Run Time Domain VIV standalone

  • Run standalone TDV analysis using


    • Input files in ascii-format

  • NOTE: The standalone SIMO/RIFLEX/VIVANA installation should be used. The SIMA installation is unsuitable for running RIFLEX modules directly.

  • The input files are described in the RIFLEX User documentation [15]. The standalone SIMO/RIFLEX/VIVANA installation should be used as the SIMA installation is unsuitable for running RIFLEX modules directly.

1. Run standalone

  • This can be done interactively or using the supplied scripts.

  • The installation includes scripts for running in a BASH shell and a .bat file for running from a Windows command prompt.

  • The scripts and .bat file can be run

    • using the full path and file name

    • or

    • the by the file name only if the folder is in the path searched for commands

2. Input files

  • The analysis should be performed in the folder containing the input files.

  • One input file is required for each Riflex module, i.e.

    • tdviv_inpmod.inp

    • tdviv_stamod.inp

    • tdviv_dynmod.inp

    • The input files and format are described in the RIFLEX User documentation

3. Bash

  • The BASH shell

    • standard under Linux and m

    • alternatives are WINDOWS using Git-bash, Cygwin or WSL *A time domain VIV analysis can be run from the command prompt using the vrr or riflex-c script

4. Bash using vrr

  • The RIFLEX modules can be run in sequence using the vrr script

  • In prompt and in the folder with input files:

    • <folder>/riflex.bat <modules> <prefix>

    • <folder> is the location of the script

  • <modules> denotes running INPMOD (i), STAMOD (s) and DYNMOD (d) in sequence

  • <prefix> is the prefix of the input files, example tdviv_inpmod.inp, dviv_stamod.inp and tdviv_dynmod.inp

  • Example:

    • C:/marintek/riflex_simo-4.18.0-Windows/Riflex/bin/vrr isd tdviv

5. Bash using riflex-c

  • The RIFLEX modules can be run in sequence using the riflex-c script

  • In prompt and in the folder with input files:

    • <folder>/riflex-c <module> <prefix>

    • <folder> is the location of the script

    • <module> denotes running INPMOD (inpmod), STAMOD (stamod) or DYNMOD (dynmod)

    • <prefix> is the prefix of the input files, example tdviv_inpmod.inp, dviv_stamod.inp and tdviv_dynmod.inp

  • Example:

    • C:/marintek/riflex_simo-4.18.0-Windows/Riflex/bin/riflex-c inpmod tdviv

  • Example - Bash shell **Note: The folder names will vary depending on where RIFLEX is installed and where the input files are.

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6. Windows Command Prompt

  • A time domain VIV analysis can be run from the command prompt using the riflex.bat file

  • In prompt and in the folder with input files:

    • <folder>/riflex.bat <module> <prefix>

    • <folder> is the location of the script

    • <module> denotes running INPMOD (inpmod), STAMOD (stamod) or DYNMOD (dynmod)

    • <prefix> is the prefix of the input files, example tdviv_inpmod.inp, dviv_stamod.inp and tdviv_dynmod.inp

  • Example:

    • C:/marintek/riflex_simo-4.18.0-Windows/Riflex/bin/riflex.bat inpmod tdviv

  • Example - Windows command prompt

    • Note: The folder names will vary depending on where RIFLEX is installed and where the input files are.

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7. Output

  • Analysis log and results:

    • The SCII result files tdviv_inpmod.res, tdviv_stamod.res and tdviv_dynmod.res will contain echo of input, some results and any error messages id errors are encountered.

  • Results

    • Key results suitable for plotting are written to the files tdviv_stamod.mpf and tdviv_dynmod.mpf