LEN: real, default: 1200: Reference length of wind turbulence \(\mathrm {[L]}\) FRIC: real, default: 0.002: Surface drag coefficient, dummy for IWITYP=3. Also used for transverse gust spectrum, if specified in DYNMOD NZ: integer, default: 1: Number of levels in vertical domain (only relevant when transverse gust is used in DYNMOD) Z_MIN, real, default: 0.0: Lower limit of vertical domain Z_MAX, real, default: 0.0: Upper limit of vertical domain EXTOP, character(60), default: 'ERROR': Behaviour outside vertical domain ERROR: Computing wind velocity outside specified boundaries causes an error CONSTANT: Wind fluctuations for Z_MIN/Z_MAX is used outside vertical domain Wind spectrum parameters for IWITYP = 4, 1 input line. WIDIR ZREF ALPHWI WINREF GAMMA FRIC NZ Z_MIN Z_MAX EXTOP WIDIR: real: Wind propagation direction \(\mathrm {[deg]}\) ZREF: real: Reference height for wind velocity \(\mathrm {[L]}\), fixed = 10 m (dummy input) ALPHWI: real, default: 0.11: Wind profile exponent, dummy input WINREF: real: 1 hour average velocity at 10 m \(\mathrm {[L/T]}\) GAMMA: real, default: 10: Temperature stability parameter \(\mathrm {[/L]}\) FRIC: real, default: 0.002: Surface drag coefficient (only used for transverse gust spectrum, if specified in DYNMOD) NZ: integer, default: 1: Number of levels in vertical domain Z_MIN, real, default: 0.0: Lower limit of vertical domain Z_MAX, real, default: 0.0: Upper limit of vertical domain EXTOP, character(60), default: 'ERROR': Behaviour outside vertical domain ERROR: Computing wind velocity outside specified boundaries causes an error CONSTANT: Wind fluctuations for Z_MIN/Z_MAX is used outside vertical domain Wind spectrum parameters for IWITYP = 5, 1 input line. WIDIR ZREF ALPHWI WINREF GAMMA FRIC NZ Z_MIN Z_MAX EXTOP WIDIR: real: Wind propagation direction \(\mathrm {[deg]}\) ZREF: real: Reference height for wind velocity \(\mathrm {[L]}\) ALPHWI: real, default: 10: Wind profile exponent WINREF: real, default: 0.11: 1 hour average velocity at 10 m \(\mathrm {[L/T]}\) GAMMA: real: dummy (but must be given) FRIC: real, default: 0.002: Surface drag coefficient (used for transverse gust spectrum, if specified in DYNMOD) NZ: integer, default: 1: Number of levels in vertical domain Z_MIN, real, default: 0.0: Lower limit of vertical domain Z_MAX, real, default: 0.0: Upper limit of vertical domain EXTOP, character(60), default: 'ERROR': Behaviour outside vertical domain ERROR: Computing wind velocity outside specified boundaries causes an error CONSTANT: Wind fluctuations for Z_MIN/Z_MAX is used outside vertical domain Wind spectrum parameters for IWITYP = 6, 1 input line. WIDIR FREPA ALPHWI WINREF THICK FRIC NZ Z_MIN Z_MAX EXTOP WIDIR: real: Wind propagation direction \(\mathrm {[deg]}\) FREPA: real, default: 0.025: Frequency parameter ALPHWI: real, default: 0.125: Wind profile exponent WINREF: real: 1 hour average velocity at 10 m \(\mathrm {[L/T]}\) THICK: real, default: 20: Surface Layer Thickness FRIC: real, default: 0.002: Surface drag coefficient (used for transverse gust spectrum, if specified in DYNMOD) NZ: integer, default: 1: Number of levels in vertical domain Z_MIN, real, default: 0.0: Lower limit of vertical domain Z_MAX, real, default: 0.0: Upper limit of vertical domain EXTOP, character(60), default: 'ERROR': Behaviour outside vertical domain ERROR: Computing wind velocity outside specified boundaries causes an error CONSTANT: Wind fluctuations for Z_MIN/Z_MAX is used outside vertical domain Wind spectrum parameters for IWITYP = 7, 1 input line. WIDIR ALPHWI WINREF PSI FRIC NZ Z_MIN Z_MAX EXTOP WIDIR: real: Wind propagation direction \(\mathrm {[deg]}\) ALPHWI: real, default: 0.11: Wind profile exponent WINREF: real: 1 hour average velocity at 10 m \(\mathrm {[L/T]}\) PSI: real: Site latitude in decimal degrees \(\mathrm {[deg]}\) FRIC: real, default: 0.002: Surface drag coefficient (used for transverse gust spectrum, if specified in DYNMOD) NZ: integer, default: 1: Number of levels in vertical domain Z_MIN, real, default: 0.0: Lower limit of vertical domain Z_MAX, real, default: 0.0: Upper limit of vertical domain EXTOP, character(60), default: 'ERROR': Behaviour outside vertical domain ERROR: Computing wind velocity outside specified boundaries causes an error CONSTANT: Wind fluctuations for Z_MIN/Z_MAX is used outside vertical domain Wind direction for IWITYP = 10, 1 input line. WIDIR WIDIR: real: Wind propagation direction, \(\mathrm {[deg]}\) Wind velocity for IWITYP = 10, 1 input line UMVEL VMVEL WMVEL UMVEL: real: Longitudinal wind velocity component \(\mathrm {[L/T]}\) VMVEL: real: Lateral wind velocity component \(\mathrm {[L/T]}\) WMVEL: real: Vertical wind velocity component \(\mathrm {[L/T]}\) The parameters UMVEL and VMVEL refer to the direction given by the WIDIR parameter Number of levels in shear profile for IWITYP = 10, 1 input line NZPROF NZPROF: integer: Number of vertical levels for defining the shear profile Velocity profile definition for IWITYP = 10, NZPROF input lines. ZLEV UMFACT VMFACT WMFACT ZLEV: real: Vertical coordinate of profile level \(\mathrm {[L]}\) UMFACT: real: Wind speed scaling factor for the longitudinal wind velocity VMFACT: real: Wind speed scaling factor for the lateral wind velocity WMFACT: real: Wind speed scaling factor for the vertical wind velocity Wind field domain location for IWITYP = 10, 1 input line. Z0 Z0: real: Z coordinate of the lower edge of the wind field domain \(\mathrm {[L]}\) Domain size for IWITYP = 10, 1 input line. NZ NZ: integer: Number of grid points in Z- (vertical) direction Domain resolution for IWITYP = 10, 1 input line. DLWFZ DLWFZ: real: Domain resolution in Z- (vertical) direction \(\mathrm {[L]}\) Wind input parameter for IWITYP = 11, 1 input lines. WIDIR WIDIR: real: Wind propagation direction, \(\mathrm {[deg]}\) Wind data file name for IWITYP = 11, 1 input line: CHWF CHWF: character(256): Path and filename for import of wind velocity time series. See Reading wind time series from file for explanation on file format. Mean wind direction for IWITYP = 12, 1 input line. WIDIR WIDIR: real: Wind propagation direction, \(\mathrm {[deg]}\) Mean wind velocity for IWITYP = 12, 1 input line. UMVEL UMVEL: real: Mean wind speed (along WIDIR direction) \(\mathrm {[L/T]}\) Number of levels in shear profile for IWITYP = 12, 1 input line. NZPROF NZPROF: integer: Number of vertical levels for defining the shear profile Velocity profile definition for IWITYP = 12, NZPROF input lines. ZLEV UMFACT UFACT VFACT WFACT ZLEV: real: Vertical coordinate of profile level \(\mathrm {[L]}\) UMFACT: real: Wind speed scaling factor for the mean wind speed UFACT: real: Wind speed scaling factor for fluctuating part of the longitudinal wind velocity VFACT: real: Wind speed scaling factor for the lateral wind velocity WFACT: real: Wind speed scaling factor for the vertical wind velocity Name of file containing the fluctuating longitudinal wind time series, IWITYP = 12, 1 input line CHWFU CHWFU: character(256): Character string giving path and filename for the fluctuating U-component wind time series Name of file containing the fluctuating lateral wind time series, IWITYP = 12, 1 input line CHWFV CHWFV: character(256): Character string giving path and filename for the fluctuating V-component wind time series Name of file containing the fluctuating vertical wind time series, IWITYP = 12, 1 input line CHWFW CHWFW: character(256): Character string giving path and filename for the fluctuating W-component wind time series Wind field domain position for IWITYP = 12, 1 input line. X0LL Y0LL Z0LL X0LL: real: X-coordinate of the lower left corner of the upstream border of the wind field domain \(\mathrm {[L]}\) Y0LL: real: Y-coordinate of the lower left corner of the wind field domain \(\mathrm {[L]}\) Z0LL: real: Z-coordinate of the lower left corner of the wind field domain \(\mathrm {[L]}\) These three coordinates defines one of the corners of the wind field domain, which is defined as a rectangular cuboid. The coordinates refers to a coordinate system centred at the global origin, with the x-axis (longitudinal direction) pointing in the down-stream mean wind speed direction and the z-axis coincident with the global z-axis. Domain size for IWITYP = 12, 1 input line. NX NY NZ NX: integer: Number of grid points in X- (longitudinal) direction NY: integer: Number of grid points in Y- (lateral) direction NZ: integer: Number of grid points in Z- (vertical) direction Field size for IWITYP = 12, 1 input line. LWFX LWFY LWFZ LWFX: real: Field size in X- (longitudinal) direction \(\mathrm {[L]}\) LWFY: real: Field size in Y- (lateral) direction \(\mathrm {[L]}\) LWFZ: real: Field size in Z- (vertical) direction \(\mathrm {[L]}\) Buffer size for IWITYP = 12, 1 input line. NSLICE NSLICE: integer, default: 10: Buffer size: Number of wind cross-sectional planes (Slices) in memory Mean wind direction for IWITYP = 13, 1 input line. WIDIR WIDIR: real: Wind propagation direction, \(\mathrm {[deg]}\) Name of binary (.wnd) file containing the TurbSim fluctuating wind time series for IWITYP = 13, one input line CHWFTW CHWFTW: character(256): Path and filename for the binary TurbSim (.wnd) file Name of the summary (.sum) file from TurbSim for IWITYP = 13, one input line CHWFTS CHWFTS: character(256): Path and filename for the summary TurbSim (.sum) file The wind field domain- and field size are extracted from the TurbSim .sum file. The wind field domain location in the global coordinate system is not given explicitly by the user. The vertical position of the wind field center is the same as in TurbSim; i.e. taken as the hub height given on the turbsim .sum file. Horizontally, the wind field is positioned around the global origin, but with a half grid width downwind of the origin. Since the TurbSim wind is non-periodic, this is necessary to ensure that the entire turbine lies in the same part of the wind field at the start of the simulation. The wind at the global origin will thus not start at the first slice The wind field must be large enough to ensure that the whole structure is within the wind field during the entire simulation. As the TurbSim wind field is nonperiodic, the beginning and end of the wind field will not fit together. Buffer size for IWITYP = 13, one input line NSLICE NSLICE: integer, default: 800: Buffer size: Number of wind cross-sectional planes (Slices) in memory Note: Since TurbSim files are not periodic, time series are shifted by 1/2 Grid Width. The number of slices in memory must be greater than (Grid Width/MeanWindSpeed/WindFileTimeStep). Wind direction, velocity and shear profile type for IWITYP = 14, one input line WIDIR UMVEL WMVEL CH_SHEAR WIDIR: real: Wind propagation direction in global XY-plane \(\mathrm {[deg]}\) UMVEL: real: Longitudinal wind velocity component \(\mathrm {[L/T]}\) WMVEL: real: Vertical (global Z-axis) wind velocity component \(\mathrm {[L/T]}\) CH_SHEAR: character(4): Shear profile type NONE - No shear profile POWR - Power shear profile LOGA - Logarithmic shear profile UMVEL is the wind velocity in the direction WIDIR. Power shear profile input for IWITYP = 14 and CH_SHEAR = POWR, one input line ZREF ALPHA ZREF: real: Reference height \(\mathrm {[L]}\) ALPHA: real: Wind shear exponent \(\mathrm {[-]}\) The power shear profile is given as \[\bar{u}(z)=\bar{u_r}(\frac{z}{z_r})^\alpha\] where \(z\) height above water plane \(z_r\) reference height, normally \(10 ~ \mathrm{m}\) \(\bar{u_r}\) average velocity at the reference height \(z_r\) above the calm water level \(\alpha\) height coefficient \((0.10 - 0.14)\) \(\bar{u}\) average velocity at height \(z\) Logarithmic shear profile input for IWITYP = 14 and CH_SHEAR = LOGA, one input line ZREF Z0 ZREF: real: Reference height \(\mathrm {[L]}\) Z0: real: Roughness length \(\mathrm {[L]}\) The logarithmic shear profile is given as \[\bar{u}(z)=\bar{u_r}(\frac{\ln(\frac{z}{z_0})}{\ln(\frac{z_r}{z_0})})\] where \(z\) height above water plane \(z_0\) height for zero wind speed \(z_r\) reference height, normally \(10 ~ \mathrm{m}\) \(\bar{u_r}\) average velocity at the reference height \(z_r\) above the calm water level \(\bar{u}\) average velocity at height \(z\) 6. Current 1 identifying input line CURRent SPECification 1 input line CHCURR L_EXTERN CHCURR: character(8): Current condition identifier L_EXTERN: integer, default: 0: Flag describing if current data is given in this input file, or if it shall be read from a separate file = 0: Data specified in this input file = 1: Data read from external file For details on the external file format, confer the CURMOD user documentation. IF L_EXTERN = 0, 1 input line NCUR NCUR: integer: Number of current levels IF L_EXTERN = 0, Current parameters, NCUR lines CURVEL CURDIR CURLEV CURVEL: real: Current velocity, \(\mathrm {[L/T]}\) CURDIR: real: Current propagation direction, \(\mathrm {[deg]}\) CURLEV: real: Global z-coordinate of current level, \(\mathrm {[L]}\) IF L_EXTERN = 1, 1 input line CURRFILE CURRFILE: character(120): Name of external file with specified current data Coupling Specification File Termination