How to Run the Program 1. How to give Input - General Rules 1.1. Organization of Input Data The input data are organized in groups, each group starting with a data group identifier, and terminating on the next data group identifier. A data group identifier may consist of one, two or three words, which give a unique description of the data group. Each word may consist of several characters, but only the first four characters of each word are checked. The user may, of course, write the words completely to increase readability. In this manual each input line is presented within a standard list, and each list represents either one single input line or a sequence of similar input lines. The input description list is presented in Section 1.2.8. 1.2. Formats Nearly all input data are read by FREAD /1/, a FORTRAN free-format reader and decoder. This means that the data items may be written anywhere on the input line, as long as the specified order is satisfied. The data items must be separated by at least one blank (exceeding blanks are ignored). Note that since blank is exclusively interpreted as a delimiter, blank can not be used to specify a zero value. The line length is currently limited to 260 characters. Note that a RIFLEX input line may be split into several lines on the input file, see Section 1.2.7. 1.2.1. Important: All digits, letters and/or special symbols in a data item must be given consecutively without blanks. 1.2.2. Comments Input lines with an apostrophe (') in the first column are interpreted as comments, and simply ignored. Comments may be inserted anywhere in the input data stream in order to improve the readability of the input data. Example: 'THIS IS A COMMENT 'NOTE! COMMENTS ARE IGNORED BY THE PROGRAM 1.2.3. Alphanumeric Data Items In this manual, alphanumeric data items are denoted as character with a maxim length given in parentheses; e. g. character(8) which has a maximum length of 8. If the input item is longer than the maximum length, all characters in excess of this are simply ignored. An alphanumeric data item may consist of one or more characters. The first character is always a letter (A-Z), while the remaining ones may be letters, digits or special symbols (except /, $, & and blank). Example: 'WITH CHARACTER(4) ENVIRONMENTAL DATA 'WILL BE INTERPRETED AS ENVI DATA 'WITH CHARACTER(6) ENVIRONMENTAL DATA 'WILL BE INTERPRETED AS ENVIRO DATA When file names are input, the maximum length of the file name is given in the manual. Example: CHFTRA CHFTRA: character(80): File name with transfer functions data It is recommended that the combined length of the path and file name does not exceed 256 characters. 1.2.4. Integer Data Items (denoted integer) All characters must be digits. The first digit may be preceded by a + or a - character. Example: 0 1 -27 +66 1.2.5. Real Number Data Items (denoted real) A real number data entry may consist of up to 3 components, i.e. an integer part i, a decimal part d, and exponent part e. The following 4 basic forms are accepted: ()i ()i. ()i.d ().d These may all be combined with exponent parts yielding the forms: ()iE()e ()i.E()e ()i.dE()e ().dE()e Example: 0 -1. -0.2E14 +17.E-3 1.78E+3 1.2.6. Default Data Items Some of the input data have default values, that is, values to be inserted when no other values are given. There are two ways to signal that the program shall insert default values. One, that may always be used, is to type a slash (/) for the actual data item. Second, if the actual data item (or data items) is (are) the last one(s) on the input line, no slash(es) is (are) necessary. FREAD will insert the number of slashes needed. Note that the slash is also a data item, and must be separated from adjacent data items by one or more blanks. Example: 'THE DEFAULT VALUE OF THE SECOND DATA ITEM IS 2. THEN 3 / 5 'WILL BE INTERPRETED AS 3 2 5 '6 DATA ITEMS ARE READ AND THE LAST 3 DATA ITEMS HAVE DEFAULT VALUES 6, 7 AND 8, THEN 1 2 3 'WILL BE INTERPRETED AS 1 2 3 6 7 8 1.2.7. Continuation of Input Statements An input statement may consist of one or several input lines. If an input statement consists of more than one input line, all its input lines except the last one must be terminated by the character &, which must be preceded by at least one blank. This implies that on such lines data cannot be specified beyond column 258. Example: 1 2 & 3 'IS THE SAME AS GIVING 1 2 3 1.2.8. The Input Description List <parameter names, in the order decoded> Parameter: type, default: Default value: Description \(\mathrm {[unit]}\) Optional additional information for the given parameter. Comments, notes etc. If there is no default value, that part of the line is skipped. The parameter types are integer, real and character. If unit is not applicable, e.g. for integer options, that part of the line is skipped. Example: IKS DAMP IKS: integer: Stiffness code 1 1 : Constant spring compression stiffness N : Table with N pairs of pressure force - displacements to be specified N > 2 DAMP: real, default: 0: Dash pot damping coefficient \(\mathrm {[FT/L]}\) 1.2.9. Data group Identifier As mentioned in Section 1.1, the input data are organized in groups. A data group identifier is given on the first input line of each group. IDW1 IDW2 IDW3 IDW1: character(4): First word of the identifier IDW2: character(4): Second word of the identifier IDW3: character(4): Third word of the identifier Data group identifiers may consist of one, two or three words In the input description, data group identifiers are not presented within the standard list, but the words of the identifiers are written completely in the code box above. With format character(4), only the first four characters are checked, and these parts of the words are marked. Example: ROTAtion STIFfness CHARacteristics may be given as ROTA STIF CHAR 2. How to run RIFLEX with the riflex.bat batch file This section will give a description of how to run RIFLEX modules using the riflex.bat batch file delivered as a part of a RIFLEX installation. The riflex.bat file is used for running the batch oriented modules INPMOD, STAMOD, DYNMOD and OUTMOD. The file name convention used consists of a prefix in addition to the basic file names described in Explanation of Files Used. The prefix and the basic file names are separated by an underscore. A common prefix may be used for all the files or two prefixes may be used; prefix1 for identification of INPMOD and STAMOD files and prefix2 for identification of DYNMOD and OUTMOD files. If prefix2 is not given, it will be set to prefix1. The necessary commands to run RIFLEX modules INPMOD, STAMOD, DYNMOD and OUTMOD with a common prefix are: riflex inpmod prefix1 riflex stamod prefix1 riflex dynmod prefix1 riflex outmod prefix1 or alternatively with two prefixes: ~ riflex inpmod prefix1 riflex stamod prefix1 riflex dynmod prefix1 prefix2 riflex outmod prefix1 prefix2 ~ 3. How to run RIFLEX with the bash script vrr This section will give a description of how to run RIFLEX modules using the vrr bash script. Bash scripts may be run on Linux or Unix systems or in a bash shell under Windows; e.g. Git bash, Cygwin. The vrr bash script is delivered as a part of a RIFLEX installation and may be used to run several modules in succession, stopping if errors are detected. The necessary command to run the RIFLEX modules INPMOD, STAMOD, DYNMOD and OUTMOD with a common prefix is: /full/path/to/Riflex/bin/vrr isdo prefix1 4. RIFLEX files The file names used by the different modules are summarized in the following. For description of the files used for internal communication, see Explanation of Files Used. 4.1. INPMOD files: prefix1_inpmod.inp - ASCII input file prefix1_inpmod.res - ASCII result file . prefix1_ifninp.sam - internal communication file 4.2. STAMOD files: prefix1_stamod.inp - ASCII input file prefix1_stamod.res - ASCII result file prefix1_stamod.mpf - ASCII file with key static results . prefix1_ifnsys.sam - internal communication file prefix1_ifnsta.ffi - internal communication file prefix1_ifndmp.sam - internal communication file 4.3. DYNMOD files: prefix2_dynmod.inp - ASCII input file prefix2_dynmod.res - ASCII result file prefix2_dynmod.mpf - ASCII file with key dynamic results . prefix2_ifnirr.sam - internal communication file prefix2_ifndyn.ffi - internal communication file prefix2_ifndmp.sam - internal communication file 4.4. OUTMOD files: prefix2_outmod.inp - ASCII input file prefix2_outmod.res - ASCII result file prefix2_outmod.mpf - ASCII file with some key OUTMOD results; e.g. stresses. prefix2_ifnplo.ffi - plot file, to be referred in PLOMOD The user input is given on files with extension .inp, while key results can be found on files with extension .res. 5. References Adam, J et al. (1987): FREAD: A FORTRAN free format reader and decoder. SINTEF, Trondheim, Norway. Main Types of Analysis Input to INPMOD