How make variants of a model using Model Variation and java scripts 1. Options Model variation Use the feature called model variation Access using conditions Scripts See See Create environments from javascript 2. Model variation Step 1 Make a model variation Vary the model using Addition Removal Replacement Modification Step 2 Access the variation using a condition 3. Rename the model variation 4. Replacement 5. Make a condition using the variation 6. Addition and replacement In the model variation referred to in this example, addition and replacements is used To add a variation, choose addition and copy and paste from a model 7. New task with the variation You can make a new task with the variation 8. Run a set of model variations using workflows Make a inner workflow running a condition (run_single) Set condition as input and apply text string as input Make an outer workflow (run_multi) calling run_single and use the text string a loop variable 9. Workflow run_single 10. Workflow run_multi 11. Example files Model variation SIMA coordinate system How to paste from the clipboard