Input to DYNMOD

1. General Information

The input description to the DYNMOD module is divided into 5 sections, each section describing one data-section referred to as A-E.

Three different types of analysis are possible. Complete input for these types is shown in the list below.

  • Type number 1, Free vibration, requires the data sections A and B.

  • Type number 2, Regular wave, requires the data sections A, C and E.

  • Type number 3, Irregular wave, requires the data sections A, D and E.

2. Data Group A: Control Information

This data-group is mandatory for all types of analysis with DYNMOD. The prescribed sequence must be followed.

2.1. Principal run parameters

2.1.1. Data group identifier, one input line

  • CHVERS: character(8): RIFLEX input file version, e.g. 3.2

2.1.2. Heading, three input lines

  • Heading, line no 1

  • Heading, line no 2

  • Heading, line no 3

Identification of the run by alphanumerical text

Always three input lines which may all be blank. Each line may contain up to 60 characters

2.1.3. Options and identifiers, one input line

  • IRUNCO: character(4), default: DATA: Code for data check or executable run

    • = FREM: Data generation for FREMOD

    • = DATA: Data check

    • = ANALysis: Analysis

  • IANAL: character(4): Type of analysis to be performed

    • = EIGEn: Eigenvalue analysis.

      • Data section B must be given

    • = REGUlar: Regular wave, time domain analysis.

      • Data sections C and E must be given.

    • = IRREgular: Irregular wave, time domain analysis.

      • Data sections D and E must be given.

  • IDRIS: character(6): Data set identifier corresponding to data for one riser system established by INPMOD and followed by a static analysis. See INPMOD Single Riser Data and STAMOD: Options and print switches.

  • IDENV: character(6): Environment identifier, corresponding to data for one environment on file established by INPMOD. See data-group INPMOD: Identification of the environment of input description for INPMOD.

    • Reference to actual wave case is given in a later data-group

    • Dummy for IRUNCO=DATAcheck

  • IDSTAT: character(6): Static condition identifier, corresponding to data on file established by STAMOD. See STAMOD: Principal run parameters of input description for STAMOD.

  • IDIRR: character(6): Data set identifier for irregular wave and motion data, either established by a previous run or used as reference to results stored on file by this run.

  • IDRES: character(6): Data set identifier for this run, used as reference to results stored on files

2.2. Static load condition

For special purposes it may be convenient to change applied static loads at the start of dynamic analysis. This option should be used with care! One useful application is for analysing free vibration after scaling a static nodal force to zero (SCALSF=0.0).

Note that some static loads are applied and some modelling features are activated in dynamic analysis even if they were not applied nor activated in static analysis. See also Note: Static Analysis with Fixed Parameters and Parameter Variation.

2.2.1. Data group identifier, one input line


2.2.2. Scaling parameters, one line

  • SCALVF: real, default: 1: Scaling of volume forces. Dummy

    • not implemented in present version

  • SCALSF: real, default: 1: Scaling of specified (nodal) forces

  • SCALCF: real, default: 1: Scaling of current velocities. Dummy

    • not implemented in present version

All forces are scaled simultaneously as \(\mathrm {F_s=SCALiF\times F_s^0}\) Only SCALSF is active in the present version of the program.

2.3. Random number generator

In version 4.18 and later, the algorithm for generating pseudo-random numbers may be selected by the user. The mersenne twister is the recommended method and should be used unless backwards compatibility with previous versions is required. Note that the default value may change in a future release. The choice of random number generator will apply to:

  • generation of irregular wave time series

  • initial phase angles for time domain VIV loads specified for cross-sections in INPMOD

  • generation of phase angles for application of harmonic loads from a VIVANA frequency domain analysis.

It has been identified that the legacy method can give non-gaussian and non-stationary wave elevation in SIMO for short crested waves with more than about 30-50 discrete directions, depending on wave spectrum and simulation duration. By choosing the mersenne twister, these issues are avoided.

For coupled analysis, wave time series will be generated using the random number generator specified in SIMA.

2.3.1. Data group identifier, one input line


2.3.2. Random number generator input, one line

  • CHRAN: character (7), default: TWISTER: Choice of random number generator

    • = LEGACY: Legacy random number generator used. Results will be consistent with previous RIFLEX versions.

    • = TWISTER: Mersenne Twister’ random number generator used. Results will NOT be consistent with previous RIFLEX versions.

  • ISEED: integer, default: 7: Starting parameter of random number generator for use when input of starting value is not available; e.g. time domain VIV loads. Currently not used.

3. Data Group B: Free Vibration Analysis

This data-group is given if and only if IANAL=EIGEn, see Options and indetifier, one input line.

3.1. Free vibration options

3.1.1. Data group identifier, one input line


3.1.2. Number of eigenvalues and eigenvectors, one input line

  • NEIG: integer: Number of eigenvalues and eigenvectors to be calculated.

3.1.3. Computation parameters, one input line

The parameters below correspond to Lanczos’ method for solution of eigenvalue problems. For a detailed discussion, see B. Nour-Omid, B.N. Parlett, R.L. Taylor: Lanczos versus Subspace Iteration for Solution of Eigenvalue Problems, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 19, pp. 859-871, 1983. or B.N. Parlett: The Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem, Prentice-Hall, 1980.

  • TOL: real >0, default: 1.0e-10: Maximum acceptable relative error in computed eigenvalues

  • MAXLAN: integer, default: 8+2*NEIG: Maximum number of Lanczos steps (vectors) to be used. Note that if specified MAXLAN >= 8+2*NEIG

3.2. Print options for results

3.2.1. Data group identifier, one input line

EIGEnvalue PRINt OPTIons

3.2.2. Print selection parameters, one input line

This parameter is introduced to avoid very large dublicated amounts of result data to ASCII file

  • IPRES: integer, default: 0: Print switch for eigenvectors on ASCII file <prefix>_dynmod.res/<prefix>_eigmod.res files.

    • IPRES = 0: No print of eigenvector on ASCII file

    • IPRES = 1: Print of eigenvectors on ASCII file

    • IPRES = 2: Debug print from the eigenvalue solver in addition to print of eigenvectors on ASCII file

3.3. Termination of input data

To terminate an input data stream, simply give the following, which is interpreted as a data group identifier.


Note that the END image cannot be omitted

4. Data Group C: Regular Wave, Time Domain Analysis

This data group is given for IANAL = REGUlar, see Options and identifiers, one input line. Data-group A and E must also be given for complete definition of a regular time domain analysis.

4.1. Parameters for definition of analysis and further input

4.1.1. Data group identifier, one input line


4.1.2. Analysis parameters, one input line

  • NPER: integer: Number of periods for regular wave analysis, referring to wave or motion periods (of first vessel)

  • NSTPPR: integer, default: 80: Number of integration time steps per period, recommended value: 50-120

  • IRWCN: integer: Wave parameter

    • IRWCN = 0: No wave acting, motions must be present

    • IRWCN = N: Wave acting. Regular wave case N on actual environment used in present analysis

    • If no waves are acting, the period for harmonic motions is specified in Motion amplitudes of support vessel, one input line

  • IMOTD: integer: Platform motion parameter

    • IMOTD = 0: No motions, waves must be present

    • IMOTD = 1: Platform motion generated on the basis of wave data (wave period and amplitude) and motion transfer functions. Reference to transfer functions given in Options and identifiers, one input line.

    • IMOTD = 2: Platform motions specified in Regular vessel motion

The platform motions are independent of the wave loading parameters given in Load modelling, regular waves.

Extreme values of response parameters from last integration period will normally be stored on file (cfr. File storage of displacement response). In addition, displacement histories from selected nodes and force and curvature histories from selected elements can be stored if wanted. Specification of such data storage is given in data groups File storage of displacement response, File storage for internal force and File storage of curvature response.

4.2. Load modelling, regular waves

This data group is given if IRWCN >= 1 (data group Analysis parameters, one input line above).

4.2.1. Data group identifier, one input line


4.2.2. Method for wave load calculation, one input line

  • IWTYP: integer, default: 1: Wave theory parameter

    • IWTYP = 1: Airy linear wave theory

    • IWTYP = 2: Stoke 5th order wave theory

  • ISURF: integer, default: 1: Sea surface definition, see the figure Definition of sea surface below.

    • Dummy if IWTYP = 2

    • ISURF = 1: Integration of wave forces to mean water level

    • ISURF = 2: Integration of wave forces to wave surface, deformation of potential by stretching and compression

    • ISURF = 3: Integration of wave forces to wave surface, move of potential to actual surface

    • ISURF = 4: Integration of wave forces to wave surface by keeping the potential constant from mean water level to wave surface

  • IUPPOS: integer, default: 2: Riser position parameter

    • IUPPOS = 0: as 1, but the riser is kept fixed in static position, for computation of surface penetrating element. I.e. a node that is wet or dry at the end of the static analysis will continue to be considered wet or dry with regards to kinematics in the dynamic simulation. Recommended only for comparison with linear methods.

    • IUPPOS = 1: Wave induced velocities and accelerations calculated at static riser position

    • IUPPOS = 2: Wave induced velocities and accelerations calculated at updated (dynamic) positions

Note: The option IUPPOS = 0 cannot be combined with linear analysis, ITDMET = 1, or nonlinear analysis, ITDMET = 2 and SIMO bodies.

um id fig203
Figure 1. Definition of sea surface

4.3. Regular vessel motion

This data group is given only if IMOTD=2 (see input group Analysis parameters, one input line).

4.3.1. Data group identifier, one input line


4.3.2. Definition of vessel motion, two lines for each vessel

Motion amplitudes of support vessel and Motion phase angles must be given for all NVES vessels in systems (totally 2x`NVES` lines).

Motion amplitudes of support vessel, one input line

Forced displacements are specified for the support vessel. Forced displacements for the terminal points are found by transformations.

  • XAMP: real: Motion amplitude, global x-direction \(\mathrm {[L]}\)

  • YAMP: real: Motion amplitude, global y-direction \(\mathrm {[L]}\)

  • ZAMP: real: Motion amplitude, global z-direction \(\mathrm {[L]}\)

  • XRAMP: real: Motion amplitude, global x-rotation \(\mathrm {[degrees]}\)

  • YRAMP: real: Motion amplitude, global y-rotation \(\mathrm {[degrees]}\)

  • ZRAMP: real: Motion amplitude, global z-rotation \(\mathrm {[degrees]}\)

  • PER: real: Period of motion \(\mathrm {[T]}\)

PER is dummy input if a regular wave is specified, i.e. IRWCN > 0 (data group Analysis parameters).
In the case of multiple vessels, PER is only read for the first vessel and the specified period used for all vessels.

Motion phase angles, one input line
  • XPHA: real: Phase angle, x-motion \(\mathrm {[degrees]}\)

  • YPHA: real: Phase angle, y-motion \(\mathrm {[degrees]}\)

  • ZPHA: real: Phase angle, z-motion \(\mathrm {[degrees]}\)

  • XRPHA: real: Phase angle, x-rotation \(\mathrm {[degrees]}\)

  • YRPHA: real: Phase angle, y-rotation \(\mathrm {[degrees]}\)

  • ZRPHA: real: Phase angle, z-rotation \(\mathrm {[degrees]}\)

All phase angles are defined as follows:

Positive angle: Forward phase shift; motion before sea surface at global origin.

Surface: \(\mathrm {\eta =\eta _asin(\omega t+\phi _p),\quad \phi _p=-kxcos(\beta )-kysin(\beta )}\)

Motion: \(\mathrm {x_i=x_{ai}sin(\omega t+\phi _i)}\)


  • \(\mathrm {x_i}\) is equation of motion

  • \(\mathrm {\eta _a}\) is wave amplitude

  • \(\mathrm {x_{ai}}\) is motion amplitude XAMP, YAMP, etc.

  • \(\mathrm {\phi _i}\) is phase angle, XPHA, YPHA, etc.

  • \(\mathrm {k}\) is wave number

  • \(\mathrm {\omega }\) is angular frequency

  • \(\mathrm {x,y}\) is global coordinates

If the forward phase shift \(\mathrm {\phi _i^{xy}}\) between wave and motion at the same point (x,y) is known, the phase into RIFLEX must be modified as follows:

\(\mathrm {\phi _i=\phi _i^{xy}+\phi _p}\)

in order to obtain phase relation between motion at (x,y) and a wave with start at global origin as defined above.

5. Data Group D: Irregular Wave, Time Domain Analysis

This data group is given for IANAL=IRREgular, see Options and identifiers, one input line. Data group A and E must also be given for complete definition of an irregular time domain analysis.

5.1. Irregular time series parameters

The input in this data group is used to specify the method used for computation of the underlaying irregular waves, i.e. the seed used for random number generation and the frequency resolution.

The data group may be skipped if default values are wanted. The data group is dummy if any floater force models are present in the model. (The analysis is done in combination with SIMO, so-called coupled analysis, and the irregular time series parameters defined by input to SIMO).

5.1.1. Data group identifier, one input line

IRREgular TIMEseries PARAmeters

5.1.2. Parameters, one input line

  • IRAND: integer, default: 1: Starting parameter of random number generator

  • TIMGEN: real, defaul: 16384: Length of prescribed wave and motion time series \(\mathrm {[T]}\)

  • DTGEN: real, defaul: 0.5: Time increment of pre-sampled time series \(\mathrm {[T]}\)

  • CHFREQ: character(4), default: FFT: Option for selecting wave frequency components

    • = 'FFT': Wave frequency components are selected among the FFT frequencies given by TIMEGEN and DTGEN. The default criteria are used to find the first and last frequencies.

  • CHAMP: character(5), default: DET: Option for selecting wave component amplitudes

    • = 'DET': Deterministic wave amplitudes are used.

    • = 'STOCH': Stochastic wave amplitudes are used.

    • = 0: Interpreted as DET. Included for compatibility with earlier versions.

Note that this data group is dummy for coupled analysis.

Also note that:

  • TIMGEN should be equal or longer than the simulation length, TIME, given in Irregular response analysis and subsequent input.

  • TIMGEN will, if necessary, be increased to give a power of 2 time steps (DTGEN).

  • The actual time increment used for time domain analysis is defined by the parameter DT, see Irregular response analysis and subsequent input.

  • To represent the wave surface- and motion time series properly, time increments, DTGEN, in the range 0.5-1 s are normally acceptable.

Time series of wave elevation are generated from the wave spectrum for simulations with irregular waves. Different wave seeds will result in different wave time series. The wave time series are realizations of the wave process described by the wave spectrum.

With deterministic amplitudes, the amplitude pf each wave component is given directly by the wave spectrum and will be the same for all realizations. The phase angles of the different wave components will vary between realizations, resulting in different wave time series. The wave time series will all have the same spectrum, identical to the original wave spectrum at the frequencies of the wave components.

With stochastic amplitudes, the amplitude for each wave component will also be varied around the value of the wave spectrum. The spectra of the generated wave time series will vary between realizations and will not be the same as the original wave spectrum. Using stochastic amplitudes will normally give more variation between the results for different wave seeds.

5.2. Irregular response analysis and subsequent input

5.2.1. Data group identifier, one input line

IRREgular RESPonse ANALysis

5.2.2. Analysis parameters, one input line

  • IRCNO: integer/character: Irregular wave case number in actual environment applied in this run. Dummy for coupled analysis.

  • TIME: real, default: 11000: Length of simulation \(\mathrm {[T]}\)

  • DT: real, default: 0.1: Time step \(\mathrm {[T]}\)

    • See below

  • CHWAV: character(4), default: NEW: Irregular wave indicator

    • = 'NONE': No wave forces in present analysis. If specified the riser will have forced excitation at upper end and oscillate in undisturbed water or in constant current

    • = NEW: Wave forces present. New data generated. Data group Irregular waves must be given.

  • CHMOT: character(4), default: STAT: Irregular motion indicator

    • = 'NONE': No irregular motions in present analysis

    • = STAT: Forced irregular motions present. Computation of prescribed motions will be based on vessel position in final static position.

    • = NEW: Interpreted as CHMOT=STAT

    • = FILE: Forced irregular motions present. Wave frequency motion time series read from file. Data group Wave frequency motion time series file must be given.

  • CHLFM: character(4), default: 'NONE': Low frequency motion indicator

    • = 'NONE': No low frequency irregular motions present

    • = FILE: Forced low frequency irregular motions present. Low frequency motion time series read from file. Data group Low frequency motion time series file must be given.

  • TBEG: real, default: 0: Time in wave and motion time series that dynamic simulation will start from \(\mathrm {[T]}\)

  • ISCALE: integer, default: 0: Switch for scaling of terminal point motions

DT will be adjusted to get an integer ratio between DTGEN and DT. DT given as negative integer defines the ratio between time step used in pre-simulation of waves and/or WF-motions and the time step to be used in the time simulation. (DTGEN/DT >= 1)

TBEG allows for arbitrary start point in the pre-generated time series. If the end of the time series is reached during dynamic integration, a warning is written and motions and water kinematics will be taken from the start. This can also be useful for elimination of transients from the time series statistics.

An irregular analysis without waves or vessel motions may be run by specifying CHWAV = 'NONE', CHMOT = 'NONE' and CHLFM = 'NONE'. IRCNO must still reference a legal irregular wave case, but the wave will not be used as no wave kinematics will be generated and not vessel motions be applied.

5.2.3. Support vessel motion scaling factors. Only given for ISCALE=1. One line for each vessel in system (NVES lines)

  • SCALX: real, default: 1: Scaling for global X-motion \(\mathrm {[1]}\)

  • SCALY: real, default: 1: Scaling for global Y-motion \(\mathrm {[1]}\)

  • SCALZ: real, default: 1: Scaling for global Z-motion \(\mathrm {[1]}\)

  • SCALXR: real, default: 1: Scaling for global X-rotation \(\mathrm {[1]}\)

  • SCALYR: real, default: 1: Scaling for global Y-rotation \(\mathrm {[1]}\)

  • SCALZR: real, default: 1: Scaling for global Z-rotation \(\mathrm {[1]}\)

The motions are scaled directly as \(\mathrm {DISP_i=SCAL_i\times Motion_i}\) where \(\mathrm {Motion_i}\) is the precomputed motion quantity \(\mathrm {_i}\).

5.3. Irregular waves

This data group is omitted for CHWAV=NONE, see data group Analysis parameters, one input line.

The data group also controls the method for computation of wave kinematics and motions of the support vessels. In this context FFT or FFT and cosine series combined means that the vessel motion is pre-generated by means of FFT, while the wave kinematics are either pre-generated (FFT) or computed during the actual simulation by use of cosine series. Cosine series only means that both vessel motion and wave kinematics are computed based on cosine series. It is possible to overrule the cosine series application for wave kinematics for parts of the the system by specifying FFT in the detailed specifications, see Additional detailed specification of wave kinematics points (optional). (FFT or FFT and cosine series combined only.)

5.3.1. Data group identifier, one input line

IRREgular WAVE PROCedure

5.3.2. Procedure for wave force calculation, one input line

  • IUPPOS: integer, default: 1: Position for calculation of irregular wave kinematics

    • = 1: Kinematics at static positions

    • = 2: Kinematics at instantaneous positions calculated by summation of cosine components.

    • = -2: Kinematics at static positions calculated by summation of cosine components. This option is mainly useful for testing.

    • = 0: As 1 but riser fixed in static position, (wet elements also wet dynamic)

  • ISURF: integer, default: 1: Code for kinematics in wave zone

    • = 1: Integration of wave forces to mean water level

    • = 2: Integration of wave forces to wave surface by stretching and compression of the wave potential

    • = 3: Integration of wave forces to wave surface by moving the potential to actual surface

    • = 4: Integration of wave forces to wave surface by keeping the potential constant from mean water level to wave surface

    • = 5: 2nd order wave (integration of wave forces to wave surface)

      • The formulation for 2nd order wave kinematics is based on the Stoke 2nd order wave theory. Only available for kinematics calculated at static position; IUPPOS = 1 or IUPPOS = 0.

  • KINOFF: integer, default: 0: Code for default kinematics points procedure

  • CHSTEP: character(4): Code for interpretation of the next parameter

    • = NODE: Next parameter interpreted as NODSTP

  • NODSTP: integer: Node step for calculating wave kinematics. (Dummy for KINOFF = 1)

    • Kinematics calculated for every NODSTP node between ZLOWER and ZUPPER (see Definition of NODSTP, ZLOWER and ZUPPER).

    • For intermediate nodes kinematics are derived by linear interpolation.

    • Wave kinematics will always be calculated at submerged supernodes.

    • Note that a negative value of NODSTP may be given. The distance between ZUPPER and ZLOWER is then divided into 4 (equal) intervals and NODSTP is increased from ABS(NODSTP) in the upper interval via 2xABS(NODSTP) in the next interval and 4xABS(NODSTP) to 8xABS(NODSTP) in the two lower intervals, see Definition of NODSTP, ZLOWER and ZUPPER.

  • ZLOWER: real, default: -WDEPTH: Z-coordinate indicating lowest node position for which wave kinematics are calculated \(\mathrm {[L]}\)

  • ZUPPER: real, default: 4 x STD_WA: Upper limit for wave kinematics \(\mathrm {[L]}\)

    • Dummy for KINOFF = 1

    • STD_WA is the standard deviation of the total wave elevation

  • IOPDIF: integer, default: 0: Option for specification of wave kinematic transfer function.

  • IOPWKI: integer, default: 0: Option for specification of wave kinematic time series.

NODSTP, ZLOWER and ZUPPER will normally be sufficient for specifying the selection of wave kinematics points.

Note that for large or complicated systems Additional detailed specification of wave kinematics points (optional) may be used to override the selection given by NODSTP, ZLOWER and ZUPPER; e.g. skip generation of wave kinematics for selected lines, generate kinematics at more points along an important line.

um id fig222
Figure 2. Definition of NODSTP, ZLOWER and ZUPPER

Note that the definition of ISURF is also used to determine where to apply wind forces to airfoil cross sections near the water line. That is, no wind forces are applied to wet sections of the element. The wind speed is nevertheless taken to be zero at or below the mean water level.

Note that the option IUPPOS = 0 cannot be combined with linear analysis, ITDMET = 1, or nonlinear analysis, ITDMET = 2 and SIMO bodies.

Wave kinematics transfer function file name

This data group is omitted for IOPDIF = 0

Wave kinematics time series file name

This data group is omitted for IOPWKI = 0

Wave kinematics read from file will replace the corresponding wave kinematics calculated by DYNMOD. These kinematics will then be used in the calculation of Morison type hydrodynamic loads on RIFLEX elements. Loads on SIMO bodies will NOT be affected.

RIFLEX vessel motions based on vessel motion transfer functions and MacCamy Fuchs and Potential flow loads on RIFLEX elements are per-generated from the wave Fourier components and are therefore NOT affected by the wave kinematics read from file. Elements with MacCamy Fuchs or Potential flow loads may not have kinematics read from file.

If kinematics read from file are used in a simulation with SIMO bodies, vessel motions based on vessel motion transfer functions or pre-generated hydrodynamic loads, the user must ensure that the kinematics are consistent with the Fourier components.

  • CHFWKI: character(80): File name with wave kinematic time series.

  • ICOLMX: integer, default: 0: Maximum number of columns on file. For binary format, IOPWKI = 2, this includes the two columns of FORTRAN specific data, one column for time and NQNTWK columns for each node for which kinematics are stored on this file; i.e. 3 + NQNTWK * n. Please see the key file key_<prefix>_wavkin.txt generated when storing kinematics.

  • ICOLTM: integer, default: 2: Column number on file for time

  • NQNTWK: integer, default: 0`: Number of kinematics quantities on the file for each kinematic node.

    • NQNTWK =7: Wave elevation, x-velocity, y-velocity, z-velocity, x-acceleration, y-acceleration and z-acceleration are read for each specified node

    • NQNTWK = 8: Wave elevation, x-velocity, y-velocity, z-velocity, x-acceleration, y-acceleration, z-acceleration and dynamic pressure are read for each specified node

    • NQNTWK =0: The value of NQUANT will be found from the specified column numbers.

Additional detailed specification of wave kinematics points (optional)

As many input lines as needed. Note three alternative formats.

For wave kinematics calculated by the program from the undisturbed waves.
  • LINE-ID: character(8): Line identifier

  • CHSTEP: character(4): = Node

  • NODSTP: integer: Node step for calculating wave kinematics

    • = 0: No kinematics for this line

    • > 0: Kinematics for each NODSTP node

For wave kinematics given by wave kinematics transfer functions (diffracted waves)
  • LINE-ID: character(8): Line identifier

  • CHSTEP: character(4): = DIFF

  • ILSEG: integer: Local segment number within line LINE-ID

  • ILNODE: integer: Local node number within ILSEG

  • IVES: integer:

    • = 0: Use undisturbed wave kinematics at this node

    • > 0: Support vessel number. Used as reference to transfer function for diffracted wave kinematics.

  • PTNOUS: integer: Point reference(s) to transfer function for diffracted wave kinematics

Up to 30 values of PTNOUS may be given for a node. The diffracted kinematics at the specified node will be generated by interpolation based on the nearest point references.

For wave kinematics given by wave kinematics time series
  • LINE-ID: character(8): Line identifier

  • CHSTEP: character(4): = WKFI

  • ILSEG: integer: Local segment number within line LINE-ID

  • ILNODE: integer: Local node number within ILSEG

  • ICOLST: integer: Column number for the first wave kinematics time series for this node

5.4. Wave and motion time series files

5.4.1. Wave time series file

This data group is given only if IRCNO = FILE.

Data group identifier, one input line
Wave time series file information
  • CHFTSF: character(60): File name

  • IFORM: integer, default: 1: File format code

    • = ASCI: Column organised ASCII file

    • = STAR: Startimes file

  • ICOTIM: integer, default: 1: Column number for time

    • Dummy for IFORM = STAR

  • ICOWAV: integer/real, default: 2: Column or time series number for wave elevation

The wave direction is given by the parameter WADR1 given in INPMOD for the irregular wave case IRCNO referred to in Analysis parameters, one input line..

ICOTIM and ICOWAV will refer to columns on an ASCII file; e.g. ICOTIM=1 and ICOWAV=2 if the time and wave elevation are in the first and second columns; or to a time series number on a Startimes file; e.g. ICOWAV=10.01 for time series 10, version 1.

An arbitrary time step may be used on an ASCII file, while the Startimes file has a fixed step. Linear interpolation is used to get the motions at the time step (DTWF)

Direction, location of measurement and cut-off for filtering
  • WAVDIR: real, default: 0: Wave direction \(\mathrm {[deg]}\)

  • XGWAV: real, default: 0: Global x-coordinate for position where time series is measured

  • YGWAV: real, default: 0: Global y-coordinate for position where time series is measured

  • TMIN: real, default: 0: Period corresponding to cut-off frequency for filtering

  • TMAX: real, default: 0: Period corresponding to cut-off frequency for filtering

If TMIN and TMAX are both zero: No filtering

If TMIN and TMAX are both different from zero: band-pass filtering

Filtering is not implemented in present version

5.4.2. Wave frequency motion time series file

This data group is given only if CHMOT=FILE. Note that data must be given for all vessels in the system.

Data group identifier, one input line
Wave frequency motions file information, NVES input lines
  • IVES: integer: Vessel Number

  • CHFTSF: character(60): File name

  • IFORM: character(4), default: ASCI: File format code

    • = ASCI: Column organised ASCII file

    • = STAR: Startimes file

    • = NONE: No wave frequency motions for this vessel. The remainder of this input line is dummy

  • IKIND: character(4), default: POSI: Kind of motion time series input

    • = POSI: Global positions, i.e. global coordinates. The rotations are applied in the Euler sequence: Rz-Ry-Rx. Consistent with vessel motion time series from SIMO.

    • = DYND: Global dynamic displacements; i.e. global coordinates minus the final static position. The rotations are applied in the Euler sequence: Rx-Ry-Rz

  • IROT: character(4), default: DEGR: Unit of rotations

    • = DEGR: Rotations given in degrees

    • = RADI: Rotations given in radians

  • ICOTIM: integer, default: 1: Column number for time

    • Dummy for IFORM = STAR

  • ICOXG: integer/real, default: 0: Column or time series number for specification of global x-motion. Absolute position if IKIND = POSI, relative to static position if IKIND = DYND.

  • ICOYG: integer/real, default: 0: Column or time series number for specification of global y-motion. Absolute position if IKIND = POSI, relative to static position if IKIND = DYND.

  • ICOZG: integer/real, default: 0: Column or time series number for specification of global z-motion. Absolute position if IKIND = POSI, relative to static position if IKIND = DYND.

  • ICOXGR: integer/real, default: 0: Column or time series number for specification of global x-rotation. Absolute position if IKIND = POSI, relative to static position if IKIND = DYND.

  • ICOYGR: integer/real, default: 0: Column or time series number for specification of global y-rotation. Absolute position if IKIND = POSI, relative to static position if IKIND = DYND.

  • ICOZGR: integer/real, default: 0: Column or time series number for specification of global z-rotation. Absolute position if IKIND = POSI, relative to static position if IKIND = DYND.

Dofs may be omitted by giving ICOxxx=0

ICOxxx will refer to a column for an ASCII file; e.g. ICOX=2 if the dynamic x motion time series is in the second column; or to a time series number for a Startimes file, e.g. ICOX=1.02 for time series 1, version 2.

An arbitrary time step may be used on an ASCII file, while the Startimes file has a fixed time step. Linear interpolation is used to get the motions at the time step (DTWF).

Translational dofs are given in length units. Rotational dofs are given in degrees or radians, depending on the option IROT.

If only one rotation is nonzero or if all rotations are small, the order in which the rotations are applied will not be significant.

Please note that the line length of ASCII input files is currently limited to 260 characters, see Formats in How to Run the Program. Note that a RIFLEX input line may be split into several lines on the input file.

5.4.3. Low frequency motion time series file

This data group is given only if CHLFM=FILE. Note that data must be given for all vessels in the system.

Data group identifier, one input line
Low frequency motions file information, NVES input lines
  • IVES: integer: Vessel Number

  • CHFTSF: character(60): File name

  • IFORM: character(4), default: ASCI: File format code

    • = ASCI: Column organised ASCII file

    • = STAR: Startimes file

    • = NONE: No wave frequency motions for this vessel. The remainder of this input line is dummy

  • IKIND: character(4), default: POSI: Kind of motion time series input

    • = POSI: Global positions, i.e. global coordinates. The rotations are applied in the Euler sequence: Rz-Ry-Rx. Consistent with vessel motion time series from SIMO.

    • = DYND: Global dynamic displacements; i.e. global coordinates minus the final static position. The rotations are applied in the Euler sequence: Rx-Ry-Rz

  • IROT: character(4), default: DEGR: Unit of rotations

    • = DEGR: Rotations given in degrees

    • = RADI: Rotations given in radians

  • ICOTIM: integer, default: 1: Column number for time

    • Dummy for IFORM = STAR

  • ICOXG: integer/real, default: 0: Column or time series number for specification of global x-motion. Absolute position if IKIND = POSI, relative to static position if IKIND = DYND.

  • ICOYG: integer/real, default: 0: Column or time series number for specification of global y-motion. Absolute position if IKIND = POSI, relative to static position if IKIND = DYND.

  • ICOZGR: integer/real, default: 0: Column or time series number for specification of global z-rotation. Absolute position if IKIND = POSI, relative to static position if IKIND = DYND.

Dofs may be omitted by given ICOxxx=0

ICOxxx will refer to a column for an ASCII file; e.g. ICOSUR=2 if the dynamic x motion time series is in the second column; or to a time series number for a Startimes file, e.g. ICOX=1.02 for time series 1, version 2.

An arbitrary time step may be used on an ASCII file, while the Startimes file has a fixed time step. Linear interpolation is used to get the motions at the time step (DTWF).

Translational dofs are given in length units. Rotational dofs are given in degrees or radians, depending on the option IROT.

If only one rotation is nonzero or if all rotations are small, the order in which the rotations are applied will not be significant.

5.5. Print options for FFT analysis

5.5.1. Data group identifier, one input line


5.5.2. Fourier print options

  • IPMOTI: integer, default: 0: Print option for the main routine

    • <= 0: No print

    • > 1: Key information printed

    • > 2: Some more data printed

    • > 5: Low level debug print during numerical integration activated

  • IPWAFO: integer, default: 0: Print option for the wave fourier component generation

    • Not active in present version

  • IPHFTS: integer, default: 0: Print option for HF-time series generation

    • <= 0: No print

    • > 0: Print of wave frequency vessel motion time series

  • IPLFTS: integer, default: 0: Print option for LF-time series generation

    • <= 0: No print

    • > 0: Print of low frequency vessel motion time series

  • IPTOMO: integer, default: 0: Print option for TOTAL motion time series generation

    • <= 0: No print

    • > 0: Print of total vessel motion time series

  • IPVEAC: integer, default: 0: Print option for generation of water particle velocities and acceleration

    • <= 0: No print

    • > 1: Key information printed

    • > 2: Some data printed

    • > 5: Extensive debug print of arrays with water particle velocities and accelerations

This data-group is normally supposed to be omitted. Increasing value of print options gives increasing amount of print.

5.6. Storage of irregular wave kinematics (optional)

5.6.1. Data group identifier, one input line

IRREgular KINEmatics STORage

5.6.2. Wave kinematics storage options one input line

  • NLKINE: integer, default: 0: Number of specifications for storage of wave kinematics

    • = 0: Wave elevation, velocities, accelerations and pressure are stored for all kinematics nodes. Currently, no other value is allowed.

  • IKINFM: integer, default: 2: File format for kinematics storage

    • = 1: ASCII format

    • = 2: Binary format

Pre-generated wave kinematics are written to <prefix>_wavkin.asc or <prefix>_wavkin.bin. Kinematics calculated during the simulation; IUPPOS = 2 or -2; are written to <prefix>_updkin.asc or <prefix>_updkin.bin.

The contents are described in key_<prefix>_wavkin.txt or key_<prefix>_updkin.txt.

The format of the <prefix>_wavkin.bin and <prefix>_updkin.bin are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 shows storage of data for M number of time steps and N number of kinematic nodes.The data is stored row by row. The number of columns is equal to 3+8N. The first and last columns contain the number of bytes per line ( i.e. number of bytes = 4(8N+1) ). The second column is the time step.

The numbers are stored as 32bit (4byte) floating point number, except the first and last column which is 4 byte unsigned integer. The disk consumption is equal to 4M(3+8N) bytes.

The number of kinematics quatities in the file generated by Riflex is 8. That is the wave elevation, x-velocity, y-velocity, z-velocity, x-acceleration, y-acceleration, z-acceleration and dynamic pressure are stored for each specified node.
Table 1. Format of wave kinematics binary file <prefix>_wavkin.bin and <prefix>_updkin.bin.

Column no=1


3 to 10

11 to 18

19 to 26


3+(N-1)8 to 2+8N















































A list of the kinematic nodes can be found on the <prefix>_dynmod.res-file.
If the kinematic binary file is generated by an external tool and used as input to Riflex, Section, the number of kinematics quatities can be 7 (wave elevation, x-velocity, y-velocity, z-velocity, x-acceleration, y-acceleration and z-acceleration).

6. Data Group E: Time Domain Procedure and File Storage Parameters

This data group must always be given for IANAL = REGU and IRRE (time domain analysis) specified in input line Options and identifiers, one input line.

6.1. Method of analysis and subsequent input

6.1.1. Data group identifier, one input line


6.1.2. Method and subsequent input, one input line

  • ITDMET: integer, default: 1: Method indicator

    • ITDMET = 0: Prestochastic analysis only. The rest of the data in input groups E are irrelevant

    • ITDMET = 1: Linear analysis

    • ITDMET = 2: Nonlinear analysis. More information to define method is given in Nonlinear step by step integration

  • INEWIL: integer, default: 1: Procedure indicator

    • INEWIL = 1: Newmark’s procedure

    • INEWIL = 2: Wilson’s procedure, illegal for non-linear analysis

6.1.3. Time integration and damping parameters, one input line

This data group can be omitted if default values are wanted.

  • BETIN: real, default: 4/6: Inverse value of beta-parameter of the Newmark beta-family of integration operators

    • BETIN = 4.0 gives beta=1/4,i.e. constant average acceleration method

  • GAMMA: real, default: 0.5: Value of the parameter gamma of the Newmark operators (usually equal to 0.5)

  • TETHA: real, default: See below: Value of the parameter tetha in Wilson’s integration method

  • A1: real, default: 0: Global mass proportional damping factor \(\mathrm {a_1}\), see definition below

  • A2: real, default: 0.001/0: Global stiffness proportional damping factor \(\mathrm {a_2}\)

  • A1T: real, default: 0: Additional local mass proportional damping factor \(\mathrm {a_{1t}}\) for tension

  • A1TO: real, default: 0: Additional local mass proportional damping factor \(\mathrm {a_{1to}}\) for torsion

  • A1B: real, default: 0: Additional local mass proportional damping \(\mathrm {a_{1b}}\) for bending

  • A2T: real, default: 0: Additional local stiffness proportional damping factor \(\mathrm {a_{2t}}\) for tension

  • A2TO: real, default: 0: Additional local stiffness proportional damping factor \(\mathrm {a_{2to}}\) for torsion

  • A2B: real, default: 0: Additional local stiffness proportional damping factor \(\mathrm {a_{2b}}\) for bending

  • DAMP_OPT: character(4), default: TOTA: Option for stiffness contribution to Rayleigh damping

    • = TOTA: Stiffness proportional damping is applied using total stiffness, i.e. both material and geometric stiffness

    • = MATE: Stiffness proportional damping is applied using material stiffness only

Note that for CRS7 - General cross section, the stiffness proportional damping will include material stiffnesses only.

Default values:

  • For INEWIL=1 (Newmark) the following alternative default values are: BETIN=4.0, THETA=1.0, A2=0.001

  • For INEWIL=2 (Wilson) default values are: BETIN=6.0, TETHA=1.4 (linear)

Global proportional damping formulation:

\(\mathrm {\boldsymbol{\mathrm C}=a_1\boldsymbol{\mathrm M}+a_2\boldsymbol{\mathrm K}}\)

This means that the global damping matrix \(\mathrm {\boldsymbol{\mathrm C}}\) is established as a linear combination of the global mass (\(\mathrm {\boldsymbol{\mathrm M}}\)) and the total or material stiffness (\(\mathrm {\boldsymbol{\mathrm K}}\)) matrices.

The mass and stiffness-proportional damping specified here will not be applied to elements for which mass- and/or stiffness-proportional damping is specified in INPMOD.

Numerical values of \(\mathrm {a_1}\) and \(\mathrm {a_2}\):

Let the structural damping to critical damping ratio, \(\mathrm {c/(2m\omega )}\), at two natural frequencies \(\mathrm {\omega _1}\) and \(\mathrm {\omega _2}\) be \(\mathrm {\lambda_1}\) and \(\mathrm {\lambda_2}\), respectively.
Then A1 and A2 can be computed as: - \(\mathrm {a_1=\frac{2\omega _1\omega _2}{\omega _2^2-\omega _1^2}(\lambda_1\omega _2-\lambda_2\omega _1)}\) - \(\mathrm {a_2=\frac{2(\omega _2\lambda_2-\omega _1\lambda_1)}{\omega _2^2-\omega _1^2}}\)

Additional local proportional damping formulation:

In this approach, the damping coefficients are introduced in the local degrees of freedom in order to allow for different damping levels in bending, torsion and tension. The element damping matrix can the be written as

\(\mathrm {\boldsymbol{\mathrm c}=a_1\boldsymbol{\mathrm M}+a_{1t}\boldsymbol{\mathrm m}_t+a_{1to}\boldsymbol{\mathrm m}_{to}+a_{1b}\boldsymbol{\mathrm m}_b+a_2\boldsymbol{\mathrm K}+a_{2t}\boldsymbol{\mathrm k}_t+a_{2to}\boldsymbol{\mathrm k}_{to}+a_{2b}\boldsymbol{\mathrm k}_{b}}\)

where subscripts \(\mathrm {_t}\), \(\mathrm {_{to}}\) and \(\mathrm {_b}\) refer to tension, torsion and bending contributions, respectively, and the matrices \(\boldsymbol{\mathrm c_{}}\), \(\boldsymbol{\mathrm m}\) and \(\boldsymbol{\mathrm k_{}}\) are local element matrices; e.g. \(\mathrm {\boldsymbol{\mathrm k}_b}\) includes all bending deformation terms in the local element stiffness matrix.

For cross sections applied for blades of a operating wind turbine the matrix \(\boldsymbol{\mathrm k_{}}\) should only include the material stiffness matrix. The geometric stiffness matrix should not be included as this would introduce damping of the rigid body motion.

One should be careful with global mass proportional damping as this may introduce internal damping from rigid body motion.

If \(\mathrm {a_1=}\) 0, \(\mathrm {a_2}\) simply becomes \(\mathrm {2\lambda/\omega }\).

Note that proportional damping (global and local) adds to a possible structural damping arising from hysteresis in bending moment/curvature relation.

6.1.4. Non-linear force model, one input line. Always submit for linear and non-linear analysis

  • INDINT: integer, default: 1: Indicator for modelling forces from internal slug flow

  • INDHYD: integer, default: 1: Indicator for hydrodynamic force model. Linear analysis only. (see Dynamic Time Domain Analysis in the Theory Manual).

    • INDHYD = 1: No force iteration, use of displacements and velocities at previous time step

    • INDHYD = 2: No force iteration, use of displacements, velocities and accelerations at previous time step (not recommended)

    • INDHYD = 3: Force iteration performed

  • MAXHIT: integer, default: 5: Maximum number of load iterations. Linear analysis only.

    • A negative value gives print of convergence for each step, then MAXHIT = ABS(MAXHIT)

  • EPSHYD: real, default: 0.01: Convergence control parameter for force iteration. Linear analysis only.

    • Dummy for INDHYD = 1, 2 \(\mathrm {[1]}\)

  • TRAMP: real, default: 10: Duration of start-up procedure \(\mathrm {[T]}\)

  • INDREL: integer, default: 0: Indicator for rupture/release

    • INDREL = 0: No riser rupture/release

    • INDREL = 1: Riser rupture/release will be simulated

  • ICONRE: integer, default: 0: Ball joint connector no. to be released

    • ICONRE = 0: All ball joint connectors in the system are released simultaneously

    • ICONRE = i: Ball joint connector no. i is released. See reference number ("ref no") in the table Components on the STAMOD result file for connector numbering. The connectors are normally numbered from the first end as 1, 2 etc. following the FEM model.

  • ISTEPR: integer, default: 0: Time step no. for release (nonlinear analysis only)

    • In linear analysis the ball joint connector will be released at the first step

  • LDAMP: integer, default: 0: Option for calculation of proportional damping matrix in nonlinear analysis.

    • Irrelevant for linear analyses

    • LDAMP = 0: Use constant proportional damping matrix calculated at static position

    • LDAMP = 1: Use updated proportional damping matrix according to instantaneous mass and stiffness matrices

For non-linear analysis (ITDMET = 2, see Method and subsequent input, one input line) INDHYD can have the values 1 or 2. Input of 3 will be interpreted as 2. Load iteration for non-linear analysis will always be performed in connection with equilibrium iteration, but not during equilibrium correction.

If load convergence is not obtained after MAXHIT iteration, computation will proceed after output of warning.

As a release/rupture analysis is very sensitive, a short time step and rather firm convergence limit is required. If the response of part of the system is not of interest after the release, the Boundary change option may be used to fix the nodes in this part of the system.

um id fig237
Figure 3. Definition of clutch (start up procedure)

6.2. Nonlinear step by step integration

This data group is only given for ITDMET=2 (input group Method and subsequent input, one input line).).

6.2.1. Data group identifier, one input line

NONLinear INTEgration PROCedure

6.2.2. Specification of incrementation procedure, one input line

  • ITFREQ: integer, default: 1: Frequency of equilibrium iteration

    • ITFREQ <= 0: Iteration will not be performed

    • ITFREQ >= 1: Iteration will be performed every ITFREQ time step. For steps without iteration equilibrium correction will be performed.

    • The remaining variables in this input line are dummy if ITFREQ <= 0

  • ISOLIT: integer, default: 1: Type of iteration if iteration is to be performed

    • ISOLIT = 1: True Newton-Raphson, updating of geometric stiffness from axial force

    • ISOLIT = 2: Modified Newton-Raphson iteration

    • Modified Newton-Raphson iteration is not included in the current version of the program

  • MAXIT: integer, default: 10: Maximum number of iterations for steps with iteration

  • DACCU: real, default: \(\mathrm {10^{-6}}\): Desired accuracy for equilibrium iteration measured by a modified Euclidean displacement norm (norm of squared translations)

    • Recommended values: \(\mathrm {10^{-6}-10^{-5}}\) cfr. STAMOD analysis \(\mathrm {[1]}\)

  • ICOCOD: integer, default: 1: Code for continuation after iteration

    • ICOCOD = 0: Computations interrupted if accuracy requirements are not fulfilled

    • ICOCOD = 1: Computations continue even if accuracy requirements are not fulfilled. Warning is printed

  • IVARST: integer, default: 0: Code for automatic subdivision of time step

    • IVARST = 0: No subdivision

    • IVARST > 0: Automatic subdivision of time step if required accuracy is not obtained with original time step or if incremental rotations are to large.

    • Maximum number of subdivisions: \(\mathrm {2^{IVARST}}\)

  • ISTAT: integer, default: 1: Code for time integration information

    • ITSTAT = 0: No information

    • ITSTAT > 1: Number of iterations, subdivisions and obtained accuracy are presented

  • CHNORM: character(4), default: DISP: Convergence norm switch

    • = DISP: Use the default Euclidean displacement norm only

    • = BOTH: Use both the default Euclidean displacement norm and the energy norm

  • EACCU: real, default: \(\mathrm {10^{-6}}\): Required accuracy measured by energy norm

    • Dummy if CHNORM=DISP

6.3. Modification to water kinematics

Modification to water kinematics due to moonpool kinematics may be specified. The water kinematics will be based on the velocities and acceleration of the actual support vessel or floater force model specified.

6.3.1. Data group identifier, one input line

WATEr KINEmatic CONDition

6.3.2. Rigid moonpool column, one input line

Specification of number of moonpools, one input line
  • NLSPEC: integer: Number of Rigid Moonpool Columns

Specification of support vessel moonpool, one input line.
  • CHSUPP: character: Type of support vessel

    • = VESSEL: RIFLEX support vessel (Prescribed motions)

    • = FLOATER: Floater force model

  • IVES: integer: Support vessel number

  • ZLLOW: real: Lower Z limit (local vessel system) \(\mathrm {[L]}\)

  • ZLUP: real: Upper Z limit (local vessel system) \(\mathrm {[L]}\)

One input line

Specification of lines within present moonpool, one input line
LINE-ID1 LINE-ID2 ....... LINE-IDi .........LINE-IDn
  • LINE-ID: character(8): Line identifiers within moon pool

The data groups Specification of support vessel moonpool and Specification of lines within present moonpool are to be repeated NLSPEC times.

  • Rigid moonpool column may not be combined with CHMOT=NONE: No irregular motions, for irregular wave analysis .

  • Rigid moonpool column may not be combined with IMOTD = 0: No motions, for regular wave analysis.

  • If current is loaded in static analysis, the current forces will be removed at start of dynamic analysis for lines within moonpool and may create a transient.

6.4. Slug force calculations

This data group is only given for INDINT=2 (see Non-linear force model). Note that slug forces can only be specified for single risers.

6.4.1. Data group identifier, one input line


  • The main riser line has to be modelled by beam elements

  • Consistent formulation (Lumped mass option is prohibited)


  • The total slug mass is constant, \(\boldsymbol{\mathrm {M_S}}\). Initial length is \(\boldsymbol{\mathrm {L_{S0}}}\)

  • The specified velocity refers to the gravity centre of the slug, initially at the half length.

  • The slug specification is superimposed on the riser mass, including any internal fluid flow.

  • The internal cross-section area is not used in the slug modelling

  • The slug length is divided into sections. Initially the sections are of equal length \(\boldsymbol{\mathrm {dl_{S,0}}}\). The density, (mass per unit length) is constant within each section. Initially the mass per unit length is \(\boldsymbol{\mathrm {m_0=M_S/L_{S0}}}\)

Input description for slug force specification
SLUG FORCe SPECification

6.4.2. Specification of slug data, one input line

  • TSLUG: real, default: 0: Time when slug enters first end of main riser line \(\mathrm {[T]}\)

  • ICOSLG: integer, default: 1: Interruption parameter

    • =0: Analysis termination controlled by slug

    • =1: Analysis termination controlled by specified length of simulation (TIME)

  • SLGLEN: real: Initial slug length \(\mathrm {[L]}\)

  • SLGMAS: real: Slug mass \(\mathrm {[M]}\)

  • SLGVEL: real: Initial slug velocity \(\mathrm {[L/T]}\)

  • IDENS: integer, default: 0: Control parameter density

    • = 0: Constant density

    • = 1: Variable density with vertical position

  • IVEL: integer, default: 0: Control parameter velocity

    • = 0: Constant velocity

    • = 1: Variable velocity

    • The specified velocity refers to the gravity centre of the slug

  • NCYCLE: integer, default: 1: Number of slug cycles

  • CYCTIM: real: Slug cycle time (dummy if NCYCLE = 1) \(\mathrm {[T]}\)

if IDENS = 1:
  • Z2: real: Second vertical position where the slug unit mass is specified \(\mathrm {[L]}\)

  • SLGMA2: real: Slug unit mass at Z2 \(\mathrm {[M/L]}\)

  • ZREF: real < 0: Reference depth \(\mathrm {[L]}\)

    • ZREF < \(\mathrm {Z_{MIN}}\), where \(\mathrm {Z_{MIN}}\) is lowest vertical position along the main riser line

The unit mass at a specific z-position is calculated according to the following equation:

\(\mathrm {m(Z_i)=A(Z_i-Z_{REF})^\alpha }\)


  • \(\mathrm {\alpha =\frac{ln(m_1/m_2)}{ln(\frac{Z_1-Z_{REF}}{Z_2-Z_{REF}})}}\)

  • \(\mathrm {A=\frac{m_1}{(Z_1-Z_{REF})^\alpha }}\)

  • \(\mathrm {m_1}\): SLGMAS/SLGLEN

  • \(\mathrm {m_2}\): SLGMA2

  • \(\mathrm {Z_1}\): Vertical coordinate at inlet, end 1 of main riser line

um fig 244
Figure 4. Internal slug flow
if IVEL = 1:
  • DELVEL: real: Velocity specification

  • VEXP: real: Exponent for velocity

The unit mass at a specific z-position is calculated according to the following equation:

\(\quad \mathrm {V(Z_i)=V_1-\Delta V|Z_i-Z_1|^\alpha}\) for \(\quad \mathrm {(Z_i-Z_1)>=0}\)

\(\quad \mathrm {V(Z_i)=V_1+\Delta V|Z_i-Z_1|^\alpha}\) for \(\quad \mathrm {(Z_i-Z_1)<0}\)


  • \(\mathrm {V_1}\): Initial slug velocity (Velocity at inlet)

  • \(\mathrm {\Delta V}\): DELVEL

  • \(\mathrm {Z_i}\): Vertical coordinate at inlet, end 1 of main riser line

  • \(\mathrm {\alpha }\): VEXP

6.5. Import of internal flow data from file

This data group is only given for INDINT=2 (see Non-linear force model)

6.5.1. Data group identifier, 1 input line


6.5.2. Specification of input flow file, one input line

  • IMRL: integer, default: 0: Main riser line number. IMRL must be 0 in the present program version.

    • = 0: All lines

  • CHOPAD: character(4), default: REPL: Fluid contents option

    • = REPL: Specified flow replaces that given in the Main Riser Line definition

    • = ADDI: Specified flow is in addition to that given in the Main Riser Line definition

  • CHFFLW: character(70): Name of flow data file

The flow input file is described in See Internal flow description.

6.6. Dynamic current variation

Available for nonlinear dynamic analysis, but only when the current profile is specified explicitly on the INPMOD input file. This means that this data group cannot be given for coupled analysis or when the current is specified on a CURMOD input file. However, dynamic current conditions can alternatively be specified using CURMOD.

Varying current velocity and direction are specified at the current levels defined in the preceding static analysis. The varying current is to be described in a separate file. For description of the file format, confer chapter Description of Additional Input Files: Dynamic Current Variation.

6.6.1. Data group identifier, one input line

DYNAmic CURRent VARIation

6.6.2. File name

  • CHFCUR: character(80): File name with current velocity and direction

ASCII file containing current velocity and direction at specified time instants. The velocity and directions have to be given at all levels defined in the preceding static analysis.

6.7. Dynamic nodal forces

This data group enables the user to specify additional dynamic nodal force components. The force components may either be described by simple functions or read from a separate input file. For file description, see chapter Description of Additional Input Files: Dynamic Nodal Forces..

6.7.1. Data group identifier, one input line


6.7.2. Number of specified components specified by functions or by time series on file

  • NDCOMP: integer: Number of load components to be specified

  • CINPUT: character(6), default: 'NOFILE': Type of force specification

    • CINPUT = NOFILE: Forces described by simple expression

    • CINPUT = FILE: Forces described by time series on file

  • CHFLOA: character(80): File name for time series of force components.

    • Dummy if CINPUT = NOFILE

6.7.3. Force component description

  • LINE-ID: character(8): Line identifier

  • ILSEG: integer: Segment number within actual line

  • ILNOD: integer: Local node/element number within segment

  • ILDOF: integer: Degree of freedom within the specified node/element

    • ILDOF = 7…​12 at end 2 of an element

  • CHICOO: character(6): Coordinate system code

    • CHICOO = GLOBAL: Force component refers to global system, unless the node has skew or vessel boundaries. If the node has skew or vessel boundaries, CHICOO=GLOBAL means that the load component acts in the skew (vessel) system. The force is applied at the specified node.

    • CHICOO = LOCAL: Force component refers to local system. The force is applied to the specified element.

  • IFORTY: integer: Force component type

    • IFORTY = 1: Constant force

    • IFORTY = 2: Harmonic force

    • IFORTY = 3: Ramp

  • TIMEON: real: Time for switching component on

  • TIMOFF: real: Time for switching component off

  • P1: real, default: 0: Force component parameter

    • IFORTY = 1: Magnitude, \(\mathrm {[F,FL]}\)

    • IFORTY = 2: Amplitude, \(\mathrm {[F,FL]}\)

    • IFORTY = 3: Force derivative, \(\mathrm {[F/T,FL/T]}\)

  • P2: real, default: 0: Force component parameter

    • IFORTY = 1: Dummy

    • IFORTY = 2: Period \(\mathrm {[T]}\)

    • IFORTY = 3: Dummy

  • P3: real, default: 0: Force component parameter

    • IFORTY = 1: Dummy

    • IFORTY = 2: Phase \(\mathrm {[deg]}\)

    • IFORTY = 3: Dummy

IFORTY, TIMEON, TIMEOFF, P1, P2 and P3 are dummy for CINPUT = FILE, time series on file. For file description, see chapter Description of Additional Input Files: Dynamic Nodal Forces..

For simulation time, t, TIMEON <= t <= TIMOFF the force component \(\mathrm {(F)}\) will be applied as:

  • IFORTY = 1: \(\mathrm {F=P1}\)

  • IFORTY = 2: \(\mathrm {F=P1\times sin(\frac{2\pi }{P2}\times (t-TIMEON)+P3\frac{\pi }{180})}\)

  • IFORTY = 3: \(\mathrm {F=P1\times (t-TIMEON)}\)

6.8. Dynamic tension variation

6.8.1. Data group identifier, one input line

DYNAmic TENSion VARIation

6.8.2. Specification of dynamic tension variation

  • SNOD-ID: character(8): Supernode identifier for dynamic tension variation.

    • Must be identical to the last node-id in stroke storage specification if stroke storage is specified.

  • TCX: real, default: 0: Coefficient for tension variation due to relative displacement between vessel and riser \(\mathrm {[F/L]}\)

  • TCV: real, default: 0: Coefficient for tension variation due to relative velocity between vessel and riser \(\mathrm {[FT/L]}\)

  • TCA: real, default: 0: Coefficient for tension variation due to relative acceleration between vessel and riser \(\mathrm {[FT^2/L]}\)

  • IOPDTV: integer, default: 0: Option for updating tension during iterations (relevant for nonlinear time domain analysis only):

    • = 0: Not updated

    • = 1: Updated

The resulting dynamic tension is given by:

\(\mathrm {\Delta T=TCX\times x+TCV\times \dot {x}+TCA\times \ddot {x}}\)

where \(\mathrm {x}\) is the relative vertical displacement between the vessel and the riser. The vertical riser displacements are directly available in a nonlinear time domain analysis. In a linear analysis, the vertical displacements are estimated from the displacements along lines ILIN1 …. ILINN (as in linear stroke calculations). File storage for stroke response must be given if specification of dynamic tension variation is included. In both linear and nonlinear analyses platform motions will be modified for platform setdown if SETLEN > 0 in File storage for stroke response.

6.9. Time domain loading

6.9.1. Data group identifier, one input line


6.9.2. Load type to be activated, one input line

  • LOTYPE: character:

    • = SEGV: Segment length variation (Nonlinear analysis only)

    • = TEMP: Temperature variation (Nonlinear analysis only)

    • = PRES: Pressure variation (Nonlinear analysis only)

    • = BOUN: Boundary change (Nonlinear analysis only)

    • = VIVA: Harmonic loads from VIVANA (Nonlinear analysis only)

    • = WINC: Winch run (Nonlinear analysis only)

    • = WIND: Wind event. Only available for IWITYP=14, Stationary uniform wind with shear.

    • = SHUT: Wind turbine shutdown fault options (Nonlinear analysis only)

    • = BLAD: Wind turbine blade pitch fault options (Nonlinear analysis only)

  • NLSPEC: integer, default: See below: Number of load specification to follow

  • CINPUT: character, default: NOFILE:

    • = NOFILE: All load specification given below

    • = FILE: Load specification read from file CHFLOA

  • CHFLOA: character, default: See below: Load specification file.

    • Dummy for CINPUT = NOFILE

  • IFORM: integer, default: 1: File format



  • The default value of CHFLOA is <prefix>_ifnviv.ffi







6.9.3. Segment length variation, NLSPEC input lines for LOTYPE = SEGV

  • LINE-ID: character(8): Line identifier

  • ISEG: integer: Local segment within line LINE-ID

  • TBEG: real: Start time for segment length variation \(\mathrm {[T]}\)

  • TEND: real: End time for segment length variation \(\mathrm {[T]}\)

    • TEND > TBEG

  • SLRATE: real: Segment length variation per time unit \(\mathrm {[L/T]}\)

6.9.4. Temperature variation, NLSPEC input lines if LOTYPE = TEMP

  • LINE-ID: character(8): Line identifier

  • ISEG: integer/character: Local segment number within line LINE-ID

    • = 0 / ALL: All segments in specified line

  • IEL: integer/character: Local element number within segment ISEG

    • = 0 / ALL: All elements in specified segment

  • TBEG: real: Start time for temperature variation \(\mathrm {[T]}\)

  • TEND: real: End time for temperature variation \(\mathrm {[T]}\)

    • TEND > TBEG

  • TEMP: real: Temperature at end of temperature variation

The temperature is varied linearly during the load group from the starting temperature ending with the temperature specified here.

A linear variation of temperature over a sequence of elements may be specified by giving a negative element number at the second end of the linear variation.

6.9.5. Pressure variation, NLSPEC input lines if LOTYPE = PRES

  • MRL-ID: character(8): Reference to Main Riser Line identifier

  • TBEG: real: Start time for pressure variation \(\mathrm {[T]}\)

  • TEND: real: End time for pressure variation \(\mathrm {[T]}\)

    • TEND > TBEG

  • PRESSI: real, default: 0: Final pressure at inlet end \(\mathrm {[F/L^2]}\)

  • DPRESS: real, default: 0: Final pressure drop \(\mathrm {[F/L^3]}\)

  • VVELI: real, default: 0: Final fluid velocity \(\mathrm {[L^3/T]}\)

    • Dummy in present version

6.9.6. Boundary change, 3 x NLSPEC input lines for LOTYPE = BOUN

Time for boundary change
  • TIMCHG: real: Time for boundary change \(\mathrm {[T]}\)

Identification of node for boundary change
  • IREF-ID: character(8): Reference to line or supernode identifier.

  • ILSEG: integer:

    • If IREF-ID refers to a line, ILSEG is the segment number within this line

    • If IREF-ID refers to a supernode, ILSEG must be zero

  • ILNODE: integer:

    • If IREF-ID refers to a line, ILNODE is the node number within segment ILSEG

    • If IREF-ID refers to a supernode, ILNODE must be zero

  • IOP: integer: Parameter for boundary change option

    • = 0: Boundary conditions: fixed, pre-scribed or free

    • = -1: Boundary conditions: rigid node connection (The node will become a slave node.)

Ordinary (line end) supernodes and SIMO body nodes with CHLOCA_OPT='POSI' may have boundary change.

Status for nodal degrees of freedom if IOP = 0
  • IPOS: integer: Boundary condition type

    • IPOS = 0: The node is fixed in global system

    • IPOS = N: The node is attached to support vessel no N

  • IX: integer: Boundary condition code for translation in X-direction

    • IX = 0: Free

    • IX = 1: Fixed of prescribed

  • IY: integer: Boundary condition code for translation in Y-direction

    • Same interpretation as for IX.

  • IZ: integer: Boundary condition code for translation in Z-direction

    • Same interpretation as for IX.

  • IRX: integer: Boundary condition code for rotation around X-direction

    • Same interpretation as for IX.

  • IRY: integer: Boundary condition code for rotation around Y-direction

    • Same interpretation as for IX.

  • IRZ: integer: Boundary condition code for rotation around Z-direction

    • Same interpretation as for IX.

Identification of master node if IOP = 1
  • LINE-ID: character(8): Line identifier

  • ILSEG: integer: Segment number within the actual line

  • ILNODE: integer: Local node number within segment

6.9.7. Specification of harmonic loads from VIVANA, one input line for LOTYPE = VIVA

  • CHFRQ: character, default: DOMI:

    • = ALL: All responses frequencies from VIVANA included

    • = AMIN: Response frequencies with normalized cross-flow response larger than AMIN included

    • = DOMI: Only the dominating response frequency included

  • ALIM: real, default: 0: Cross-flow displacement to diameter ratio \(\mathrm {[1]}\)

    • Dummy for CHFRQ \(\mathrm {\neq }\) ALIM

  • ISEED: integer, default: 280495: Seed

  • TPLOT: real, default: 2: VIV response plot interval. Key VIV results from the last TPLOT interval of the simulation are stored on the _dynmod.mpf file

    • TPLOT > 0: Given as number of whole response periods

    • TPLOT < 0: Given as time \(\mathrm {[T]}\)

6.9.8. Winch run, NLSPEC input lines for LOTYPE = WINC

  • IWINCH: integer: Winch number

  • TBEG: real: Start time for winch run \(\mathrm {[T]}\)

  • TEND: real: End time for winch run \(\mathrm {[T]}\)

  • WIVEL: real: Winch velocity \(\mathrm {[L/T]}\)

    • WIVEL > 0: Winching out, i.e. the winch run will increase the active line length.

6.9.9. Wind event specification, two or three input lines for LOTYPE = WIND

In the following IEC 2005 refers to the standard IEC 61400-1 Wind turbines - Part 1: Design requirements - 2005.

An IEC 2005 extreme wind event may only be applied to a stationary uniform wind with shear, IWITYP=14.

Note that this input option is only available if one and only one wind turbine is specified in the system.

Start time and wind turbine reference
  • TIME: real: Start time for wind event \(\mathrm {[T]}\)

  • WIND-TURBINE-ID: character(8): Wind turbine identifier given in INPMOD. NONE may be given to skip the wind turbine reference for the events ECD, EOG and EDC with CLASS = NONE; i.e. detailed specification of event.

Extreme wind event
  • CHEVEN: character(12): Extreme wind event. The following values are currently available:

    • = IEC2005_ECD: IEC 2005 extreme coherent gust with direction change

    • = IEC2005_EWSV: IEC 2005 extreme vertical wind shear

    • = IEC2005_EWSH: IEC 2005 extreme horizontal wind shear

    • = IEC2005_EOG: IEC 2005 extreme operating gust

    • = IEC2005_EDC: IEC 2005 extreme direction change

  • CLASS: character(4): Wind turbine class, ref IEC 2005. Legal values are IA, IIA, IIIA, IB, IIB, IIIB, IC, IIC, IIIC, S or NONE, detailed specification of event parameters.

  • CHDIR: character(4): Direction of event. Dummy for CHEVEN = IEC2005_EOG.

    • = POS: For ECD and EDC, the wind shifts clockwise (viewed from above). For EWSV, the wind increases at the top of the rotor disk and decrease at the bottom. For EWSH, the wind increases on the left side of the rotor disk and decrease on the right side when viewed along the shaft from the hub.

    • = NEG: For ECD and EDC, the wind shifts counter-clockwise (viewed from above). For EWSV, the wind decreases at the top of the rotor disk and increases at the bottom. For EWSH, the wind decreases on the left side of the rotor disk and increases on the right side when viewed along the shaft from the hub.

    • = NONE: Only allowed for CHEVEN = IEC2005_EOG.

Additional input for wind turbine class S

If CLASS = S, the following additional input line is given:

  • VREF: real: Reference wind speed average over 10 min \(\mathrm {[L/T]}\)

  • IREF: real: Expected value of the turbulence intensity at 15 m/s \(\mathrm {[1]}\)

Detailed specification of IEC2005 ECD event

If CLASS = NONE and CHEVEN = IEC2005_ECD, the following additional input line is given:

  • VEL_EVENT: real, default: 0.0: Velocity change \(\mathrm {[L/T]}\)

  • DIR_EVENT: real, default: 0.0: Direction change \(\mathrm {[deg]}\)

  • TIME_EVENT: real > 0: Duration of event \(\mathrm {[T]}\)

Detailed specification of IEC2005 EWSV or EWSH event

If CLASS = NONE and CHEVEN = IEC2005_EWSV or IEC2005_EWSH, the following additional input line is given:

  • VEL_EVENT: real, default: 0.0: Maximum velocity change at edge of rotor \(\mathrm {[L/T]}\)

  • TIME_EVENT: real > 0: Duration of event \(\mathrm {[T]}\)

Detailed specification of IEC2005 EOG event

If CLASS = NONE and CHEVEN = IEC2005_EOG, the following additional input line is given:

  • VEL_EVENT: real, default: 0.0: Range of velocity from minimum to maximum during the event \(\mathrm {[L/T]}\)

  • TIME_EVENT: real > 0: Duration of event \(\mathrm {[T]}\)

Detailed specification of IEC2005 EDC event

If CLASS = NONE and CHEVEN = IEC2005_EDC, the following additional input line is given:

  • DIR_EVENT: real, default: 0.0: Direction change \(\mathrm {[deg]}\)

  • TIME_EVENT: real > 0: Duration of event \(\mathrm {[T]}\)

6.9.10. Wind turbine shutdown fault options

The specifications given for turbine shutdown will overrule commanded blade pitch and torque, given by the wind turbine control system. Wind turbine blade pitch faults will override the wind turbine shutdown options.

Note that this input option is only available if one and only one wind turbine is specified in the system.

Start time and wind turbine reference
  • TSTART: real: Start time for shutdown \(\mathrm {[T]}\)

  • WIND-TURBINE-ID: character(8): Reference to wind turbine identifier

Number of pairs in rate of change in pitch and maximum pitch
  • NPAIR: integer: Number of pairs in tabulated rate of pitch change and maximum pitch at the rate of pitch change

Rate of change in pitch and maximum pitch at the rate of change in pitch, NPAIR input lines
  • RATE: real: Rate of change in pitch angle (absolute value) \(\mathrm {[deg/T]}\)

    • RATE > 0

  • MAX_PITCH: real: Maximum pitch angle for the rate of change in pitch \(\mathrm {[deg]}\)

    • MAXPITCH > 0

MAX_PITCH values must be given in increasing order.


Type of shutdown Pitch change rate Maximum pitch


1.0 deg/T to

90.0 deg


Type of shutdown Pitch change rate Maximum pitch


8.0 deg/T to

40.0 deg


4.0 deg/T to

90.0 deg


Type of shutdown Pitch change rate Maximum pitch


8.0 deg/T to

90.0 deg

Generator torque fault options
  • CHFAULT: character(6):

    • = NONE: No generator torque fault, the calculated generator torque will be applied in full

    • = LOSS: Total loss of generator torque

    • = BACKUP: Backup power, generator torque will follow scaled torque control

Scale factor for generator torque, One input line for CHFAULT = BACKUP
  • SF: real: Scale factor for generator torque

    • SF >= 0

Mechanical brake option
  • CHBRAKE: character(6):

    • = NONE: No mechanical brake

    • = BRAKE: Mechanical brake (Linear damping)

Torque damping coefficient and brake uploading duration, One input line for CHBRAKE = BRAKE
  • TORQUE_DAMP: real: Linear torque damping coefficient \(\mathrm {[FLT/deg]}\)

    • TORQUE_DAMP >= 0

  • UPL_DURATION: real: Brake uploading duration to full braking torque \(\mathrm {[T]}\)

    • UPL_DURATION >= 0

6.9.11. Wind turbine blade pitch fault options

Wind turbine blade pitch faults will override commanded blade pitch given by the wind turbine control system or by the wind turbine shutdown options.

Note that this input option is only available if one and only one wind turbine is specified in the system.

Wind turbine reference
  • WIND-TURBINE-ID: character(8): Reference to wind turbine identifier

Number of blades for fault specification
  • NBL_FAULT: integer: Number of blades for fault specification

    • NBL_FAULT >= 0

The subsequent input specification must be given per blade with pitch fault

Start time and line (foil blade) reference for fault specification
  • TSTART: real: Start time for blade pitch fault \(\mathrm {[T]}\)

  • LINE-ID: character(8): Reference to line identifier

Type of blade pitch fault
  • CHFAULT: character(4):

    • = SEIZ: Seized - Fixed pitch from time of occurrence

    • = RUNA: Runaway - Pitch change rate from time of occurrence to final pitch

    • = BIAS: Actuator bias - Fixed pitch fault from time of occurrence

Rate of change in pitch and final pitch, One input line for CHFAULT = RUNA
  • RATE: real: Rate of change in pitch (absolute value) \(\mathrm {[deg/T]}\)

    • RATE >= 0

  • FINAL_PITCH: real: Final pitch \(\mathrm {[deg]}\)

Pitch deviation from required pitch, One input line for CHFAULT = BIAS
  • DEL_PITCH: real: Fixed pitch deviation from required pitch \(\mathrm {[deg]}\)

  • UPL_DURATION: real: Bias uploading duration to full pitch deviation \(\mathrm {[T]}\)

    • UPL_DURATION >= 0

6.10. File storage of displacement response

Before specifying file storage of response, note that meaningful output from OUTMOD can be dependent on which and how much information that is stored on file from DYNMOD. Examples of such output options in OUTMOD are time series of element angles and distance between elements, see Element angle time series from time domain analysis and Distance time series calculated from the time domain analyses.

There are limitations in storage capacity due to: Disk/user size

6.10.1. Data group identifier, one input line

DISPlacement RESPonse STORage

6.10.2. Specification of displacements to be stored

Amount of storage, one input line
  • IDISP: integer: Code for storage of nodal displacements. Storage for every IDISP time step (IDISP=2 gives storage for every second step).

  • NODISP: integer > 0: Number of input lines given specifying node numbers where displacements are stored.

  • IDISFM: integer, default: 0: integer: Format code for storage and/or output of nodal displacements.

    • IDISFM = 0: Storage only on ifndyn file.

    • IDISFM = 1: Storage on ifndyn file and additional file in ASCII format.

    • IDISFM = 2: Storage on ifndyn file and additional file in BINARY format.

    • IDISFM = -1: Storage only on additional file in ASCII format. Results are not available in OUTMOD.

    • IDISFM = -2: Storage only on additional file in BINARY format. Results are not available in OUTMOD.

Note that data must be stored on the ifndyn file in order to be available for OUTMOD.

If IDISFM\(\mathrm {\neq }\) 0 is specified, an additional result file and a key file will be created. The file names will be based on the name of the DYNMOD result file; <prefix>_dynmod.res. An additional ASCII file will be <prefix>_noddis.asc and an additional binary file will be <prefix>_noddis.bin. The key file key_<prefix>_noddis.txt will describe how data is stored on the additional output file. The key file may be viewed in a text editor.

Specification of nodes for displacement storage, NODISP input lines
  • LINE-ID: character(8): Line identifier

  • ISEG: integer: Segment number of line

  • INOD: integer/character: Local node number on actual segment

Consecutively numbered nodes may be specified implicitly by assigning a negative value to the last of two adjacent INOD. In this case LINE-ID and ISEG must be the same for the two nodes.

All nodes within one segment may be specified by simply giving ALL as input to INOD.

6.11. File storage for internal forces

6.11.1. Data group identifier, one input line


6.11.2. Specification of forces to be stored

Amount of storage, one input line
  • IFOR: integer: Code for file storage of internal forces. Forces are stored for every IFOR time step. (IFOR=3 gives storage for every third step)

  • NOFORC: integer > 0: Number of input lines given to specify elements for which forces are stored.

  • IFORFM: integer, default: 0: Format code for storage and / or output of element forces

    • IFORFM = 0: Storage only on ifndyn file

    • IFORFM = 1: Storage on ifndyn file and additional file in ASCII format

    • IFORFM = 2: Storage on ifndyn file and additional file in BINARY format

    • IFORFM = -1: Storage only on additional file in ASCII format. Results are not available in OUTMOD.

    • IFORFM = -2: Storage only on additional file in BINARY format. Results are not available in OUTMOD.

  • IELTFM: integer, default: 0: Format code for output of element transformation matrices

    • IELTFM = 0: No output

    • IELTFM = ±1: Output on additional file in ASCII format

    • IELTFM = ±2: Output on additional file in BINARY format

  • IBOTFM: integer, default: 0: Format code for output of seafloor / soil contact results. Nonlinear analysis only.

    • IBOTFM = 0: No output

    • IBOTFM = ±1: Output on additional file in ASCII format

    • IBOTFM = ±2: Output on additional file in BINARY format

Note that data must be stored on the ifndyn file in order to be available for OUTMOD.

If IFORFM\(\mathrm {\neq }\) 0 is specified, an additional result file and a key file will be created. The file names will be based on the name of the DYNMOD result file; <prefix>_dynmod.res. An additional ASCII file will be <prefix>_elmfor.asc and an additional binary file will be <prefix>_elmfor.bin. The key file key_<prefix>_elmfor.txt will describe how data is stored on the additional output file. The key file may be viewed in a text editor.

For nonlinear analysis with pipe-in-pipe elements, the contact forces will be written to <prefix>_cntfor.asc or .bin if IFORFM\(\mathrm {\neq }\) 0. The contents are described on the corresponding key file key_<prefix>_cntfor.txt.

Roller contact forces will be stored on separate result files if IDCOM = LAYFLX, see INPMOD: Selection of riser type and identifier.

If IELTFM\(\mathrm {\neq }\) 0 is specified, element transformation matrices will be written to an additional result file for elements for which force storage is specified. The file name will be based on the name of the DYNMOD result file; <prefix>_dynmod.res. An additional ASCII file will be <prefix>_elmtra.asc and an additional binary file will be <prefix>_elmtra.bin. The key file key_<prefix>_elmtra.txt will describe how data is stored on the additional output file. The key file may be viewed in a text editor.

If IBOTFM\(\mathrm {\neq }\) 0 is specified, results for seafloor contact elements and / or soil layer profile contact elements will be written to an additional file for contact elements that are attached to beam or bar elements for which force storage is specified. The file name will be based on the name of the DYNMOD result file; <prefix>_dynmod.res. An additional ASCII file will be <prefix>_botres.asc and an additional binary file will be <prefix>_botres.bin. The key file key_<prefix>_botres.txt will describe how data is stored on the additional output file. The key file may be viewed in a text editor.

Specification of elements for force storage, NOFORC input lines
  • LINE-ID: character(8): Line identifier

  • ISEG: integer: Local segment number within line LINE-ID

  • IEL: integer/character: Local element number within segment ISEG

    • = ALL: All elements in specified segment

Consecutively numbered elements may be specified implicitly by assigning a negative value to the last of two adjacent elements, IEL. In this case LINE-ID and ISEG must be the same for the two elements.

All elements within one segment may be specified by simply giving ALL as input to IEL.

6.12. File storage for curvature response

Curvature estimates based on nodal displacements may be generated by OUTMOD (see Curvature time series calculated from dynamic nodal displacements) even though curvatures are not stored from DYNMOD.

6.12.1. Data group identifier, one input line

CURVature RESPonse STORage

6.12.2. Specification of curvature to be stored

Amount of storage, one input line
  • ICURV: integer: Code for storage of curvature response. Curvature is stored for every ICURV time step

  • NOCURV: integer > 0: Number of input lines given to specify elements for which curvatures are stored.

  • ICURFM: integer, default: 0: integer: Format code for storage and/or output of element curvature.

    • ICURFM = 0: Storage only on ifndyn file.

    • ICURFM = 1: Storage on ifndyn file and additional file in ASCII format.

    • ICURFM = 2: Storage on ifndyn file and additional file in BINARY format.

    • ICURFM = -1: Storage only on additional file in ASCII format. Results are not available in OUTMOD.

    • ICURFM = -2: Storage only on additional file in BINARY format. Results are not available in OUTMOD.

Note that data must be stored on the ifndyn file in order to be available for OUTMOD.

If ICURFM\(\mathrm {\neq }\) 0 is specified, an additional result file and a key file will be created. The file names will be based on the name of the DYNMOD result file; <prefix>_dynmod.res. An additional ASCII file will be <prefix>_elmcur.asc and an additional binary file will be <prefix>_elmcur.bin. The key file key_<prefix>_elmcur.txt will describe how data is stored on the additional output file. The key file may be viewed in a text editor.

Specification of elements for curvature storage, NOCURV input lines
  • LINE-ID: character(8): Line identifier

  • ISEG: integer: Local segment number within line LINE-ID

  • IEL: integer/character: Local element number within segment ISEG

    • = ALL: All elements in specified segment

Consecutively numbered elements may be specified implicitly by assigning a negative value to the last of two adjacent elements, IEL. In this case LINE-ID and ISEG must be the same for the two elements.

All elements within one segment may be specified by simply giving ALL as input to IEL.

6.13. File storage for bottom contact

The bottom contact storage includes storage of sea floor forces and touch down point (TDP) data. For the TDP region sea floor forces, arclength and global x- and y-coordinares are stored.

6.13.1. Data group identifier, one input line


6.13.2. Specification of seafloor and TDP information to be stored

Amount of storage, one input line
  • IBOTF: integer: Code for storage of bottom contact results. Results are stored for every IBOTF time step

  • NOSEAF: integer > 0: Number of input lines given to specify the elements for which seafloor forces are stored

  • NOTDP: integer > 0: Number of input lines given to specify storage of TDP data

  • IBBOTFM: integer, default: 0: integer: Format code for storage and/or output of bottom contact results.

    • IBOTFM = 0: Storage only on ifndyn file.

    • IBOTFM = 1: Storage on ifndyn file and additional file in ASCII format.

    • IBOTFM = 2: Storage on ifndyn file and additional file in BINARY format.

    • IBOTFM = -1: Storage only on additional file in ASCII format. Results are not available in OUTMOD.

    • IBOTFM = -2: Storage only on additional file in BINARY format. Results are not available in OUTMOD.

Data must be stored on the ifndyn file in order to be available for OUTMOD.

If IBOTFM\(\mathrm {\neq }\) 0 is specified, an additional result file and a key file will be created. The file names will be based on the name of the DYNMOD result file; <prefix>_dynmod.res. An additional ASCII file will be <prefix>_seafrc.asc and an additional binary file will be <prefix>_seafrc.bin. The key file key_<prefix>_seafrc.txt will describe how data is stored on the additional output file. The key file may be viewed in a text editor.

Specification of elements for sea floor force and TDP information storage, NOSEAF+ NOTDP input lines
  • LINE-ID: character(8): Line identifier

  • ISEGORTDP: integer:

    • ISEGORTDP > 0 then ISEG = ISEGORTDP Local segment number within line LINE-ID

    • ISEGORTDP = TDP : The touch down point will be located for line LINE-ID. Arclength from super node 1 for LINE-ID and the the global x- and y- coordinates will be found for the TDP, see Arclength to touch down point (TDP).

  • IELORNOELS: integer/character:

    • ISEGORTDP > 0 then IELS = IELORNOELS : Local element number within segment ISEG

      • = ALL: All elements in specified segment

    • ISEGORTDP = TDP then NOELS = IELORNOELS, default: 0 : Sea floor forces will be stored for the TDP element for static configation, see Storage of sea floor forces for static TDP region.

      • NOELS > 0: Forces are stored for additional +/- NOELS elements next to TDP found for the static configuration. The

  • IEND: integer/character: Element number end number for element IEL

    • dummy if ISEGORTDP = TDP

Consecutively numbered elements may be specified implicitly by assigning a negative value to the last of two adjacent elements, IEL. In this case LINE-ID and ISEG must be the same for the two elements.

All elements within one segment may be specified by simply giving ALL as input to IEL.

Sea floor contact must be defined for the elements
If no sea floor contact is found, the arclength and coordinates for TDP will be set to -1
um tdp arclength
Figure 5. Arclength to touch down point (TDP)
um tdp elements
Figure 6. Storage of sea floor forces for static TDP region

6.14. File storage for hydrodynamic loads

6.14.1. Data group identifier, one input line

HYDRodynamic LOAD STORage

6.14.2. Specification of forces to be stored

Amount of storage, one input line
  • IHLO: integer: Code for file storage of hydrodynamic loads. Forces are stored for every IHLO time step. (IHLO=4 gives storage for every fourth simulation step)

  • NOHLO: integer > 0: Number of input lines given to specify elements for which hydrodynamic loads are stored.

  • IHLOFM: integer, default: 0: Format code for storage of hydrodynamic loads

    • IFORFM = 1: Storage on the ASCII file <prefix>_hydloa.asc

    • IFORFM = 2: Storage on the BINARY file <prefix>_hydloa.bin

The key file key_<prefix>_hydloa.txt will describe how data is stored on the file. The key file may be viewed in a text editor.

Specification of elements for hydrodynamic load storage, NOFHLO input lines
  • LINE-ID: character(8): Line identifier

  • ISEG: integer: Local segment number within line LINE-ID

    • = 0: All segments in the specified line

  • IEL: integer: Local element number within segment ISEG

    • = 0: All elements in the specified segment

  • ILEVHLO: integer, 0<ilevhlo<4, default: 1: Level of output.

    • = 1: Minimum: Total hydrodynamic load excepting added mass contribution

    • = 2: Medium: Available for elements with time domain VIV loading only. Total hydrodynamic load excepting added mass contribution, average relative velocity, average cross-flow, in-line and higher harmonic load amplitude

    • = 3: Maximum: Available for elements with time domain VIV loading only. Total hydrodynamic load excepting added mass contribution, relative velocity at both ends, Morison, cross-flow, in-line and higher order loads at both ends.

6.15. Envelope curve specification

This data group enables the user to compute envelopes from both regular and irregular analysis. For irregular analysis mean and standard deviation of response will be printed on the _dynmod.res file.

6.15.1. Data group identifier, one line

ENVElope CURVe SPECification

6.15.2. Specification

Options for calculation and printing
  • IENVD: integer, default: 1: Calculation option for displacement envelopes

    • = 0: not calculated

    • = 1: calculated

  • IENVF: integer, default: 1: Calculation option for force envelopes

    • = 0: not calculated

    • = 1: calculated

  • IENVC: integer, default: 1: Calculation option for curvature envelopes

    • = 0: not calculated

    • = 1: calculated

  • TENVS: real, default: -1: Simulation start time for calculating envelopes \(\mathrm {[T]}\)

    • = -1: Start time set to the end of the start-up procedure (TRAMP)

  • TENVE: real, default: \(\mathrm {10^{6}}\): Simulation end time for calculating envelopes \(\mathrm {[T]}\)

  • NPREND: integer, default: 0: Print option for displacement envelopes on both _dynmod.res and _dynmod.mpf

    • = 0: Not printed

    • = 1: print

  • NPRENF: integer, default: 0: Print option for force envelopes on both _dynmod.res and _dynmod.mpf

    • = 0: not printed

    • = 1: print

  • NPRENC: integer, default: 0: Print option for curvature envelopes on both _dynmod.res and _dynmod.mpf

    • = 0: not printed

    • = 1: print

  • IFILMP: integer, default: 2: MatrixPlot file option; specifies amount of results written to the file <prefix>_dynmod.mpf. 0 <= IFILMP <= 4.

    • = 0: No print

    • = 1: Minimum values, maximum values and standard deviations

    • = 2: Minimum values, maximum values and standard deviations (identical to specifying IFILMP = 1)

    • = 3: Minimum values, maximum values, standard deviations, mean values and mean-crossing periods

    • = 4: Minimum values, maximum values, standard deviations, mean values, mean-crossing periods, skewness and kurtosis

Note that the mean-crossing period, skewness and kurtosis will be inaccurate for time series with constant or near constant values.

6.16. File storage for stroke response

The stroke is stored for presentation and / or post-processing in OUTMOD

6.16.1. Data group identifier, one input line


6.16.2. Specification of stroke calculation and storage

  • ISTRO: integer, default: 1: Code for storage of stroke response. Storage for every ISTRO time step (ISTRO=2 gives storage for every second step)

  • SNOD-ID: character(8): Supernode identifier for stroke calculation

  • IOPSTR: integer, default: 0: Option for reference coordinates

    • = 0: Initial stressfree configuration used as reference

    • = 1: Final static configuration used as reference (under implementation)

  • SETLEN: real, default: 0: Tendon length for set-down correction

  • XRSTRO: real, default: 0: Global X coordinate of node INODST’s reference point for set-down calculations.

    • Dummy of SETLEN = 0.

  • YRSTRO: real, default: 0: Global Y coordinate of node INODST’s reference point for set-down calculations.

    • Dummy of SETLEN = 0.

  • NLINST: integer, default: 0: Number of lines used in calculating stroke

    • Dummy for nonlinear analysis

  • Lines (line identifiers) used in stroke calculation

    • Dummy for nonlinear analysis

    • LINE-ID1: character(8):

    • .

    • .

    • .

    • LINE-IDnlinst: character(8):

Stroke may only be calculated for supernodes. No set-down correction if SETLEN = 0.0

6.17. File storage for sum forces

The element sum forces are the sum of the stiffness, damping and inertia forces. The sum force in the local axial direction will be stored for each specified element.

6.17.1. Data group identifier, one input line


6.17.2. Specification of forces to be stored

Amount of storage, one input line
  • ISFOR: integer: Code for file storage of sum forces. Forces are stored for every ISFOR time step (ISFOR=3 gives storage for every third step)

  • NOSFOR: integer > 0: Number of input lines given to specify elements for which sum forces are stored.

  • ISFORM: integer, default: -1: integer: Format code for storage and/or output of sum element forces.

    • ISFORM = -1: Storage on additional file in ASCII format only.

    • ISFORM = -2: Storage on additional file in BINARY format only.

This data group is available for nonlinear time domain analysis only.

If ISFORM\(\mathrm {\neq }\) 0 is specified, an additional result file and a key file will be created. The file names will be based on the name of the DYNMOD result file; <prefix>_dynmod.res. An additional ASCII file will be <prefix>_elmsfo.asc and an additional binary file will be <prefix>_elmsfo.bin. The key file key_<prefix>_elmsfo.txt will describe how data is stored on the additional output file. The key file may be viewed in a text editor.

Note that axial force presented by other data groups is the element effective tension, where only internal forces from the stiffness are included. The damping and inertia forces in the other elements are included inherently through nodal displacements. It is only the internal element mass and damping forces in the element that are not included.

The element sum forces presented by this data group also include damping and inertia forces for the element. The element sum forces can be viewed as an equivalent to reaction forces at the end of the element.

Specification of elements for force storage, NOSFOR input lines
  • LINE-ID: character(8): Line identifier

  • ISEG: integer: Local segment number within line LINE-ID

  • IEL: integer/character: Local element number within segment ISEG

    • = ALL: All elements in specified segment

Consecutively numbered elements may be specified implicitly by assigning a negative value to the last of two adjacent elements, IEL. In this case LINE-ID and ISEG must be the same for the two elements.

All elements within one segment may be specified by simply giving ALL as input to IEL.

6.18. File storage of support forces

This option enables export of support forces to a binary file.

6.18.1. Data group identifier, one input line

Amount of storage, one input line
  • DT_SFOR: real, default: 0: Desired time interval for storage [T]

    • = 0: Storage at each simulation time step

  • NS: integer > 0: integer: Number of input lines given to specify the SIMO bodies and support vessel for storage of support forces.

  • ISFOR: integer, default: 2: integer: File format code for storage

    • = 1: ASCII format

    • = 2: Storage on file in binary format.

DT_SFOR will be adjusted to get an integer ratio between the simulation time step DT and the specified storage interval DT_SFOR.
Support force identification for storage, NS input lines
  • SFOR : character(8) or integer: SIMO body or support vessel identifier

  • CHCOR: character(8), default= BVLOC: Coordinate system for support forces

    • = GLOB : Global coordinate system

    • = BVLOC: SIMO body of support vessel coordinate system

The support vessel is given as integer input. The SIMO body has an character ID as identifier.
If more than one line is connected to super node, the accumulated results is stored. The element type is stored as N.A. in the key-file. The line ID is is denoted as ALL.
If the node is not super node, an ID equal _ is written to the key-file.

6.19. File storage for wind turbine responses

This option enables export of wind turnine key responses to file in binary or ASCII format

6.19.1. Data group identifier, one input line

TURBine RESPonse STORage
Time interval for storage, one input line
  • DT_WTR: real: Desired time interval for storage [T]

    • DT_WTR = 0: Storage at each simulation time step

Note that DT_WTR will be adjusted to get an integer ratio between the simulation time step DT and the specified storage interval DT_WTR.

Amount of storage, one input line
  • NOTURB: integer: Number of wind turbines for storage

  • ITURBFM: integer: File format code for storage

    • ITURBFM = 1: Storage on file in ASCII format.

    • ITURBFM = 2: Storage on file in binary format.

The wind turbine responses are written to <prefix>_witurb.asc or <prefix>_witurb.bin.

The contents are described in key_<prefix>_witurb.txt

Wind turbine identification for storage, NOTURB input lines
  • TURB-ID: character(8): Wind turbine identifier

6.20. File storage for wind turbine blade responses

This option enables export of wind turbine blade responses to file in binary or ASCII format.

6.20.1. Data group identifier, one input line

WTBLade RESPonse STORage
Specification of the amount of responses, one input line
  • AMOUNT: character(3): Amount of blade responses storage

    • AMOUNT = MIN: Minimum amount of responses:

      • Drag and lift force intensities in foil system

      • Relative wind velocity in foil system - Angle of attack in foil system

    • AMOUNT = MED: Medium amount of responses. In addition to minimum amount:

      • Drag-, lift and moment coefficients in foil system

      • Induced wind speed in foil system

      • Remote incoming wind speed including tower effect in foil system

      • Separation point position in foil system

      • Axial and tangential induction factors in rotor system

      • Axial and tangential load intensities in rotor system

      • Annulus average axial- and tangential induction velocity

    • AMOUNT = MAX: Maximum amount of responses. In addition to medium amount:

      • Transformation matrix between foil and rotor systems

Time interval for storage, number of input lines and file format code, one input line
  • DT_TBR: real: Desired time interval for storage [T]

    • DT_TBR = 0: Storage at each simulation time step

  • NOSPEC: integer > 0: Number of input lines given to specify elements for which blade responses are stored.

  • IBLADFM: integer: File format code for storage

    • IBLADFM = 1: Storage on file in ASCII format.

    • IBLADFM = 2: Storage on file in binary format.

Note that DT_TBR will be adjusted to get an integer ratio between the simulation time step DT and the specified storage interval DT_TBR.

The wind turbine responses are written to <prefix>_blresp.asc or <prefix>_blresp.bin. <

The contents are described in key_<prefix>_blresp.txt

Specification of elements for blade response storage, NOSPEC input lines
  • LINE-ID: character(8): Line identifier

  • ISEG: integer/character: Local segment number within line LINE-ID

  • IEL: integer/character: Local element number within segment ISEG

All elements within the line may be specified by simply giving ALL as input to ISEG. Thus IEL will be dummy input.

All elements within one segment may be specified by giving ALL as input to IEL.

6.21. Export of element responses

This option enables export of element responses for subsequent communication with general advanced animation tools. The instruction is applicable for non-linear dynamic analysis only.

6.21.1. Data group identifier, one input line

STORe VISUalisation RESPonses

6.21.2. Amount of response storage and file format, one input line

  • TCONDS: real, default: 0: Start time for export

  • TCONDE: real, default: \(\mathrm {10^5}\): End time for export

  • DELT: real, default: See below: Time increment for export

  • CHFORM: character:

    • = VIS: Export to file format used by the computer program SIMVIS for response visualization subsequent to dynamic analysis

    • = RAF: Export to file format of type RAF

Default values of DELT:

  • DTWF: Time increment used for pre-sampling of irregular waves and prescribed motions

  • DT: Time increment used in time integration for regular analysis

6.21.3. Detailed specification of exported element responses

This data group is optionally given for CHFORM = VIS

In present version it is possible to specify element responses in form of effective tension, resulting curvature and longitudinal stress (if available). By default all available element responses for all lines will be exported. This input line makes it possible limit or specify response types for selected lines in the system.

Number of input lines: as many as necessary.

  • OPTION: character:

    • = STORE

    • = NOSTORE

  • CHRESP: character: Response type to be exported

    • = EFF-AX-FORCE: Effective tension

    • = RES-CURV: Resultant curvature

    • = LONG-STRESS: Longitudinal stress

    • = ALL: All of the above described responses

  • CHILIN: character:

    • = LINE-ID: Line identifier

    • = ALL: All lines

6.22. Termination of input data

To terminate an input data stream, simply give the following, which is interpreted as a data-group identifier.


7. Description of Additional Input Files

7.1. Dynamic Current Variation

The file CHFCUR specified in Dynamic current variation, contains the description of dynamic current variation. The file is a free format sequential ASCII-file.

The current velocity and direction have to be specified at all levels defined in the preceding static analysis. The static current profile is interpreted as the current profile at time equal to zero. The dynamic current profile is described at an arbitrary number of time instants, given by increasing values. Linear interpolation is used for intermediate values. If the last defined time instant is exceeded during simulation, the current profile is assumed constant and equal to the last specification for the continued simulation.

File description

7.1.1. Number of specified time instants, one input line

  • NDYCUR: integer > 1: The number of time instants for which current profile is given.

The input data in Number of levels and time instant, one input line and Current velocity and direction, one input line per current level, i.e. NLCUR input lines (below) must be given in one block for each defined time instant.

Number of levels and time instant, one input line
  • NLCUR: integer: Number of levels in current profile. The number of levels has to be equal the number used in the preceding static analysis

  • TIMDCU: real > 0: Time instant for the specified current profile \(\mathrm {[T]}\)

Current velocity and direction, one input line per current level, i.e. NLCUR input lines
  • CURDIR: real: Direction of current velocity.

    • The angle is measured in degrees from global x-axis counter clockwise to the current vector, confer Current parameters

  • CURVEL: real, default: 0: Current velocity \(\mathrm {[L/T]}\)

  • CURVEZ: real, default: 0: Vertical current velocity \(\mathrm {[L/T]}\)

7.2. Dynamic Nodal Forces

The file CHFLOA specified in Dynamic nodal forces, contains the description of dynamic nodal load components; i.e. user-deined external dynamic loads given as time series. The file is a free format sequential ASCII-file. Two alternative formats are available; the original format with multiple input lines for each time instant loads are specified for and the column format with one line for each time instant loads are specified for. The first input line in the file is used to determine which format the file is read in. If only one number is found on the first input line, the file is read using the original format. If more than one number is found, the file is read using the column format.

The dynamic nodal load components are described by values at specified time instants, which must be increasing. Intermediate values are found by linear interpolation. Between the start of the simulation and the first time instant with specified loads, the loads are linearly increased from zero to the first values given. If the simulation continues after the last defined time instant, the nodal load components are kept constant at the last values given.

The number of nodal load components, location and direction are defined in Dynamic nodal forces. This data group also defines the order in which the load components are to be specified on the file.

7.2.1. File description - original format

7.2.2. Number of specified time instants, one input line

  • NTDFO: integer >= 1: Number of time instants for which nodal load components are specified.

The input data in Number of load components and time instant, one input line and Load components, MDCOMP input lines (below) must be given in one block for each defined time instant.

7.2.3. Number of load components and time instant, one input line

  • MDCOMP: integer: Number of load components.

  • TIMDFO: real > 0: Time instant for the specified load components \(\mathrm {[T]}\)

7.2.4. Load components, MDCOMP input lines

  • RLMAG: real: Magnitude of load component \(\mathrm {[F]}\), \(\mathrm {[FL]}\)

7.2.5. File description - column format

7.2.6. Time Step and Load Components, one line for each time step

  • TIMDFO: real > 0: Time instant for the specified load components \(\mathrm {[T]}\)

  • RLMAGi: real: Magnitude of load component \(\mathrm {[F]}\), \(\mathrm {[FL]}\)

RLMAGi must be repeated n=MDCOMP times.

7.3. Diffracted Wave Transfer Functions at Points

The file CHFDIF specified in Irregular Waves contains the wave kinematics transfer functions.

7.3.1. Data group identifier, one input line

FIRSt ORDEr DIFFracted wave transfer functions

7.3.2. Text describing the linear incoming wave to diffracted wave transfer functions, two input lines

  • TXDI1: character(60): Character string

7.3.3. Point reference, one input line

  • PTNOUS: integer: Point number defined by user

  • IVES: integer: Support vessel number

7.3.4. Point coordinates, one input line

  • XBDY: real: x-coordinate of where transfer function is calculated, given in support vessel coordinate system \(\mathrm {[L]}\)

  • YBDY: real: y-coordinate of where transfer function is calculated, given in support vessel coordinate system \(\mathrm {[L]}\)

  • ZBDY: real: z-coordinate of where transfer function is calculated, given in support vessel coordinate system \(\mathrm {[L]}\)

7.3.5. Dimensioning parameters, one input line

  • NDIR: integer: Total number of wave directions (for this point)

  • NFRE: integer: Total number of frequencies (for this point)

  • ITYPIN: integer: Code for which format the transfer functions are given in

    • = 1: Complex form

    • = 2: Amplitude ratio \(\mathrm {[1]}\) and phase \(\mathrm {[deg]}\)

    • = 3: Amplitude ratio \(\mathrm {[1]}\) and phase \(\mathrm {[rad]}\)

7.3.6. Data identification, one input line

WAVE DIREctions DIFFracted wave transfer functions

7.3.7. Directions, NDIR input lines

  • IDIR: integer: Direction number (between 1 and NDIR)

  • DIR: real: Propagation direction of incoming wave, \(\mathrm {[deg]}\)

7.3.8. Data identification, one input line

WAVE FREQuencies DIFFracted wave transfer functions

7.3.9. Frequencies, NFRE input lines

  • IFRE: integer: Frequency number (between 1 and NFRE)

  • FRE: real: Angular frequency of incoming wave, \(\mathrm {[rad/T]}\)

7.3.10. Data identification, one input line

WAVE ELEVation DIFFracted wave transfer function


XVELocity DIFFracted WAVE transfer function
YVELocity DIFFracted WAVE transfer function
ZVELocity DIFFracted WAVE transfer function

7.3.11. Diffracted wave transfer function, NDIR x NFRE input lines

  • IDIR: integer: Direction number

  • IFRE: integer: Frequency number

  • A: real: Interpretation according to value of ITYPIN

    • ITYPIN = 1: Real part

    • ITYPIN = 2: Amplitude ratio \(\mathrm {[1],[rad/m]}\)

    • ITYPIN = 3: Amplitude ratio \(\mathrm {[1],[rad/m]}\)

  • B: real: Interpretation according to value of ITYPIN

    • ITYPIN = 1: Imaginary part

    • ITYPIN = 2: Phase angle \(\mathrm {[deg]}\)

    • ITYPIN = 3: Phase angle \(\mathrm {[rad]}\)

Transfer functions for accelerations will be calculated based on velocity transfer functions

7.4. Internal flow description

The file "CHFFLW" specified in Import of internal flow data from file contains a description of the time-varying internal flow.

7.4.1. Heading, one input line

  • <TEXT>: character(78):

The heading will be echoed on the <prefix>_dynmod.res result file.

7.4.2. Specification of internal flow conditions.

Data groups Specification of time… and Specification of flow conditions… (below) are repeated as many times as necessary. At least two time steps must be given.

Specification of time, one input line
  • CHIDEN: character(4):

    • = TIME

  • TIME: real: Time for the following specified flow conditions

Specification of flow conditions, as many input lines as needed. (Zero input lines may be given.)
  • IFE1: integer: First flow element with these conditions

  • IFE2: integer: Last flow element with these conditions

  • DEN: real: Density of contents \(\mathrm {[M/L^3]}\)

  • VEL: real: Velocity of contents \(\mathrm {[L/T]}\)

The elements in the MRL(s) are numbered consecutively along the MRL. A table of the flow element numbering may be found on the <prefix>_stamod.res file.

7.4.3. End, one input line