Nice to know

1. Make 3D view transparent - model view

904219853 image13
1550898101 image14

2. Show internal nodes

1364754051 image15
1309347763 image16

3. Get detailed info

  • Shift + click in the 3D view

  • Info

    • Components

    • Response

    • Location

  • You can find the info about the Line by clicking on for instance the bold face, blue text

223315887 image17
1460241098 image18

4. Measure distance between lines

  • Select point 1

    • shift - click on point 1

  • Select points 2

    • ctrl - click on point 2

51483350 image19

5. Read a bin-file in SIMA

  • If you a have a set of generated bin-files and the corresponding key-file, you can access the bin-files in SIMA

    • Use <file input> to read the files

    • Point to the bin-file

    • SIMA will read them similar to the h5-files:

1731400784 image20