How to make a parameterized model 1. Main steps Import Example Make a new environement Add \(H_{s}\), \(T_{p}\) and seed as variables Create a new condition that can be used in a workflow 1.1. Import example Import the example In the left window, you can see the Riflex task for the Flexible Riser Open in 3D-view : Right click on task and chose Open 3D View 1.2. Make a new environment Give the environment ENV2 a new name using rename The new environment is called irrwave in this example Click on irrwave Choose Jonswap 3-parameter wave spectrum 1.3. Add Hs, Tp and seed as variables Right click on Significant wave height and peak period and choose Set as variable Choose OK if you are pleased with the name of the variable or change the variable name and then choose OK The cell is pink if the values are replaced by variables Add a value and a description In the folder Calculation parameters > Dynamic calculation 1.4. Create a new condition that can be used in a workflow Right click on Condition, choose New > Conditon Remove variables to make them available to be changed in a workflow SIMA How-tos How to run a condition of a model