Import of HAWC2 files The importer only imports Timoschenko beam It is made for blades, i.e. tower, controller and shaft must be defined manually by the user in the HAWC2 folder describes the different blade models available 1. Change the *.htc file The input file for blade line should look like the screenshot below. Damping_aniso is not possible, so this must be damping_posdef. The values below is from DTU 10 MW, and not from IEA 15 MW. Filename is changed to the Timoschenko blade file Line below filename is removed since this is new in the latest version of HAWC2 2. Import file 3. Gyration radius The gyration radius is not set by the HAWC2 input file, and must be set by the user. By default -1 is set, in order to force the user to change this before running the simulation How to model impact with fixed elongation coupLing SIMO Depth dependent hydrodynamic coefficients