1. Data Group E: Support Vessel Data

Observe that the motion transfer function definition is related to the wave field definition. See Motion Transfer Functions in the Theory Manual for the definition of wave field and motion transfer functions. Transfer functions based on other definitions must be converted by appropriate phase shift operations before they are used as input to this program.

This data group needs not be given for systems with no vessel attachment points. Note that either Support vessel data on file or Identification through Transfer function input is to be given.

1.1. Support vessel data on file

1.1.1. Data group identifier, one line


1.1.2. File name

  • CHFTRA: character(80): File name with transfer functions data

File with transfer function data given in RIFLEX format terminated with an END statement.

This group replaces the rest of group E if given. Either Support vessel data on file or Identification through Transfer function input should be given. If Support vessel data on file is given, the content on the file should be Identification to Transfer function input with an END termination.

1.2. Identification

1.2.1. Data group identifier, one input line

SUPPort VESSel IDENtification

1.2.2. Heading, one input line


Text describing the transfer functions.

Always one input line, which may be blank. The line may contain up to 60 characters.

1.2.3. Identifier, one input line

  • IDWFTR: character(6): Identifier for transfer functions. The value NONE is not allowed.

1.3. Transfer function reference position

This data group is used as control parameter and compared with vessel position specified in Single Riser Data.

1.3.1. Data group identifier, one input line

HFTRan REFErence POSItion

1.3.2. Reference position, one input line

  • ZG: real: Vertical position of the support vessel coordinate system. \(\mathrm {[L]}\)

    • (The global Z coordinate for which the vessel motion transfer function is calculated.)

    • Confer the figure Location of support vessel coordinate system (below).

    • This parameter is used as control parameter and compared with ZG in data groups.

um ii fig164
Figure 1. Location of support vessel coordinate system

1.4. Dimension parameter and input type code

1.4.1. Data group identifier, one input line


1.4.2. Dimension parameters, one input line

  • NDHFTR: integer: No. of directions for which transfer functions are given

    • NDHFTR=1 or NDHFTR>=4

  • NWHFTR: integer: No of frequencies for which transfer functions are given

    • NWHFTR>=4

  • ISYMHF: integer: Symmetry code related to transfer functions

    • ISYMHF=0: No symmetry

    • ISYMHF=1: Symmetry about XV-ZV plane

    • ISYMHF=2: Symmetry about XV-ZV and YV-ZV planes

  • ITYPIN: integer: Code for which format the HF-transfer function are given

    • ITYPIN=1: Non-dimensional complex form

    • ITYPIN=2: Non-dimensional amplitude ratio and phase, where phase is given in degrees

    • ITYPIN=3: Non-dimensional amplitude ratio and phase, where phase is given in radians

The complex form and the amplitude ratio are to be given as non-dimensional. This means:

  • L/L for freedoms surge, sway and heave

  • radian/radians or degrees/degrees for freedoms roll, pitch and yaw, giving motion angle/surface wave slope amplitude. The wave slope amplitude is defined by \(\mathrm {\gamma _a=k\zeta_a}\) where \(\mathrm {k}\) is the wave number and \(\mathrm {\zeta_a}\) is the wave amplitude.

If NDHFTR=1, ISYMHF is dummy (set to zero by the program). In this case the specified transfer function is used, regardless of the wave direction. Note that the specified motions are applied in the local vessel coordinate system regardless of the wave direction; e.g.  surge motions are applied in the local vessel x-direction. In practice, the wave direction will not have any effect on the vessel motions in this case. To rotate the motions with the wave direction, update the vessel heading when the wave direction is changed. This method must however be used with care, if the model is not symmetric and connected to the vessel in the local vessel origo, it may not give the desired effect.

1.5. Specifications of wave directions

Wave directions given in vessel coordinate system for input of motion transfer functions.

1.5.1. Data group identifier, one input line


1.5.2. Directions, NDHFTR input lines

  • IHEAD: integer: Direction number

  • HEAD: real: Direction. The angle HEAD is measured in degrees from the XV axis counter clockwise to the wave propagation vector

IHEAD and HEAD must be given in ascending order

If NDHFTR=1, HEAD is dummy.

If the directions do not cover a full circle, the transfer functions for the first direction will be repeated for the direction HEAD(1) + 360. For ISYMHF> 0, the last direction after mirroring is 360 - HEAD(1).

1.6. Specification of wave frequencies

1.6.1. Data group identifier, one input line

WAVE FREQuencies

1.6.2. Frequencies, NWHFTR input lines

  • IFREQ: integer: Frequency number

  • WHFTR: real: Frequency \(\mathrm {[rad/T]}\)

Frequencies must be given in increasing order.

1.7. Transfer function input

1.7.1. Data group identifier, one input line

HFTRansfer FUNCtion "DOF"

dof is either SURGE, SWAY, HEAVE, ROLL, PITCH or YAW

1.7.2. Transfer function for HF dof motion, NDHFTR x NWHFTR input lines

  • IDIR: integer: Direction number

  • IFREQ: integer: Frequency number

  • A: real: Interpretation according to value of ITYPIN (given in the data group Data Group E: Support Vessel Data_transfer_reference_reference)

    • ITYPIN=1: A - Real part

    • ITYPIN=2: A - Amplitude ratio

    • ITYPIN=3: A - Amplitude ratio

  • B: real: Interpretation according to value of ITYPIN (given in the data group Data Group E: Support Vessel Data_transfer_reference_reference)

    • ITYPIN=1: B - Imaginary part

    • ITYPIN=2: B - Phase (degrees)

    • ITYPIN=3: B - Phase (radians)

Data Group E: Support Vessel Data_transfer_input_data is repeated for each degree of freedom included in motion description. If one (or more) degrees of freedom are omitted, they are set equal to zero.

For phase and sign convention, see Motion Transfer Functions in the Theory Manual.

If only one direction is specified (NDHFTR=1), the transfer function is used independent of incoming wave direction.

Amplitudes and phase angles at required frequencies are calculated by linear interpolation/extrapolation in the dynamic analysis. Transfer functions will therefore be extrapolated for spectral components outside the frequency range defined for the transfer function. Ensure that the amplitude values given for the two highest/lowest frequencies give physical realistic values when extrapolated. Add two zero amplitude components at both ends of the frequency range if no extrapolation is wanted.

Linear interpolation is also used for wave direction.

1.8. Termination of input data

Do not forget the END input line if this is the last data group given in this INPMOD run. See also Termination of input data.