1. Data group identifier, one input line NEW COMPonent TENSioner 2. Component type identifier CMPTYP-ID CMPTYP-ID: character(8): Component type identifier 3. Characteristics of tensioner T0 TMAX TMIN DELTA SIGNX T0: real: Applied load during static analysis \(\mathrm {[F]}\) TMAX: real: Maximum load transmitted from the tensioner \(\mathrm {[F]}\) TMIN: real: Minimum load transmitted from the tensioner \(\mathrm {[F]}\) DELTA: real: Pipeline displacement through the tensioner for a load variation of: TMAX-TMIN \(\mathrm {[L]}\) SIGNX: real, default: 1: Direction of applied load referring to local x-axis of the element going through the tensioner \(\mathrm {[]}\) SIGNX = 1.0: The load will act in local x-axis direction SIGNX = -1.0: The load will act opposite local x-axis The stiffness characteristics of the tensioner will be derived from DELTA as: STIFF = (TMAX-TMIN)/DELTA Tubular contact Soil (PISA)