1. How to get started with plots - Part 3 This is based on and a continuation of the how-to-do: How to get started with plots - Part 1 How to get started with plots - Part 2 Files used in this tutorial 2. Handy tools to make many plot in a workflow Workflow set This a workflow running another workflow in a loop Input Text box In this example it is used to set used to set the filter for the signals 3. Make workflow for plotting with signal filter input Copy the workflow created for plotting in step2 Give it a new name. here: wf_makeSinglePlot_filterSignal 4. Add a filter to choose one signal Two changes must be done in the workflow, wf_makeSinglePlot_filterSignal: Add a string called <filterTxt> . This variable is used to select/filter the signals passed in as <input>. Th reason is that we have to send all signals to the workflow and only want to use one signal in the plot. Use the Signal output Selection operator to filter the signal 5. Signal output Selection operator Add a variable as input for the filter Drag and drop the operator (Signal output Selection operator) into the work sheet Create an input variable for local scripting Call the variable filterTxt Set a script to filter the signal using the variable 6. Signal output Selection operator, cont. Use the text operator to create a filterTxt-box Connect the input and output slots as shown in the figure below 7. Call the workflow from main workflow Drag and drop the workflow set operation Connect the workflow set operation to the new workflow wf_makeSinglePlot_filterSignal Add input slots Make a selection of dynamic signal using the signal output selection operator Use * to chose axial force from all segments and elements 8. flatten Drag and drop the flatten operation into the workflow sheet Rename , here: flatten: remove folder structure 9. Make an array of signal name Extract signal name Use the Extract signal property operator Make an array Use the Merge Signal Operator Then you a have an array of names. You use this one to select one signal at the time in the loop. 10. Connect the slots 11. Run the total workflow Find resulting plots in storage task 12. Notes Compare results for different runs and/or models You may run several conditions in the same workflow sheet You may post process several conditions using the same post-processor See also How to get started with plots - Part 1 How to get started with plots - Part 2 How to make log-log-plots 13. Example files Get_started_with_plotting_3.stask How to get started with making plots - 2 How to make log-log-plots