Import of HAWC2 files

  • The importer only imports Timoschenko beam

  • It is made for blades, i.e. tower, controller and shaft must be defined manually by the user

  • in the HAWC2 folder describes the different blade models available

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1. Change the *.htc file

  • The input file for blade line should look like the screenshot below.

  • Damping_aniso is not possible, so this must be damping_posdef. The values below is from DTU 10 MW, and not from IEA 15 MW.

  • Filename is changed to the Timoschenko blade file

  • Line below filename is removed since this is new in the latest version of HAWC2

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2. Import file

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3. Gyration radius

  • The gyration radius is not set by the HAWC2 input file, and must be set by the user. By default -1 is set, in order to force the user to change this before running the simulation

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