1. BODY - Description of attached bodies 1.1. Data group identifier NEW COMPonent BODY 1.2. Component type identifier CMPTYP-ID CMPTYP-ID: character(8): Component type identifier 1.3. Mass and volume AM AE AM: real: Mass \(\mathrm {[M]}\) AE: real: Displacement volume \(\mathrm {[L^3]}\) 1.4. Hydrodynamic coefficients ICOO CDX CDY CDZ AMX AMY AMZ ICOO: character(5): Coordinate system code ICOO=GLOBAL: Coefficients refer to global coordinate system ICOO=LOCAL: Coefficients refer to local coordinate system of neighbour elements in the actual line CDX: real: Drag force coefficient in X-direction \(\mathrm {[F/(L/T)^2)]}\) CDY: real: Drag force coefficient in Y-direction \(\mathrm {[F/(L/T)^2)]}\) CDZ: real: Drag force coefficient in Z-direction \(\mathrm {[F/(L/T)^2)]}\) AMX: real: Added mass in X-direction \(\mathrm {[M]}\) AMY: real: Added mass in Y-direction \(\mathrm {[M]}\) AMZ: real: Added mass in Z-direction \(\mathrm {[M]}\) The drag forces acting in the global/local coordinate system are computed as: \(\mathrm {F_x=CDX\times VRELX\times VRELX}\) \(\mathrm {F_y=CDY\times VRELY\times VRELY}\) \(\mathrm {F_z=CDZ\times VRELZ\times VRELZ}\) where: \(\mathrm {CDX,CDY,CDZ}\): are the input drag force coefficients in global/local x, y and z-directions, respectively \(\mathrm {VRELX,VRELY,VRELZ}\): are relative water velocities in global/local x, y and z-directions respectively The input quadratic drag force coefficients \(\mathrm {CDX}\), \(\mathrm {CDY}\) and \(\mathrm {CDZ}\) will normally be calculated as: \(\mathrm {CDX=\frac{1}{2}\rho B_xC_{dx}}\) \(\mathrm {CDY=\frac{1}{2}\rho B_yC_{dy}}\) \(\mathrm {CDZ=\frac{1}{2}\rho B_zC_{dz}}\) where: \(\mathrm {\rho }\): water density \(\mathrm {B_x,B_y,B_z}\): projected area for flow in global/local y and z-direction \(\mathrm {C_{dx},C_{dy},C_{dz}}\): nondimensional drag coefficients in global/local x, y and z-directions Components Ball joint