Appendix E: System settings and licenses 1. Licensing 1.1. Getting the FLEXlm HOSTID of a PC The RIFLEX FLEXlm license file is generated for a specific computer, which is identified by its HOSTID. The HOSTID is the MAC address of the primary network card of the PC where the software will be run. The easiest way to get the MAC address is to run the command ipconfig/all >out.txt from the DOS command prompt. The out.txt file may be opened with a text editor, e.g. Notepad. The MAC address is given by the variable Physical Address (12 alphanumeric characters). Mobile PCs will normally have several network cards and thus several MAC addresses - chose the MAC address under Local Area Connection, not the one under Wireless. On Windows 7 the DOS command prompt may be started by choosing Start, Search programs and files and then typing cmd. On Windows XP the DOS command prompt may be started by choosing Start, Run and then typing cmd. Alternatively, chose Start, All Programs, Accessories and finally Command Prompt. Send the out.txt file or the MAC address to your license provider so that they can generate a license file. 1.2. Specifying the FLEXlm license server or file on Windows The first time RIFLEX is run on a PC a dialog will appear and the user may specify a license server or a file location. Choose and specify either a license server, e.g. (for non-commercial student use at NTNU) or chose license file and browse to select the license file on your computer, e.g. C:\SINTEF\ntnu_larsen.lic The specified license server or file will then be stored with other registry information. To change the specified FLEXlm server or file, choose START, Run, regedit, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE and then FLEXlm license manager. Click with the right mouse button on MARINTEK_LICENSE_FILE and choose modify or delete. Several license files or a combination of license files and license servers may be specified by giving a list with semicolons (;) between the entries, e.g. C:\SINTEF\ntnu_larsen.lic;@gimli 1.3. FLEXlm error: Terminal Server remote client not allowed Standalone uncounted licenses are intended for single user use on the PC with the specified HOSTID. They can therefore not be used via remote desktop. The solution is to acquire a server license. 1.4. Troubleshooting FLEXlm license server problems The first step is to check with the IT staff that the license server is running and that the RIFLEX / VIVANA license has been installed. The second step is to check the specification of the license server on the computer attempting to run RIFLEX / VIVANA. See Section 1.2 (or Section 3.1). The entry should be set to @ and the name of the license server machine, e.g. @moses or It is normally not necessary to specify the port, so don’t give a number before the @. Remove any old references to other license servers and/or license files. The third step is to run the diagnostic utility lmdiag. On Windows start a Command Prompt by choosing START, All Programs, Accessories and finally Command Prompt. Run lmutil lmdiag -c @SERVER -n RIFLEX_INPMOD replacing SERVER with the name of your license server. This will allow you to check your connection with the license server and whether the RIFLEX / VIVANA license has been successfully installed. You may alternatively run lmutil lmdiag -c @SERVER -n to obtain a list of licenses that are available from the server. When the specified license is available, a This license can be checked out message will appear. Note that a number of No licenses for … messages may also appear in the list, e.g. lmutil - Copyright (c) 1989-2003 by Macrovision Corporation. All rights reserved. FLEXlm diagnostics on Tue 11/11/2008 11:26 ----------------------------------------------------- License file: 27000@moses ----------------------------------------------------- No licenses for RIFLEX_INPMOD in this license file ----------------------------------------------------- License file: 27001@moses ----------------------------------------------------- "RIFLEX_INPMOD" v1.0, vendor: MARINTEK License server: moses floating license expires: 15-jan-2009 This license can be checked out ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- License file: 27002@moses ----------------------------------------------------- No licenses for RIFLEX_INPMOD in this license file Trying to obtain a license that is not available results in only No licenses for… messages for all ports. Specifying an unreachable server name will result in only the first two lines of text; the line with the lmutul copyright information and the current date and time. 2. RIFLEX for Windows Utility 2.1. Specifying program modules in RIFLEX for Windows The location of the RIFLEX program modules is stored on the RIFLEX4Win.INI file which is located on the same directory as RIFLEX4Win.exe. If the location is not specified on the RIFLEX4Win.INI file, e.g., when RIFLEX for Windows is started for the first time, the location is set to RIFLEX_HOME\bin using the environmental variable RIFLEX_HOME. The INI file RIFLEX4Win.INI is updated when RIFLEX for Windows is closed. The location may thus be reset by replacing the RIFLEX4Win.INI file, resetting the RIFLEX_HOME environmental variable and then restarting RIFLEX for Windows. The RIFLEX4Win.INI file may be re-downloaded or edited by the user. Overwriting the INI file may also be necessary if the directory where RIFLEX was last run is no longer available. Alternatively, the path to the executables may be specified in RIFLEX for Windows. Select Options and then Programs and set the correct folder name for HOME and the individual program modules INPMOD, STAMOD, … . The same procedure is applicable for VIVANA for Windows. This allows the user to have separate RIFLEX and VIVANA installations, using the correct INPMOD and STAMOD modules in each. 2.2. Run-time error 9: subscript out of range This error message indicates that RIFLEX for Windows cannot find the expected key data for plotting. It is usually caused by empty or incomplete .mpf files and may occur after running an analysis or when starting RIFLEX for Windows or selecting a new directory. The immediate remedy is usually to delete the offending files with the mpf suffix on the directory. Check the RIFLEX / VIVANA .res files to see if the problem is caused by an error in the analysis; e.g. the analysis has been interrupted or failed. It may also occur after a successful analysis if no plots were stored on the .mpf file; e.g. pure Catenary STAMOD analyses, static analyses with the parameter IFILFM = 0, dynamic simulations that are shorter than the specified start time for response envelope calculation or where envelopes are not calculated or stored. Please check the STAMOD data group STAMOD CONTROL INFORMATION and the DYNMOD data groups ENVELOPE CURVE SPECIFICATION and REGWAVE PRINT OPTIONS. 3. Linux 3.1. Specifying the FLEXlm license server or file on Linux Before running RIFLEX for the first time the environment variable MARINTEK_LICENSE_FILE must be set to the license server or file location, e.g. MARINTEK_LICENSE_FILE="@flexlm" MARINTEK_LICENSE_FILE="/home/ep/riflex_test.lic" or (for non-commercial student use at NTNU) MARINTEK_LICENSE_FILE="" This value will be stored on the file .flexlmrc in the user’s home directory the first time one runs RIFLEX. This file may later be edited if necessary. Several license files or a combination of license files and license servers may be specified by giving a list with semicolons (;) between the entries, e.g., MARINTEK_LICENSE_FILE="/home/ep/riflex_test.lic;@flexlm" 3.2. Setting Environment variables on Linux Environmental variables be used to specify work array size or the maximum number of arrays on files, see Work array size and Maximum number of arrays. If not set, default values will be used by RIFLEX. For example to increase the DYNMOD work array to twice the default size. To set in a Bourne / Korn / Bash shell export RIFLEX_DYNMOD_MEM="500" 4. References MacCamy, R. C. & Fuchs, R. A. (1954): Wave Diffraction on Piles: A Diffraction Theory. Beach Erosion Board; Corps of Engineers. Dean, R. G. & Dalrymple, R. A. (1991): Water Wave Mechanics for Engineers and Scientists (World Scientific) Appendix D: Extract results Appendix F: Mass and inertia summary