1. Stress joint line specification 1.1. Data group identifier, one input line The stress joint lines are labelled with an unique line type identifier, LINTYP-ID. The total number of line types and stress joints has to be less or equal to 500 in the present version. STREss JOINt DATA 1.2. Stress joint specification, one input line LINTYP-ID CDSJ CMASJ NSJSEC FLUTYP LINTYP-ID: character(8): Line type identifier CDSJ: real: Non-dimensional quadratic drag coefficient in normal direction CMASJ: real: Non-dimensional added mass coefficient in normal direction NSJSEC: integer: Number of conical sections in stress joint FLUTYP: character/integer: Reference to internal fluid component type identifier, CMPTYP-ID. Must be of type FLUID. FLUTYP = 'NONE' or '0' means no fluid in the line. 1.3. Hydrodynamic load type identification, One optional input line CHLOAD CHLOAD: character: = HYDR - Text to identify hydrodynamic coefficients Note: Required if non-Morison loads are to be specified Load type identification if CHLOAD=HYDR, One input line CHTYPE CHTYPE: character: Hydrodynamic load type = NONE: No hydrodynamic load coefficients = MORI: Slender element hydrodynamic coefficients = TVIV: Time domain VIV load coefficients. Restricted option. Note that the option TVIV is currently under development. Hydrodynamic force coefficients if CHTYPE=NONE No input. Hydrodynamic force coefficients if CHTYPE=MORI No input. Hydrodynamic force coefficients if CHTYPE=TVIV Restricted option. Under implementation. Time domain VIV load options and coefficients, 2 or 3 input lines. If a number is found instead of CHTVIV, the input is read in the old input format. CHTVIV NMEM CHH CHTVIV: character(8): Time domain VIV load option = CF: Cross-flow VIV loads only = CFIL: Cross-flow and in-line VIV loads calculated independently = IL: In-line VIV loads only NMEM: integer > 0, default: 500: Number of time steps used in calculation of standard deviation CHH: real >= 0, default: 0.0: Higher harmonic load coefficient (nondimensional) Cross-flow VIV load coefficients. The following input line is given if CHTVIV is CF or CFIL: CV FNULL FMIN FMAX CV: real >= 0: Vortex shedding force coefficient for the (instantaneous) cross-flow load term (nondimensional) FNULL: real > 0: Natural cross-flow vortex shedding frequency (nondimensional) FMIN: real > 0: Minimum cross-flow vortex shedding frequency (nondimensional) FMAX: real > FMIN: Maximum cross-flow vortex shedding frequency (nondimensional) Independently calculated in-line load coefficients. The following input line is given if CHTVIV is CFIL or `IL: CVIL FNULIL FMINIL FMAXIL CVIL: real >= 0: Vortex shedding force coefficient for the (instantaneous) in-line load term (nondimensional) FNULIL: real > 0: Natural in-line vortex shedding frequency (nondimensional) FMINIL: real > 0: Minimum in-line vortex shedding frequency (nondimensional) FMAXIL: real > FMINIL: Maximum in-line vortex shedding frequency (nondimensional) Specifying CVIL, ALPHIL and CHH as zero will give excitation only in the updated cross-flow direction Time domain VIV parameters for pure CF are shown in a Table with recommended values. 1.4. Initial cross-section parameters, one input line DESJS THSJS DESJS: real: External diameter at first end of first conical section in stress joint \(\mathrm {[L]}\) THSJS: real: Wall thickness at first end of first conical section in stress joint \(\mathrm {[L]}\) 1.5. Parameters to define the conical stress joint sections, NSJSEC input lines NSJS DESJ THSJ SJSL NELSJ EMOD RHO NSJS: integer: Stress joint section number. To be given in increasing order starting with #1 DESJ: real: External diameter at second end of the section \(\mathrm {[L]}\) THSJ: real: Wall thickness at second end of the section \(\mathrm {[L]}\) SJSL: real: Length of the section \(\mathrm {[L]}\) NELSJ: integer: Number of segments within the section EMOD: real: Young’s modulus of elasticity \(\mathrm {[F/L^2]}\) RHO: real: Density of pipe material \(\mathrm {[M/L^3]}\) Each segment will consist of one element. CRS0 cross-sections will be generated automatically for each segment in the stress joint. Figure 1. Stress joint description Soil layer profile Airfoil coefficient library