Javascript in SIMA 1. Content assist Ctrl-space open the content assist The content assist contains all variables for the model The model object are also available in the content assist 2. Model objects & properties The model information is available using scripts. The model properties for the object are available by typing <objectname>. 3. Set variables using scripts Simple variables 4. Set as variable A variable name is suggested by SIMA The name can be changed by the user 5. Example: Set as variable in the environment peakPeriod is suggested by SIMA 6. Variable with conditionals 7. Set variables calling a script Define a script In this example it is called Add_two_numbers_Func 8. Set variables calling a script, cont. Syntax for the variable using the script 9. Set current environment using a string Set current and current depth as string Get the values at each point using index Split & indices 0 - 3 10. External scripts Make an equidistant signal 11. External scripts stored in storage task 12. Signals in SIMA 13. Javascript 14. Example Example scripting (SIMA 4.0) Create environments from javascript How to filter results