1. How to get started with plots - Part 2

  • We use the simple flexible riser case found in SIMA examples

  • The initial condition is run and used to show how to make a plot calling a new workflow and copy the figure to a file in a storage task

    • Note: storage task is a folder that is visible on the SIMA navigator.

  • Files used in this tutorial

2. Why make a workflow for making a single plot ?

  • Note that this the same as calling a subroutine/function in for instance Matlab or python

  • You can use the workflow (note: function/subroutine) for several signals you want to plot

  • Using the variable possibilities in SIMA, you can make the plotting both flexible and generic

3. Make workflow for plotting

  • Make a new workflow

  • Give it a new name.

    • here: wf_makeSinglePlot

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4. Handy tools to make a plot in a workflow

  • Workflow input

    • Input to the workflow; in this case the input is the signal

  • Flatten

    • Removes the folder structure and convert this into a string

  • Rename

    • This is used to rename a signal

  • Extract signal property

    • Is used to extract properties of the signal. In this example we extract the name.

  • Plot

    • This one we use to make the plot

  • File copy

    • Copy the plot/figure to a folder

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5. Add workflow input

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  • We must add functionalities in the new workflow

  • You can step into the workflow using inspect

  • or by clicking on the name of the workflow in the navigator

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6. Call the workflow from main workflow

  • Drag and drop the workflow operation

  • Connect the workflow operation to the new workflow

  • Connect the output slot from signal selection to the workflow operation

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  • Select and Run the workflow

    • step into

    • You may check the incoming signals by slicking on the slots

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  • You can rerun the workflow using the input that you have sent by using:

    • Rerun workflow without clearing inspected inputs

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7. flatten

  • Drag and drop the flatten operation into the workflow sheet

  • Rename , here:

    • flatten: remove folder structure

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8. rename

  • Drag and drop the rename operation into the workflow sheet

  • Rename, here:

    • rename to signal to make it general

  • Call all signal that fits the path requirement * to signal

  • Connect the output slot from flatten to input slot of rename

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9. Extract property

  • Drag and drop the Extract property operation into the workflow sheet

  • Rename, here:

    • Extract Signal property: I get the name of the signal

  • Connect the output slot from flatten to input slot of Extract property

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10. Plot

  • Drag and drop the plot operation into the workflow sheet

  • Select the signal

  • Click on Fix plot

  • Then you may configure the plot

    • We will set the title to editable and set it as input

    • Change the font size

    • The plot will also be available for copying to file

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11. Change font size on x-axis, y-axis, title and legend

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12. Make a storage task

  • Make storage task for storing the plots in the SIMA workspace

  • Give it a name, here

    • ST_myPlots

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13. File copy

  • Drag and drop the file copy operation into workflow sheet

  • Rename; here

    • Copy plot to storage task

  • Connect to image slot

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  • Create input for local scripting

  • Give it a name, here: nameofSignal

  • Connect to extract property operation

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14. Set path as script in File copy

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  • Note: sima:// gives the path to the root of the SIMA workspace

15. Run the total workflow and find plot in storage task

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16. Notes