Run Time Domain VIV standalone Run standalone TDV analysis using RIFLEX INPMOD, STAMOD and DYNMOD modules Input files in ascii-format NOTE: The standalone SIMO/RIFLEX/VIVANA installation should be used. The SIMA installation is unsuitable for running RIFLEX modules directly. The input files are described in the RIFLEX User documentation [15]. The standalone SIMO/RIFLEX/VIVANA installation should be used as the SIMA installation is unsuitable for running RIFLEX modules directly. 1. Run standalone This can be done interactively or using the supplied scripts. The installation includes scripts for running in a BASH shell and a .bat file for running from a Windows command prompt. The scripts and .bat file can be run using the full path and file name or the by the file name only if the folder is in the path searched for commands 2. Input files The analysis should be performed in the folder containing the input files. One input file is required for each Riflex module, i.e. tdviv_inpmod.inp tdviv_stamod.inp tdviv_dynmod.inp The input files and format are described in the RIFLEX User documentation 3. Bash The BASH shell standard under Linux and m alternatives are WINDOWS using Git-bash, Cygwin or WSL *A time domain VIV analysis can be run from the command prompt using the vrr or riflex-c script 4. Bash using vrr The RIFLEX modules can be run in sequence using the vrr script In prompt and in the folder with input files: <folder>/riflex.bat <modules> <prefix> <folder> is the location of the script <modules> denotes running INPMOD (i), STAMOD (s) and DYNMOD (d) in sequence <prefix> is the prefix of the input files, example tdviv_inpmod.inp, dviv_stamod.inp and tdviv_dynmod.inp Example: C:/marintek/riflex_simo-4.18.0-Windows/Riflex/bin/vrr isd tdviv 5. Bash using riflex-c The RIFLEX modules can be run in sequence using the riflex-c script In prompt and in the folder with input files: <folder>/riflex-c <module> <prefix> <folder> is the location of the script <module> denotes running INPMOD (inpmod), STAMOD (stamod) or DYNMOD (dynmod) <prefix> is the prefix of the input files, example tdviv_inpmod.inp, dviv_stamod.inp and tdviv_dynmod.inp Example: C:/marintek/riflex_simo-4.18.0-Windows/Riflex/bin/riflex-c inpmod tdviv Example - Bash shell **Note: The folder names will vary depending on where RIFLEX is installed and where the input files are. 6. Windows Command Prompt A time domain VIV analysis can be run from the command prompt using the riflex.bat file In prompt and in the folder with input files: <folder>/riflex.bat <module> <prefix> <folder> is the location of the script <module> denotes running INPMOD (inpmod), STAMOD (stamod) or DYNMOD (dynmod) <prefix> is the prefix of the input files, example tdviv_inpmod.inp, dviv_stamod.inp and tdviv_dynmod.inp Example: C:/marintek/riflex_simo-4.18.0-Windows/Riflex/bin/riflex.bat inpmod tdviv Example - Windows command prompt Note: The folder names will vary depending on where RIFLEX is installed and where the input files are. 7. Output Analysis log and results: The SCII result files tdviv_inpmod.res, tdviv_stamod.res and tdviv_dynmod.res will contain echo of input, some results and any error messages id errors are encountered. Results Key results suitable for plotting are written to the files tdviv_stamod.mpf and tdviv_dynmod.mpf How to run RIFLEX standalone from the Windows command prompt How to run RIFLEX SIMO standalone