1. Units 1.1. Allowed units The following units are allowed: N, kN, tonne, m, ft, kg, Mg, lbs, s, h, C, deg, rad, Pa, year 1.2. Algebra on units It is possible to perform simple algebra on the units according to the following rules: Multiplication is denoted by *. A unit can contain any number of multiplication operations. Division is denoted by /. Only one division is allowed per unit. Note: any combination of symbols before and after a division operator is interpreted as if they were inside parentheses. A unit can be raised to the power N by invoking the operator ^. Examples: kN/m^2 is equivalent to kN/m*m is equivalent to kN/(m*m) N*m/s^2 is interpreted as (N*m)/(s^2) 1/1/s is not allowed. Signal Types Connection