1. Fibre rope cross section

1.1. Data group identifier

The fibre rope cross section is described in Fibre Rope and the fibre rope model in SIMO Fibre Rope Model.

NEW COMPonent FIBRe_rope

1.2. Component type identifier

  • CMPTYP-ID: character(8): Component type identifier

  • TEMP: real, default: 0: Temperature at which the specification applies \(\mathrm {[Temp]}\)

  • ALPHA: real, default: 0: Thermal expansion coefficient \(\mathrm {[Temp^{-1}]}\)

  • BETA: real, default: 0: Pressure expansion coefficient \(\mathrm {[1/(F/L^2)]}\)

    • BETA gives the expansion of an element with zero effective tension from the difference between the internal and the external pressure.

1.3. Mass and volume

  • AMS: real: Mass/unit length \(\mathrm {[M/L]}\)

  • AE: real: External cross-sectional area \(\mathrm {[L^2]}\)

  • R_EXTCNT: real, default: 0: External contact radius \(\mathrm {[L]}\)

The outer contact radius of the cross section, R_EXTCNT, is used for seafloor contact. The default value of R_EXTCNT is zero.

1.4. Stiffness properties classification

  • NOC: integer = 0 or > 1, default: 0: Original curve, number of point pairs. The original curve may be given, but will not be used in the analyses.

  • NOWC: integer > 1, default: 0: Original working curve, number of point pairs

  • NWC: integer > 1, default: 0: Working curve, number of point pairs

  • TMAX: real, default: 0: Maximum mean tension \(\mathrm {[F]}\)

The non-linear material curve used in static analysis is given by shifting the working curve by redefining the initial stress-free length so that the working and original working curves intersect at tension TMAX. See figure Tension strain curves.

1.5. Axial stiffness curves

EAF(1) ELONG(1) . . . EAF(N) ELONG(N)
  • EAF(1): real: Tension corresponding to strain ELONG(1) \(\mathrm {[F]}\)

  • ELONG(1): real: Strain (relative elongation) \(\mathrm {[-]}\)

The pairs of EAF and ELONG must be given in increasing order on a single input line. Three sets of pairs must be given, for the working curve, original working curve and original curve, respectively. Each curve must begin with the point pair (0.0, 0.0). For the three curves, N = NOC, N = NOWC and N = NWC, respectively.

1.6. Dynamic stiffness coefficients

  • DSCA: real, default: 1.0: Dynamic stiffness coefficient a

  • DSCB: real, default: 0.0: Dynamic stiffness coefficient b

The linear material curve used in dynamic analysis is given by \(\mathrm {DSCA+DSCB\cdot TMEAN}\), where TMEAN is the mean tension of the segment, and by redefining the initial stress-free length such that the tension is identical between static and dynamic analysis given the elongation of static analysis. See figure Tension strain curves.

Figure 1. Tension strain curves

1.7. Damping specification

Identical to Damping specification

1.8. Hydrodynamic force coefficients

Similar to Hydrodynamic force coefficients, but only Morison type loading is available.

1.9. Capacity parameter

Identical to Capacity parameter