1. How to get started with plots - Part 1

  • Run a case in SIMA

    • Use one of the examples in SIMA and run a condition

    • or

    • Make your own model and run a condition

  • Example

    • we use the simple flexible riser case in SIMA (see figure)

    • The initial condition is run and used to show how to make a plot


2. How to get results we can plot

  • Option 1 - use the condition and postprocessor

  • Run the initial condition

  • Create a post-processor with the results from the condition (here: Initial) as input

  • Option 2 - create a workflow

    • Create a workflow with a condition (here: Initial) as input

  • Run the created workflow

  • If you have tried out both option 1 and option 2, you will have something like this in your SIMA navigator

  • If you click on the post-processor called Initial, you will se the sheet to the right

  • If you clock on the workflow called Initial, you will se the sheet to the left


3. Handy tools to make a plot

  • You can drag and drop the tools into the workflow/post processor sheet

  • Signal Output Selection

    • This tool we use to sort signals types and to choose the signal we want to plot

  • Specify properties

    • This tools you can, among other thing, set legends on results

    • You can also specify plot related properties such as line width, line style, turn of/off statistics, on/off grid etc.

  • Plot

    • This one we use to make the plot

  • Connect it to the output you want to plot and run the plot node

  • You may set the size of the plot in the Configure tab

  • Your may change the Title, x and y-label by first making them editable


4. Notes

  • Compare results for different runs and/or models

    • You may run several conditions in the same workflow sheet

    • You may post process several conditions using the same post-processor

  • Also see

  • How to make log-log-plots