1. How to get started with plots - Part 3

2. Handy tools to make many plot in a workflow

  • Workflow set

    • This a workflow running another workflow in a loop

  • Input

    • Text box

    • In this example it is used to set used to set the filter for the signals

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3. Make workflow for plotting with signal filter input

  • Copy the workflow created for plotting in step2

  • Give it a new name.

    • here: wf_makeSinglePlot_filterSignal

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4. Add a filter to choose one signal

  • Two changes must be done in the workflow, wf_makeSinglePlot_filterSignal:

    • Add a string called <filterTxt> . This variable is used to select/filter the signals passed in as <input>. Th reason is that we have to send all signals to the workflow and only want to use one signal in the plot.

    • Use the Signal output Selection operator to filter the signal


5. Signal output Selection operator

  • Add a variable as input for the filter

    • Drag and drop the operator (Signal output Selection operator) into the work sheet

    • Create an input variable for local scripting

    • Call the variable filterTxt

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  • Set a script to filter the signal using the variable

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6. Signal output Selection operator, cont.

  • Use the text operator to create a filterTxt-box

  • Connect the input and output slots as shown in the figure below

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7. Call the workflow from main workflow

  • Drag and drop the workflow set operation

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  • Connect the workflow set operation to the new workflow

    • wf_makeSinglePlot_filterSignal

  • Add input slots

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  • Make a selection of dynamic signal using the signal output selection operator

  • Use * to chose axial force from all segments and elements

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8. flatten

  • Drag and drop the flatten operation into the workflow sheet

  • Rename , here:

    • flatten: remove folder structure

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9. Make an array of signal name

  • Extract signal name

    • Use the Extract signal property operator

  • Make an array

    • Use the Merge Signal Operator

  • Then you a have an array of names. You use this one to select one signal at the time in the loop.

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10. Connect the slots

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11. Run the total workflow

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  • Find resulting plots in storage task

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12. Notes