How to run a condition of a model in SIMA

1. What is a condition ?

A condition enables the user to perform simple or several parameter studies by altering selected variables.

  • This is the default condition which uses the first environment in the task and lists the variables declared in the task.

  • Run Static

    • Runs a static simulation of the task and lists the produced results in the Results\Static sub folder

  • Run Dynamic

    • Runs a dynamic simulation of the task and lists the produced results in the Results\Dynamic sub folder

  • This condition lets you choose the environment and choose which variables to include in the simulation if there are any.

2. How do you run a condition? Two alternative options.

  1. Option I:

    1. Run a condition in the navigator

    2. The default condition for a model is called Initial

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  1. Option II:

    1. Make a workflow and run then condition

    2. This is the preferred method running and post-processing data

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2.1. But what is a Workflow ?

  • The Workflow module is a powerful graphical tool for flexible combination of any set of tasks. Example of tasks are for instance a Riflex task, workflow task, met-ocean task etc,

References to user documentation:

A custom editor can only run conditions from a workflow.

3. Option I

3.1. Run a single condition in the navigator

  • Check the model using the Initial condition

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3.2. Run a condition, conditions set or condition space in the navigator

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You need to parameterize the model to use condition set or condition space
Post-processing of condition, conditions set or condition space run in the navigator can be done using post-processor or a workflow. The disadvantage is that you have to pre-run the condition in the navigator prior to running the post-processor or the workflow.

4. Options II

4.1. Run a condition in the workflow

  • The model condition is run using the workflow

  • Advantage

    • The workflow is the post-processor plus more possibilities.

    • Workflows can both run the conditions and do the post-processing

4.2. Run condition from a workflow

  • Create a worflow with the condition

  • Can be combined with post-processing

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5. Simple workflow example

  • Simple workflow

  • Run a Riflex condition & post-process data

  • Hs and Tp are variables in Riflex, but controlled by the workflow

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