How to run RIFLEX standalone from a Windows command prompt

It is possible to run RIFLEX, VIVANA and SIMO as standalone. The easiest way is to install a Git Bash shell and use the "vcoupled" script that is distributed together with the standalone package.

RIFLEX and VIVANA can alternatively be run from a Windows Command prompt using the iflex.bat bat file.

1. Download package

  • Download and unzip the standalone package.

  • The riflex.bat file is located under the folder Riflex\bin:

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2. Windows Command Prompt

  • In prompt and in the folder with input files:

  • <folder>/riflex.bat <module> <prefix>

  • <folder> is the location of the script

  • <module> denotes running INPMOD (inpmod), STAMOD (stamod) or DYNMOD (dynmod)

  • <prefix> is the prefix of the input files, example tdviv_inpmod.inp, dviv_stamod.inp and tdviv_dynmod.inp

3. Example 1: run several modules 1/3

  • Go to a folder with the input files

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4. Example 1: run several modules 2/3

  • Run the RIFLEX modules in order, starting with INPMOD. For example

  • C:\ELIZ\PROG\riflex_simo-4.20.3+r37.7aec2539a-win64\Riflex\bin\riflex.bat inpmod stdin

  • C:\ELIZ\PROG\riflex_simo-4.20.3+r37.7aec2539a-win64\Riflex\bin\riflex.bat stamod stdin

  • C:\ELIZ\PROG\riflex_simo-4.20.3+r37.7aec2539a-win64\Riflex\bin\riflex.bat dynmod stdin

  • C:\ELIZ\PROG\riflex_simo-4.20.3+r37.7aec2539a-win64\Riflex\bin\riflex.bat outmod stdin

  • The modules names can be shortened as long as the initial letter remains. For example dynmod may be shortened to any of: d, dy, dyn, dynm or dynmo .

5. Example 1: run several modules 3/3

  • Some status information is printed as the analyses run:

  • The .res and .mpf files will contain results

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6. Example 2: runs OUTMOD after a SIMA (1/5)

  • Define a Fatigue Analysis and an SN curve (Fig 1)

  • Make sure that the results needed in OUTMOD are stored on the IFNDYN file (Fig 2)

Fig 1

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Fig 2 image::How-to-run-RIFLEX-standalone-from-Windows-command-prompt/1264185160-image17.png[]

7. Example 2: runs OUTMOD after a SIMA (2/5)

  • Run the dynamic analysis and find the folder that SIMA ran the analysis in. Choose "Explore" in the SIMA navigator

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8. Example 2: runs OUTMOD after a SIMA (3/5)

  • Copy the folder name by right-clicking at the top of the File Explorer window and choosing "Copy address":

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9. Example 2: runs OUTMOD after a SIMA (4/4)

  • Modify the OUTMOD input file sima_outmod.inp that SIMA has created.

Stress time series:
'iop     idof    it1     nts      isubst  nnelc
 1       4       1       400      0       1
'theta   inex    ioppre
 0.0     /       1
'iline   iseg    ielm
 riser     3       2
Stress envelope curves on the sima_outmod.mpf file:
' iline   ipdof1  ipdof2  ipdof3
  ALL     4
' tbeg    tend    iop     dur
  0.0     0.0     1
' npcs    ioppr   theta   inex
  4       0
' iopstr  asti    wsti    diasti  thi

10. Example 2: runs OUTMOD after a SIMA (4/4)

  • Move to the folder and run OUTMOD with riflex.bat:. E.g.

  • cd C:\Users\elizabep\SIMA Workspaces\20211203_test_sima_4.1.2\stdin\Initial\11-20211206113625

  • C:\ELIZ\PROG\riflex_simo-4.20.3+r37.7aec2539a-win64\Riflex\bin\riflex.bat outmod sima

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11. Final tip

  • If you add the folder containing riflex.bat to your PATH variable, you will not have to give the whole path every time you run riflex.bat