1. How to create a post processor task from scratch This example will show how to create a simple post processor. The SIMO Heavy lifting operation example case will be used to create analysis results (data), and the post processor specification will be created from scratch. 1.1. Import the SIMO task to get analysis results from From the Help menu choose Examples > SIMO > Heavy lifting operation. This creates a SIMO task in SIMA. 1.2. Run the default initial condition in the HeavyLifting task In the navigator expand the model tree under the HeavyLifting task. expand the Conditions folder right click the Initial condition select Run dynamic analysis from the popup menu. This will create initial, static and dynamic results in the Results folder under the Initial condition. Figure 1. Run Inital condition 1.3. Create a post processor task In the navigator Right click on an empty area in the navigator and select New > Post Processor Task. Click the Finish button in the wizard. This will add a post processor task named PostProcessorTask in the navigator. Figure 2. Create a post-processor task Figure 3. Navigator 1.4. Open the post processor specification editor Expand the post processor task and double click the specification named spec You may have several specifications in one post processor task. SIMA will now look similar to this: Figure 4. Post-processor editor 1.5. Connect the post processor to the results created in the HeavyLifting task In the right hand palette of the specification editor there are several categories of post processing tools and functions. Select the Condition Result operator under the Input category. Drag og drop it to the specification editor. You may move the operator where ever you like in this editor by holding the left button on the mouse over the operator whilst moving it around. Double click the Condition Result operator and select the Initial condition from the HeavyLifting task. Right click the Condition Result, and choose Run from start This will add the data to the post processor. You can inspect the results by clicking onm the output slot Out on the Condition Result operator. Rename the Condition Result to HeavyLifting.Initial, by right-click the Condition Result and type in the new name (i.e. HeavyLifting.Initial). Figure 5. Connect the post processor to the results Figure 6. Run from start 1.6. Add a plot operator Select the Plot operator under the Output category in the palette and place it adjacent to the Condition Result operator. 1.7. Connect the operators Click in the out slot on the (now named) HeavyLifting.Initial operator and then connect the in slot of the Plot operator. 1.8. Inspect the results Double click the Plot operator to open a plot editor where you may inspect all static and dynamic results from the Initial condition in the HeavyLifting task. The tree viewer to the right on the plot view reflects the Results folder you can find by double-clicking Conditions > Initial > Results in the HeavyLifting task in the navigator. 1.9. Narrow down the series of interest from results available Usually there are some specific results you are interested in inspecting - not all (as we have now). Select signals by using the Signal Selection operator in the Signal Structure category Place it between the HeavyLifting.Initial operator and the Plot operator. SIMA should now looks something like this: Figure 7. View in SIMA The tree viewer in the mid section called Input signals contains the signals coming into the connection The tree view all to the right (you might to use the horizontal scroll bar) contains the results coming out of the connection Expand the tree viewer in the mid section called Input signals Initial > Dynamic > Platform > Wave elevation > Totalwaveelevation Choose the Totalwaveelevation item Right click the HeavyLifting item in the tree viewer on the right hand side and choose Expand. As you now will see the only result going out of the connection is the Totalwaveeleveation result for the Platform body in the task. Figure 8. Selected signals 1.10. Inspect the results Inspect by Double click the Plot operator to open the plot viewer. Right click the HeavyLifting item in the tree viewer in the plot editor and choose Expand or type * in the cell above where it is written type filter text Select the Totalwaveelevation signal and observe the plot. 1.11. Add a Window Select the Window under the Filtering category in the palette and add it to the editor. Double click the Window operator and set the end value to 17. 1.12. Add Peaks Select Peaks under the Statistics category in the palette and add it to the editor. 1.13. Connect all the new operators between the HeavyLifting.Initial operator and the Plot operator Connect all operators in the following order HeavyLifting.Initial Signal selection Window Peaks Plot Figure 9. Connect the operator 1.14. Observe the processed results Double click the Plot operator, and expand and observe that there are two signals in the tree viewer. Expand both of them by right clicking and choose Expand. Select one signal after the other to observe the signals, choose both or select the Select all link under the tree viewer to plot the two signals together. The use of expand or * as an option is explained in Section Inspect the results. Figure 10. Wave signals 1.15. Change the Window chosen Double click the Window operator and set End to 30. Observe that the plot viewer immediately updates with the new processed signals. Double click Peaks and change the options at will whilst observing the plot viewer. SIMA now should look something like this: You might need to rerun the post-processor, see Run from start Figure 11. Peaks Post Processor Example of extreme value distribution