How to use condition and workflow as input 1. Main steps Import Example Condition as input Set workflow as input Make a loop running an array of conditions 2. Import example Import the example: Get_started_with_plotting_step1.stask The example is available at GitHub: Get_started_with_plotting_step1.stask The example is created using SIMA 4.0 3. Condition as input Open the workflow called Initial Click on Simple_Flexible_Riser.initial Click on the Input condition checkbox. The input slot condition is added SIMA will add a counter on the name if an task with the same name is already present in the workspace, i.e. Simple_Flexible_Riser2.initial in the picture to the right. Add the model input from the Palette Select condition as Type Select the Initial condition Rename the box to a user-friendly name and connect the model input to the input slot 4. Workflow as input Make a new workflow Move the post processing part in the workflow Initial to wf_plot in the workflow sheet wf_plot, do 5. In the workflow called Initial Replace the post processor part with a workflow Link the workflow to wf_plot Check-off Input as workflow Add model Input Rename to wf_as_input (or something you prefer) Connect the model input output slot to the slot called workflow The workflows used as input must have identical input and output. In this example Wf_plot and Wf_example The example to the right have one identical input (signal) and no outs The upper make a plot, the lower one does nothing 6. Run a set of conditions A set is simiar to a loop The approach is similar if you want to run a set of workflow as input Make a new environment in the Riflex task (Pierson Moskowitz, PM) Make a condition using the new environment Make a new workflow Give a new name (example: run_a_set_of_conditions) Add a workflow set from the palette to the workflow run_a_set_of_conditions Give the workflow set a name (example: run a set of conditions) 6.1. Final step .. Add model input from the palette and rename to conditions Check off for array Choose type condition Add conditions; here Initial CO_PM To compare the results add a workflow output in the Initial workflow Add the output to the workflow calling Initial Add a plot box to look at the the signals How to run a condition of a model How to make variants of a model (options)