Program Layout The program system consists of five programs or modules communicating via a file system as shown below. A complete dynamic analysis must include running the modules STAMOD and DYNMOD. Post processing or export of results is done by OUTMOD or alternatively S2XMOD. However, an efficient data base system simplifies the work during the analysis by storing input data and intermediate results. The layout of the program system is presented in the figure below. Each module will be further detailed in the following. Figure 1. Layout of the SIMO program system and file communication between modules 1. STAMOD, initial condition and static equilibrium The purpose of the module is to define the initial condition for the dynamic simulation. The description of the system to be simulated is read from a file, SYSFIL. Selection between environmental conditions can be done. A static equilibrium position may be calculated with average environmental forces applied. Natural periods and oscillation modes of the system may be calculated. The initial conditions are written to the file INIFIL for use by DYNMOD. 2. DYNMOD, dynamic response calculation The purpose of the module is to calculate responses in the time domain. Before starting time integration of the equation of motion, the various simulation parameters must be initialized. 3. S2XMOD, export of time series The purpose of the module is to export result from dynamic analysis, i.e. time series to various file formats. In present version export to MATLAB ("m"-file), export to ASCII-file and export to DIRECT ACCESS file are available. In addition the module provides simple statistics and plot of time series. 4. SimVis, 3D visualization program Stand-alone program for 3-dimensional visualization of static and dynamic analysis, based on GLView. 5. File system When running the SIMO modules, different kind of files are needed. Each module communicates to terminal (or reads a macro file) and generates output on the print file. The system description file, SYSFIL, contains a description of bodies, couplings and environmental data. It is a symbolic data file which is read by STAMOD. The initial condition file, INIFIL, is generated by STAMOD. If only modifications to an already defined initial condition are required, STAMOD can also read INIFIL. DYNMOD reads INIFIL to fetch the system to be simulated. The pregenerated data file, PREFIL is used for internal storage of simulation parameters in DYNMOD. The time series file, TSFIL, contains all time series. It is generated by DYNMOD. The default file name system utilizes the system identifier and initial condition identifiers, chsys and chini. Both contain up to 8 characters. At the beginning of each module, it is asked if default file names should be used. The default file names will be: File type Short name File name syntax Example, chsys=s1, chini=i1 System description file SYSFIL sys[- chsys].dat sys-s1.dat Initial condition file INIFIL ini[- chsys[- chini]].sam ini-s1-i1.sam Print from STAMOD PRSFIL prs[- chsys].lis prs-s1.lis Print from DYNMOD PRDFIL prd[- chsys[- chini]].lis prd-s1-i1.lis Pregenerated data file PREFIL pre[- chsys[- chini]].sam pre-s1-i1.sam Time series file TSFFIL tsf[- chsys[- chini]].ffi tsf-s1-i1.ffi 6. Running SIMO SIMO is normally started by typing simo at the command line prompt in the operating system. The system then typically responds by: ********************************************************** * WELCOME TO * * * * SSSSSSSSSS III MMMMM MMMM OOOOOOOO * * SSSSSSSSSSSS III MMMMM MMMMM OOOOOOOOOO * * SSS III MMMMMM MMMMMM OOO OOO * * SSS III MMM MMMMM MMM OOO OOO * * SSSSSSSSSS III MMM MMM MMM OOO OOO * * SSSSSSSSSSS III MMM M MMM OOO OOO * * SSS III MMM MMM OOO OOO * * SSS III MMM MMM OOO OOO * * SSSSSSSSSSS III MMM MMM OOOOOOOOOO * * SSSSSSSSS III MMM MMM OOOOOOOO * * * * SIMULATION OF COMPLEX MARINE OPERATIONS * ********************************************************** Enter system identification > sysa Enter initial condition identification > inib I-> SELECTION OF PROGRAM MODULE I I INP - SIMO INPMOD I STA - SIMO STAMOD I DYN - SIMO DYNMOD I OUT - SIMO OUTMOD I PLO - SIMO/RIFLEX PLOMOD I S2X - SIMO S2XMOD I I PINP - Print postscript inpmod/stamod/outmod file (simo.plt) I PPLO - Print postscript plomod file (pscr-meta.dat) I I DEF - Redefine default files (for default file names) I LIS - List identifiers (for default file name) I I TERM - Terminate I Select option > The user is first asked to specify the system identifier and initial condition identifier. They are described in previous sections, and are used to transfer default file names between the modules. The user has the following options: switch between the program modules send print files to printer change default file names terminate SIMO program system If for example the INPMOD module is selected, the system will respond with the following: *************************************************** * * * III N N PPPP M M OOO DDDD * * I NN N P P MM MM O O D D * * I N N N PPPP M M M O O D D * * I N NN P M M O O D D * * III N N P M M OOO DDDD * * * * Version 2 Release 2 * * * * Module linked at 27-OCT-1994 11:02 * *************************************************** System identifier . . . . . . . : sysa Initial condition identifier. . : inib Use default file names ? (Y) : The module name, version and release number and the link date/time, the system and initial condition identifiers appear on the screen. It is strongly recommended to use default file names. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! File : pri-sysa.lis ! ! has been opened as PRINT FILE ! +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ The module allows test print from maximum 10 routines Specify number of routines ( 0 ) : The following default plotting parameters are used: --------------------------------------------------- Screen device : 72 Plotting device : 90 Plot file : simo.plt Use default values ? (Y) : The file name for printed output from the module is displayed. Error messages will be written on this file. There is an option for output of test print from the different program modules. It can be used for debugging purposes in cooperation and on instruction from program system aministrator, and normally the number of routines for test print should be set to 0 (default value). All modules except DYNMOD generate plots. These can either be seen on screen or sent to postscript files. The default names are simo.plt or pscr-meta.dat (PLOMOD). These files can be opened in i.e. Ghostview and then copied directly into i.e. Microsoft Word. The following plotting devices are available: Principles for Use Use of STAMOD