How make variants of a model using Model Variation and java scripts

1. Options

  • Model variation

    • Use the feature called model variation

    • Access using conditions

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2. Model variation

  • Step 1

    • Make a model variation

    • Vary the model using

      • Addition

      • Removal

      • Replacement

    • Modification

  • Step 2

    • Access the variation using a condition

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3. Rename the model variation

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4. Replacement

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5. Make a condition using the variation

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6. Addition and replacement

  • In the model variation referred to in this example, addition and replacements is used

  • To add a variation, choose addition and copy and paste from a model

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7. New task with the variation

  • You can make a new task with the variation

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8. Run a set of model variations using workflows

  • Make a inner workflow running a condition (run_single)

  • Set condition as input and apply text string as input

  • Make an outer workflow (run_multi) calling run_single and use the text string a loop variable

9. Workflow run_single

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10. Workflow run_multi

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11. Example files