1. Data Group F: Floater Force Model Data This option enables the user to make a coupled model, i.e. a FEM model that contains SIMO bodies in addition to beam and / or bar elements. Vessel motions and mooring line / riser dynamics may this be simulated simultaneously. A SIMO body node is added for each SIMO body in the system. This node may have a rigid connection to an existing node or may be a free or fixed node not automatically connection to the rest of the system. The vessel load model may account for wind, wave and current forces, which are applied as nodal loads. For a further description of the vessel load models, see the SIMO User Manual. this option requires a SIMO license. 1.1. Data group identifier, one input line FLOAter FORCe MODEl 1.2. Number of SIMO bodies, one input line NSBODY NSBODY: integer: The number of SIMO bodies NSBODY>0 1.2.1. SIMO Body identification, location and optional artificial stiffness The input lines SIMO Body identification through SIMO Body artificial stiffness and must be given in one block for each of the NSBODY SIMO bodes. SIMO Body identification, SIMO body node identification and location option CHBODY CHBODY_NOD_ID CHLOCA_OPT CHBODY: character(8): SIMO Body identification CHBODY_NOD_ID: character(8), default: SBDY<body_nr>: SIMO body node identifier, where <body_nr> is the order in which the SIMO bodies are specified here. Thus the first SIMO body specified will have a default SIMO body node identifier of SBDY1. CHLOCA_OPT: character(4), default: ELEM: SIMO body location option CHLOCA_OPT='ELEM': The SIMO body node is a slave of a node specified by line, segment, element and end node CHLOCA_OPT='NODE': The SIMO body node is a slave of a node specified by line, segment and node CHLOCA_OPT='POSI': The SIMO body node is a free or fixed node that is not attached to the rest of the system. The position of the node is specified below. A connection may be made by making a supernode a slave of the body node or by using a boundary change in static or dynamic analysis. CHBODY_NOD_ID is the SIMO body node identifier which is set automatically if not specified by the user. The automatic naming convention is based on concatenating the character string SBDY and the RIFLEX internal number of the SIMO body starting at 1 for the first SIMO body. SIMO Body location, orientation and artificial stiffness option for CHLOCA_OPT=ELEM The input line below must be specified for the option CHLOCA_OPT=ELEM or if CHBODY_NOD_ID and CHLOCA_OPT are omitted. LINE-ID ISEG IEL IEND ROTX ROTY ROTZ IST LINE-ID: character(8): Reference to line identifier ISEG: integer: Local segment number within line IEL: integer: Local element number within segment IEND: integer: Element end (1 or 2) ROTX0: real, default: 0: Rotation around X-axis \(\mathrm {[deg]}\) ROTY0: real, default: 0: Rotation around Y-axis \(\mathrm {[deg]}\) ROTZ0: real, default: 0: Rotation around global Z-axis \(\mathrm {[deg]}\) IST: integer, default:0: Artificial stiffness option IST=0: No artificial stiffness IST=1: Artificial stiffness is specified The SIMO body node will be a slave of the node at LINE-ID ISEG IEL IEND. ROTX0, ROTY0 and ROTZ0 are the Euler angles taken in the order ROTZ0 → ROTY0 → ROTX0. SIMO Body location, orientation and artificial stiffness option for CHLOCA_OPT=NODE The input line below is specified for the option CHLOCA_OPT=NODE only. LINE-ID ISEG ISEGNOD ROTX ROTY ROTZ IST LINE-ID: character(8): Reference to line identifier ISEG: integer: Local segment number within line ISEGNOD: integer: Local node within segment ROTX0: real, default: 0: Rotation around X-axis \(\mathrm {[deg]}\) ROTY0: real, default: 0: Rotation around Y-axis \(\mathrm {[deg]}\) ROTZ0: real, default: 0: Rotation around global Z-axis \(\mathrm {[deg]}\) IST: integer, default:0: Artificial stiffness option IST=0: No artificial stiffness IST=1: Artificial stiffness is specified The SIMO body node will be a slave of the node at LINE-ID ISEG ISEGNODD. ROTX0, ROTY0 and ROTZ0 are the Euler angles taken in the order ROTZ0 → ROTY0 → ROTX0. SIMO Body position, orientation, boundary conditions and artificial stiffness option for CHLOCA_OPT=POSI The input lines in this section are specified for the option CHLOCA_OPT=POSI only. The first input line reads: CHBOUND IST CHBOUND: character(4), default: FREE: Boundary condition for all nodal DOFs CHBOUND=FREE: All DOFs for the SIMO body node are free CHBOUND=FIXEd: All DOFs for the SIMO body node are initially fixed IST: integer, default:0: Artificial stiffness option IST=0: No artificial stiffness IST=1: Artificial stiffness is specified The next input line defines the initial position and orientation of the SIMO body: XG0 YG0 ZG0 ROTX0 ROTY0 ROTZ0 XG0: real, default: 0: Initial global X-coordinate of the SIMO body node \(\mathrm {[L]}\) YG0: real, default: 0: Initial global Y-coordinate of the SIMO body node \(\mathrm {[L]}\) ZG0: real, default: 0: Initial global Z-coordinate of the SIMO body node \(\mathrm {[L]}\) ROTX0: real, default: 0: Initial rotation around X-axis \(\mathrm {[deg]}\) ROTY0: real, default: 0: Initial rotation around Y-axis \(\mathrm {[deg]}\) ROTZ0: real, default: 0: Initial rotation around global Z-axis \(\mathrm {[deg]}\) ROTX0, ROTY0 and ROTZ0 are the Euler angles taken in the order ROTZ0 → ROTY0 → ROTX0. If CHBOUND=FIXEd, an additional input line defining the initial and orientation of the SIMO body: at the final static equilibrium must be included. However, the values must at present be identical to the values specified for the initial configuration: XG YG ZG ROTX ROTY ROTZ XG: real, default: XG0: Global X-coordinate of the SIMO body node at final static equilibrium \(\mathrm {[L]}\) YG: real, default: YG0: Global Y-coordinate of the SIMO body node at final static equilibrium \(\mathrm {[L]}\) ZG: real, default: ZG0: Global Z-coordinate of the SIMO body node at final static equilibrium \(\mathrm {[L]}\) ROTX: real, default: ROTX0: Rotation around X-axis at the final static equilibrium \(\mathrm {[deg]}\) ROTY: real, default: ROTY0: Rotation around Y-axis at the final static equilibrium \(\mathrm {[deg]}\) ROTZ: real, default: ROTZ0: Rotation around global Z-axis at the final static equilibrium \(\mathrm {[deg]}\) The SIMO body node is a free or fixed node at the specified position that is not attached to the system. A connection may be made by making a supernode a slave of the SIMO body node or by using a boundary change in static or dynamic analysis. ROTX, ROTY and ROTZ are the Euler angles taken in the order ROTZ → ROTY → ROTX. SIMO Body artificial stiffness This input line is given if IST=1 only. STX STY STZ SRX SRY SRZ STX: real, default: 0: Stiffness in global X-direction \(\mathrm {[F/L]}\) STY: real, default: 0: Stiffness in global Y-direction \(\mathrm {[F/L]}\) STZ: real, default: 0: Stiffness in global Z-direction \(\mathrm {[F/L]}\) SRX: real, default: 0: Stiffness around global X-direction \(\mathrm {[FL/deg]}\) SRY: real, default: 0: Stiffness around global Y-direction \(\mathrm {[FL/deg]}\) SRZ: real, default: 0: Stiffness around global Z-direction \(\mathrm {[FL/deg]}\) The artificial stiffness is applied in static analysis only for improving the convergence properties. It does not affect the final static solution. Boundary change in static or dynamic analysis is often a better alternative than using artificial stiffness. 1.3. Termination of input data Do not forget the END input line if this is the last data group given in this INPMOD run. See also Termination of input data. END Support Vessel Data Additional Input Files