Input to OUTMOD 1. General Information The post-processing module OUTMOD has two main purposes: Generate result printout from the INPMOD, STAMOD and DYNMOD modules. Prepare a plot file (IFNPLO) for later use by the plot module (PLOMOD). Note that this functionality is deprecated. Locations for result presentation are identified by the line identifier and segment and element numbers specified as input to INPMOD for all single riser systems (i.e. SA, SB, SC, SD and AR systems). The user chooses the amount of printout by giving the appropriate options as input data to OUTMOD. As for the other modules, input data to OUTMOD are organised in groups. Some groups consist of the data group identifier only, whilst other groups have additional input lines. The first part of the input data is data groups selecting data to be printed. Then a command must be given to start the printing. Then a new set of data groups selecting data may be given etc, see the figure below. Figure 1. Organization of OUTMOD input 2. Data Group A: OUTMOD Identification and Control Data 2.1. OUTMOD identification text If you want an identification text to be printed on the front page of the OUTMOD printout, the following data group may be given as the first data group: 2.1.1. Data group identifier, one input line OUTMod IDENTIFICATION TEXT CHVERS CHVERS: character(8): RIFLEX output file version, e.g. 3.2 2.1.2. Identification text, three input lines Identification text, line no 1 Identification text, line no 2 Identification text, line no 3 If the data group is given, all three lines must be given, but they may be blank. 2.2. The PRINT command When OUTMOD is used for print generation, the following data group identifier must be given subsequent to the specifications: PRINT After printing, all specifications will be deleted. Subsequent to the print command, a new sequence of specifications and a new print command may be given. This is useful if you want to repeat one or more specifications with different parameters. 2.3. Plot generation This functionality is deprecated! If you want to have plots from STAMOD or DYNMOD, you have to run OUTMOD first to produce the plot file, IFNPLO, which is the only file the plot module PLOMOD reads when plotting from the above mentioned modules. It is not possible to generate plots of all data groups. This is marked by the word Plot or NoPlot in the right part of the data group identifier frame: WFMOtion TIME SERies Plot can be plotted, while the following can not: INFIrr CONTRol INFOrmation NoPlot When you want to use OUTMOD to build up file IFNPLO, the data group identifiers and print options are exactly the same as when you use OUTMOD for normal printout, except for the following: IFNPLO must be initialized by one of the data group identifiers described in Initialization of the plot file IFNPLO (below). Instead of the PRINT command, the PLOT command must be given (see The PLOT command). The OUTMOD print file will contain the same information as if the PRINT command was given, i.e. the PLOT command may be considered as an extension to the PRINT command. Normally, one specification gives one plot which may consist of up to three graphs. In some cases, e.g. when one specification gives results for six degrees of freedoms, two plots are produced per specification. 2.3.1. Initialization of the plot file IFNPLO When OUTMOD is to be used for plot generation, one of the following initialization commands must be given after specification of OUTMOD identification text (if given), but before any specification described in Sections Data Group B: Output from STAMOD, or Data Group C: Output from DYNMOD: NEW PLOT FILE or APPEnd PLOT FILE If the command NEW PLOT FILE is given, OUTMOD writes the plot arrays from the beginning of the file, i.e. the previous contents of the file, if any, are overwritten. It is, however, possible to append new plots after already existing plots on file IFNPLO. This is achieved by giving the command APPEND PLOT FILE. A check is carried out to ensure that the file already contains plots. A maximum of 100 plots may be stored in one IFNPLO file. If more than one initialization command is given throughout an OUTMOD run, they are simply ignored. 2.3.2. The PLOT command When OUTMOD is used for plot generation, the following command is given instead of the PRINT command (see The PRINT command): PLOT If a plot command is given for a data group that cannot be plotted, a warning message is issued on OUTMOD print file and execution continues with the next data group specified. There may be more than one PLOT within one run of OUTMOD, following the same rules as for the PRINT command. PRINT and PLOT commands may be mixed within one run. If the PLOT command is given, and neither NEW PLOT FILE nor APPEND PLOT FILE has been given, the program will terminate with an error message. 2.4. Communication with the STARTIMES programs The following command has been included for communication with the STARTIMES programs for statistical analysis of time series STARtimes FILE NoPlot This command specifies that time series of a selected response quantity shall be written to a file in STARTIMES format (i.e. to a file readable by the STARTIMES programs). The STARTIMES FILE command can be used in connection with the following data group identifiers: WAVE ELEVATION WFMOTION TIME SERIES LFMOTION TIME SERIES TOMOTION TIME SERIES DYNDISP TIME SERIES TOTDISP TIME SERIES DYNFORC TIME SERIES DYNCURV TIME SERIES SUPPF TIME SERIES ELMANGLE TIME SERIES TOTFORC TIME SERIES DISTANCE TIME SERIES CALCURV TIME SERIES STRESS TIME SERIES STROKE TIME SERIES A response quantity is written to the STARTIMES file by giving STARTIMES FILE immediately before the PRINT or PLOT command. The name of the STARTIMES file is <prefix>_outmod.ts, and it is stored in the current working directory. A description of this file is found in Description of STARTIMES file. 2.5. The END command To terminate the input data, the following data group identifier is given as the last input line on the OUTMOD input file. END The END data group is mandatory 3. Data Group B: Output from STAMOD Description of result presentation from static analyses is given in the following. 3.1. Results from static fixed parameter analysis Displacement and force data from static fixed parameter analysis are established by the STAMOD module and stored on file IFNSTA. Specifying this output after a parameter variation run will produce the results of the last parameter variation step. 3.1.1. Static dimension information If you want dimension parameters, such as no of load steps, no of nodes etc, to be printed, give STATic DIMENsion PARAmeters NoPlot 3.1.2. System information If you want information about the connection between the local line, segment and element number given as input to INPMOD and the global FEM element/nodal numbers generated by STAMOD, give STATic SYSTem INFOrmation NoPlot A more detailed description is given on the STAMOD print file. 3.1.3. Coordinates of final static configuration Data group identifier, one input line STATic COORdinates Plot Print options, one input line ICONF LINE-ID IPROJ CONF: integer: Configuration switch ICONF=1: Initial configuration (catenary configuration) ICONF=2: Final configuration (Results from FEM or CATFEM analysis) LINE-ID: character(8): Line identifier for which coordinates are wanted. You may specify ALL to include all lines in the system. Note that specifying a specific line gives a 2D-plot, while specifying ALL gives a 3D-plot LINE-ID=0: Plot of 2D geometry of all lines IPROJ: integer: Projection code dummy if LINE-ID=ALL IPROJ=1: Output of x-y coordinates IPROJ=2: Output of x-z coordinates IPROJ=3: Output of y-z coordinates 3.1.4. Axial forces from catenary analysis Note that no moments are included in the catenary analysis. Data group identifier, one input line INITial AXIAl FORCe Plot Line specification, one input line LINE-ID LINE-ID: character(8): Line identifier for which forces are wanted. You may specify ALL to include all lines in the system 3.1.5. Forces from static fixed parameter analysis Forces are printed as force, bending and torsional moments. Data group identifier, one input line FINAl STATic FORCes Plot Figure 2. Pipe wall force calculation Pipe wall force, axial: \(\mathrm {T_W=T_e+p_iA_i-p_eA_e[+m_iv_i^2]}\) (In cases with high pressure(s) it may be important to include the radial stress when material strain is to be evaluated) This is identical with the flange force in case of a double seal (at \(\mathrm {r=ri}\) and \(\mathrm {r=re}\)) \(\mathrm {T_F=T_W}\) In the case of an inner seal only: \(\mathrm {T_F=T_e+p_iA_i-p_eA_i[+m_iv_i^2]}\) Any other sealing radius: \(\mathrm {T_F=T_e+(p_i-p_e)A_s[+m_iv_i^2]}\) Where: - \(\mathrm {A_s=\pi r_s^2}\) - \(\mathrm {r_s=}\) sealing radius rs = sealing radius \(\mathrm {m_iv_i^2}\) is an additional term for cases with internal fluid flow. Print options, one input line LINE-ID IDOF1 IDOF2 IDOF3 IDOF4 LINE-ID: character(8): Line identifier for which forces are wanted. You may specify ALL to include all lines in the system. IDOF1: integer: Degree of freedom for first figure IDOF1=0: Not included IDOF1=1: Axial force IDOF1=2: Torsional moment IDOF1=3: Bending moment about local y-axis IDOF1=4: Bending moment about local z-axis IDOF1=5: Pipe wall force, incl hydrostatic pressures IDOF1=6: Shear force in local y-direction IDOF1=7: Shear force in local z-direction IDOF2: integer: Degree of freedom for second figure Interpretation as for IDOF1 IDOF3: integer: Degree of freedom for third figure Interpretation as for IDOF1 IDOF4: integer: Degree of freedom for fourth figure Interpretation as for IDOF1 No of figures in one plot may vary from 1-3 depending on the number of response quantities specified (e.g. IDOFi). Note that the print part of this option always will produce results for all stored degrees of freedom, i.e. axial force, torsional moment and bending moments about local y- and z-axes. The parameters are used to specify the dof’s to be plotted. 3.1.6. Stress from static analysis Data group identifier, one input line FINAl STATic STREsses Plot Output options, one input line LINE-ID IDOF LINE-ID: character(8): Line identifier for which stresses are wanted. You may specify ALL to include all lines in the system. The following parameter is used to specify the dof to be considered IDOF: integer: Stress component IDOF=1: Axial stress IDOF=2: Torsional stress IDOF=3: Bending stress IDOF=4: Axial + bending stress IDOF=5: Shear stress IDOF=6: Shear + torsional stress IDOF=7: Equivalent stress IDOF=8: Hoop stress IDOF=9: Radial stress Effect of internal/external pressure and fluid velocity are included Specification of point for stress calculation, one input line IMAX THETA INEX IMAX: integer, default: 1: Stress location option IMAX=1: Maximum stresses in cross section estimated IMAX=0: Stresses calculated at location specified by THETA and INEX THETA: real, default: 0: Angle (in degrees) from local y-axis for stress calculation. Dummy for IMAX=1 INEX: integer, default: 2: Location code Dummy for IMAX=1 INEX=1: Inner wall INEX=2: Outer wall For IMAX=1, the maximum stresses of type IDOF in the cross section are estimated. The equivalent stress (von Mises) is supposed to be maximum where the bending stress is maximum or minimum. 3.2. Output from static parameter variation analysis Displacement and force data from static parameter variation analysis are established by the STAMOD module and stored on file IFNSTA. Result presentation from static parameter variation analysis is described in the following. 3.2.1. System geometry from parameter variation analysis Data group identifier, one input line PARAmeter VARIation COORdinates Plot Line specification, one input line LINE-ID IOTYP IPV1 NVP LINE-ID: character(8): Line number for which geometry are wanted. You may specify ALL to include all lines in the system. ALL gives a 3D plot of all lines. LINE-ID = 0 gives a 2D plot of all lines IOTYP: integer: Degree of freedom specification Dummy if ILINE = ALL IOTYP=1: x-y coordinates IOTYP=2: x-z coordinates IOTYP=3: y-z coordinates IPV1: integer: First parameter variation step to be included NVP: integer: No of parameter variation steps to be included The first plot to appear will be for step no NSTEP+IPV1 where NSTEP is total number of load steps used in the static analysis with fixed parameters. Negative value of IPV1 is possible, which allows for plotting of static configuration at all load steps in static analysis with fixed parameters. It is also possible to plot static configurations from 1st load step to last successful solution when static analysis fails, which can be very useful for detection of possible instability problems. 3.2.2. Displacement of selected nodes from parameters variation analysis Data group identifier, one input line. PARAmeter VARIation DISPlacements Plot Output code, one input line IPV1 NPV IDOF1 IDOF2 IDOF3 NNODC IPV1: integer: First parameter variation step to be included NPV: integer: No of parameter load steps to be included. (A large number includes the remaining steps) IDOF1: integer: IDOF1=1: Translation in x-direction IDOF1=2: Translation in y-direction IDOF1=3: Translation in z-direction IDOF2: integer: Interpretation as for IDOF1 IDOF3: integer: Interpretation as for IDOF1 NNODC: integer: No. of input lines used for node specification No of figures on each plot may vary from 1 to 3, depending on IDOFi The first plot to appear will be for step no NSTEP+IPV1 where NSTEP is the total number of load steps in the static analysis with fixed parameters. Negative value of IPV1 is allowed (see System geometry from parameter variation analysis).). Node specification, NNODC input lines LINE-ID ISEG INODE LINE-ID: character(8): Line identifier. You may specify ALL to include all lines ISEG: integer/character: Segment number. You may specify ALL to include all segments. ENDS includes the end segments on the line INODE: integer/character: Node number. ALL includes all nodes ENDS includes end nodes on the above specified segment 3.2.3. Forces on selected elements from parameter variation analysis Data group identifier, one input line PARAmeter VARIation FORCes Plot Output options, one input line IPV1 NPV IDOF1 IDOF2 IDOF3 NNELC IPV1: integer: First parameter variation step to be included NPV: integer: No of parameter load steps to be included. (A large number includes the remaining steps) IDOF1: integer: Degree of freedom specification for Figure 1 IDOF1=0: No output IDOF1=1: Axial force IDOF1=2: Torsional moment IDOF1=3: Bending moment about local y-axis IDOF1=4: Bending moment about local z-axis IDOF2: integer: Interpretation as for IDOF1 IDOF3: integer: Interpretation as for IDOF1 NNELC: integer: No. of input lines used for element specification The first plot to appear will be for step no NSTEP+IPV1 where NSTEP is the total number of load steps used in the static analysis with fixed parameters. Negative value of IPV1 is allowed (see System geometry from parameter variation analysis). No of figures in one plot may vary from 1 to 3, depending on the number of response quantities specified (e.g. IDOFi). Element specification, NNELC input lines LINE-ID ISEG IELM LINE-ID: character(8): Line identifier. You may specify ALL to include all lines ISEG: integer/character: Segment number. You may specify ALL to include all segments. ENDS includes the end segments on the line IELM: integer/character: Element number. ALL includes all elements ENDS includes end elements on the above specified segment 4. Data Group C: Output from DYNMOD 4.1. Results from irregular wave analysis Results from the irregular wave analysis consists of: - sampled Fourier components of waves stored on file IFNIRR at global origin, x=y=z=0 - motion of the support vessel, stored on file IFNIRR - motion transfer functions for the support vessel 4.1.1. Control information Data group identifier, one input line IFNIrr CONTrol INFOrmation NoPlot In addition to dimension parameters, control information also consists of directions and frequencies for which Fourier components are stored. 4.1.2. Sampled Fourier components Data group identifier, one input line FOURier COMPonents WAVEs Plot Output parameters, one input line ICOMP IDIR ISEC IW1 NW IJP ICOMP: integer: Component code ICOMP=1: Wind sea ICOMP=2: Swell IDIR: integer: Direction no wanted ISEC: integer: Sequence no wanted (dummy) IW1: integer: Number of the first frequency for which Fourier components are wanted NW: integer: No of frequencies for which Fourier components are wanted IJP: integer, default: 1: Jump parameter Fourier components are printed for frequencies no IW1, IW1+IJP, IW12x`IJP`, …, `IW1`(NW-1)x`IJP` The components are printed/plotted as amplitude and phase angle (degrees) 4.1.3. Wave elevation Data group identifier, one input line WAVE ELEVation Plot Output parameters, one input line ICOMP IDIR ISEC IT1 NTS XP1 XP2 ICOMP: integer: Component code ICOMP=1: Wind sea ICOMP=2: Swell IDIR: integer: Direction no wanted ISEC: integer: Sequence no wanted (dummy) IT1: integer: First time step included NTS: integer: Number of time steps included XP1: real, default: 0: Global x-coordinate for wave elevation XP2: real, default: 0: Global y-coordinate for wave elevation A Fourier transformation of the wave spectrum is performed. Maximum number of time steps will be (NWIMAX-1)*2. Use the option IFNIRR CONTROL INFORMATION (see Control information). In case of longcrested sea one direction is applied. In case of shortcrested sea, 11 directions are used and mean wave direction is no. 6. The other directions are spread around the mean direction in the interval \(\mathrm {[-75^{\circ},75^{\circ}]}\) in intervals of \(\mathrm {15^{\circ}}\). 4.1.4. Wave frequency motion time series Data group identifier, one input line WFMOtion TIME SERIes Plot Output options, one input line IOP IMOT IDERIV ISEQ1 NSEQ IT1 NTS ITJMP IVES IOP: integer: Code for type of output IOP=1: Time series IOP=2: Time series statistics IOP=3: Spectral analysis IMOT: integer: Direction IMOT=1: Displacement in global x-direction IMOT=2: Displacement in global y-direction IMOT=3: Displacement in global z-direction IMOT=4: Rotation about x-axis IMOT=5: Rotation about y-axis IMOT=6: Rotation about z-axis IDERIV: integer: Code for derivative of response IDERIV=0: Analyse original series IDERIV=1: Analyse 1st derivative IDERIV=2: Analyse 2nd derivative ISEQ1: integer: First sequence to be included (dummy) NSEQ: integer: No of sequence to be included (dummy) IT1: integer: First time step of each sequence to be included NTS: integer: No of time steps of each sequence to be included ITJMP: integer, default: 1: Jump parameter Time step nos. IT1, IT1+ITJMP, IT1+2xITJMP,…, IT1+(NTS-1)xITJMP are included IVES: integer, default: 1: Vessel number reference in case of multivessel systems.The vessels are numbered from 1 to NVES Note that IMOT refers to the global coordinate system, not the vessel coordinate system. Transformation of wave frequency motion time series, one input line ITRANS XP YP ZP ITRANS: integer, default: 0: Transformation code ITRANS=0: No transformation, motions of vessel reference point ITRANS=1: Transformation gives motion IMOT (see previous input line) of point defined by XP, YP and ZP XP: real, default: 0: X-coordinate in global system, relative to the vessel reference point YP: real, default: 0: Y-coordinate in global system, relative to the vessel reference point ZP: real, default: 0: Z-coordinate in global system, relative to the vessel reference point If ITRANS=0, XP, YP and ZP are dummy parameters Options for the output distribution functions of the high frequency motion time series statistics, one input line This input line is given only if IOP=2. NCL XCMIN XCMAX NCL: integer: No of classes in the output distribution functions (i.e. no of points on the abscissa axis) 0<NCL<41 XCMIN: real: Range of argument values for output distribution functions is XCMIN*sx(1) - XCMAX*sx(1) in which sx(1) is the standard deviation of x estimated from the first sequence. XCMAX: real: Spectrum smoothing parameter for the spectral analysis of the high frequency motion, one input line This input line is given only if IOP=3. MSM MSM: integer, default: 0: Smoothing parameter MSM=0: No smoothing MSM>0: Smoothing by averaging over 2*MSM+1 values. 4.1.5. Low frequency motion time series Data group identifier, one input line LFMOtion TIME SERIes Plot Output options, one input line IOP IMOT IDERIV ISEQ1 NSEQ IT1 NTS ITJMP IVES IOP: integer: Code for type of output IOP=1: Time series IOP=2: Time series statistics IOP=3: Spectral analysis IMOT: integer: Direction code Legal values: IMOT=1: Surge IMOT=2: Sway IMOT=6: Yaw IDERIV: integer: Code for derivative of response IDERIV=0: Analyse original series IDERIV=1: Analyse 1st derivative IDERIV=2: Analyse 2nd derivative ISEQ1: integer: First sequence to be included (dummy) NSEQ: integer: No of sequence to be included (dummy) IT1: integer: First time step of each sequence to be included NTS: integer: No of time steps of each sequence to be included ITJMP: integer, default: 1: Jump parameter Time step nos. IT1, IT1+ITJMP, IT1+2xITJMP,…, IT1+(NTS-1)xITJMP are included IVES: integer, default: 1: Vessel number reference in case of multivessel systems.The vessels are numbered from 1 to NVES Transformation of the low-frequency motion time series, one input line Identical to Transformation of high frequency motion time series, one input line for Wave frequency motion time series.. Options for the output distribution functions of the low frequency motion time series statistics, one input line This input line is given only if IOP=2. Identical to Options for the output distribution functions of the high frequency motion time series statistics, one input line for Wave frequency motion time series. Spectrum smoothing parameter for the spectral analysis of the low frequency motion time series, one input line This input line is given only if IOP=3. Identical to Identical to Spectrum smoothing parameter for the spectral analysis of the high frequency motion, one input line for Wave frequency motion time series. 4.1.6. Total motion time series Data group identifier, one input line TOMOtion TIME SERIes Plot Output options, one input line IOP IMOT IDERIV ISEQ1 NSEQ IT1 NTS ITJMP IVES IOP: integer: Code for type of output IOP=1: Time series IOP=2: Time series statistics IOP=3: Spectral analysis IMOT: integer: Direction code IMOT=1: Displacement in global x-direction IMOT=2: Displacement in global y-direction IMOT=6: Rotation about z-axis IDERIV: integer: Code for derivative of response IDERIV=0: Analyse original series IDERIV=1: Analyse 1st derivative IDERIV=2: Analyse 2nd derivative SEQ1: integer: First sequence to be included (dummy) NSEQ: integer: No of sequence to be included (dummy) IT1: integer: First time step of each sequence to be included NTS: integer: No of time steps of each sequence to be included ITJMP: integer, default: 1: Jump parameter Time step nos. IT1, IT1+ITJMP, IT1+2xITJMP,…, IT1+(NTS-1)xITJMP are included IVES: integer, default: 1: Vessel number reference in case of multivessel systems.The vessels are numbered from 1 to NVES Transformation of total motion time series, one input line Identical to Transformation of high frequency motion time series, one input line for Wave frequency motion time series. Options for the output distribution functions of the time series statistics of total motion, one input line This input line is given only if IOP=2. Identical to Options for the output distribution functions of the high frequency motion time series statistics, one input line and Wave frequency motion time series. Spectrum smoothing parameter for the spectral analysis of the total motion, one input line This input line is given only if IOP=3. Identical to Identical to Spectrum smoothing parameter for the spectral analysis of the high frequency motion, one input line for Wave frequency motion time series. 4.1.7. Vessel motion transfer functions group identifier, one input line WFTRansfer FUNCtion DOF Plot DOF means degree of freedom, and may be XG, YG, ZG, XGROT, YGROT or ZGROT. Output options, one input line IOP IDIR1 NDIR ITRAN IVES IOP: integer: Code for type of output IOP=1: Complex form (real, imaginary) IOP=2: Real form (amplitude ratio, phase (degrees)) IOP=3: Real form (amplitude ratio, phase (radians)) IDIR1: integer: First direction to be included INDIR: integer: No of directions to be included ITRAN: integer: Code for transformation ITRAN=0: No transformation ITRAN=1: Transformation of origin motion to point (XV1, XV2, XV3), see next input line. Dummy if degree of freedom is XGROT, YGROT or ZGROT IVES: integer, defaul: 1: Vessel number The coordinates of the point on the vessel for which the vessel motion transfer functions are wanted, one input line If ITRAN=0, or the degree of freedom is XGROT, YGROT or ZGROT, this input line is skipped. XV1 XV2 XV3 XV1: real: X-coordinate of the point XV2: real: Y-coordinate of the point XV3: real: Z-coordinate of the point The coordinates are referred to the global coordinate system, relative to the vessel reference point. The transfer functions for different degrees of freedom may be given without the PRINT or PLOT statement between. 4.2. Results from time domain dynamic analysis 4.2.1. Storage information Data group identifier, one input line TIME DOMAin PARAmeters Print options, one input line IDNOD IFNOD ICNOD IDNOD: integer, default: 1: Switch for printing of nodes for which displacements are stored IDNOD=0: No print IDNOD=1: The nodes, for which displacements are stored, are printed IFNOD: integer, default: 1: Switch for printing of elements for which force data are stored IFNOD=0: No print IFNOD=1: The nodes, for which force data are stored, are printed ICNOD: integer, default: 1: Switch for printing of elements for which curvature data are stored ICNOD=0: No print ICNOD=1: The elements, for which curvature data are stored, are printed 4.2.2. Snapshot plot from time domain analysis This option will create pictures of the dynamic configuration at several time steps. Data group identifier, one input line DYNAmic SNAPshot PLOT Plot (only) Plot options IPROJ IT1 NTS NLIC IJUMP IPROJ: integer: Project in code IPROJ=1: x-z coordinates IPROJ=2: y-z coordinates IPROJ=3: x-y coordinates IT1: integer: First stored time step to be included NTS: integer/character: No of stored time steps to be included. You may specify REST to include the remaining time steps NLIC: integer: No. of input lines to describe line specification IJUMP: integer, default: 1: Plot every IJUMP stored time step Line specification, NLIC input lines LINE-ID LINE-ID: character(8): Line identifier to be plotted. You may specify ALL to include all lines in the system The lines are plotted only if at least the end node coordinates are stored. Line configurations for all stored time steps are plotted. 4.2.3. System snapshot plot from time domain analysis This option is an extension to the option DYNAMIC SNAPSHOT PLOT. You are able to plot the wave particle motion, the vessel motion and the riser motion in one plot. Data group identifier, one input line SYSTem SNAPshot PLOT Plot (only) Plot options, one input line IPROJ IT1 NTS IJUMP NLIC NPVESP NPWAPO IVES XCGVES YCGVES ZCGVES IPROJ: integer: Projection code IPROJ=1: X-Z coordinates IPROJ=2: Y-Z coordinates IPROJ=3: X-Y coordinates IT1: integer: First stored time step to be included NTS: integer: No of stored time steps to be included. You may specify REST to include the remaining time steps IJUMP: integer: Include every IJUMP stored time steps NLIC: integer: No. of input lines to describe line specification NLIC=0: No riser snapshot plot NPVESP: integer: No of coordinates to describe the vessel NPVESP=0: No vessel snapshot plot NPWAPO: integer: No of coordinates to describe the wave particle motion NPWAPO=0: No wave particle snapshot plot IVES: integer, default: 1: Vessel number XCGVES: real: Static X coordinate of the vessel YCGVES: real: Static Y coordinate of the vessel ZCGVES: real: Static Z coordinate of the vessel Line specification, NLIC input lines LINE-ID LINE-ID: integer/character(8): Line identifier to be plotted. You may specify ALL to include all lines in the system The lines are plotted only if at least the end node coordinates are stored. Vessel description, NPVESP input lines. The specified points are connected by one line to illustrate a part of the vessel contour IPV XVT YVT ZVT IPV: integer: Coordinate no. XVT: real: Vessels X-coordinate in global system referred from vessel origin \(\mathrm {[L]}\) YVT: real: Vessels Y-coordinate \(\mathrm {[L]}\) ZVT: real: Vessels Z-coordinate \(\mathrm {[L]}\) Wave particle description, NPWAPO input lines IPW XPW YPW ZPW IPW: integer: Coordinate no. If IPW<0, then the intermediate coordinates between the previous coordinate specification and this one are automatically calculated. The intermediate coordinates are equally spaced on a straight line XPW: real: X-coordinate of the wave particle \(\mathrm {[L]}\) YPW: real: Y-coordinate of the wave particle \(\mathrm {[L]}\) ZPW: real: Z-coordinate of the wave particle \(\mathrm {[L]}\) The wave particle coordinates are given in the global coordinate system in calm water, i.e. (0.,0.,0.) is wave at global origin. Specifying ZPW \(\mathrm {\equiv}\) 0. for all points will create a plot of the wave surface elevation. 4.2.4. Dynamic displacement time series from time domain analysis Results include only the dynamic time dependant displacements (static values are not included). Data group identifier, one input line DYNDisp TIME SERIes Plot Output options, one input line IOP IDOF IT1 NTS NNODC Plot IOP: integer: Code for type of output IOP=1: Time series IOP=2: Time series statistics IOP=3: Spectral analysis IDOF: integer: Code for degree of freedom Rotational degrees of freedom are only to be presented from linearized dynamic analysis. IDOF=1: Translation in x-direction IDOF=2: Translation in y-direction IDOF=3: Translation in z-direction IDOF=4: Rotation about x-axis IDOF=5: Rotation about y-axis IDOF=6: Rotation about z-axis IT1: integer: First stored time step to be included NTS: integer: Number of stored time steps to be included (from IT1). A large number includes the remaining time steps NNODC: integer: No. of input lines used for node specification For IOP=3 an FFT analysis is carried out. If NTS is not an integer power of 2, a reduced time series will be analysed. In order to get an effective analysis, IT1 and NTS should be selected so that - \(\mathrm {IT1=NT-2^M+1}\) - \(\mathrm {NTS=2^M}\) Where \(\mathrm {NT}\) is the total number of stored time steps and \(\mathrm {M}\) is the largest integer so that \(\mathrm {NTS\<=NT}\). Normally it is preferable to omit the first part of the time series due to transients Node specification, NNODC input lines LINE-ID ISEG INODE LINE-ID: character(8): Line identifier. You may specify ALL to include all lines ISEG: integer/character: Segment number. You may specify ALL to include all segments. ENDS includes the end segments on the line INODE: integer/character: Node number. ALL includes all nodes ENDS includes end nodes on the above specified segment Displacements are not necessarily stored for all nodes, see data group File storage of displacement response for storage information. If the user specifies nodes for which displacements are not stored, these nodes are ignored. The data group Storage information may be used to obtain an overview of the stored data. Options for the output distribution functions of the displacement time series statistics, one input line This input line is given only if IOP=2. NCL XCMIN XCMAX NCL: integer: No of classes in the output distribution functions (i.e. no of points on the abscissa axis) 0<NCL<41 XCMIN: real: Range of argument values for output distribution functions is XCMIN*sx(1) - XCMAX*sx(1) in which sx(1) is the standard deviation of x estimated from the first sequence XCMAX: real: See above Spectrum smoothing parameter for the spectral analysis of the displacement time series, one input line This input line is given only if IOP=3. MSM MSM: integer, default: 0: Smoothing parameter MSM=0: No smoothing MSM>0: Smoothing by averaging over 2*MSM+1 values 4.2.5. Dynamic resulting force time series from time domain analysis The results include only the dynamic time dependent force. Static values are not included. Data group identifier, one input line DYNForce TIME SERIes Plot Output options, one input line IOP IDOF IT1 NTS NNELC IOP: integer: Code for type of output IOP=1: Time series IOP=2: Time series statistics IOP=3: Spectral analysis IDOF: integer: Code for degree of freedom IDOF=1: Axial force IDOF=2: Torsional moment IDOF=3: Bending moment about local y-axis, end 1 IDOF=4: Bending moment about local y-axis, end 2 IDOF=5: Bending moment about local z-axis, end 1 IDOF=6: Bending moment about local z-axis, end 2 IDOF=7: Shear force in local y-direction, end 1 IDOF=8: Shear force in local y-direction, end 2 IDOF=9: Shear force in local z-direction, end 1 IDOF=10: Shear force in local z-direction, end 2 IT1: integer: First stored time step to be included NTS: integer: Number of stored time steps to be included (from IT1). A large number includes the remaining time steps. NNELC: integer: No. of input lines used for element specification For IOP=3 an FFT analysis is carried out. If NTS is not an integer power of 2, a reduced time series will be analysed. In order to get an effective analysis, IT1 and NTS should be selected so that - \(\mathrm {IT1=NT-2^M+1}\) - \(\mathrm {NTS=2^M}\) Where \(\mathrm {NT}\) is the total number of stored time steps and \(\mathrm {M}\) is the largest integer so that \(\mathrm {NTS\<=NT}\). Normally it is preferable to omit the first part of the time series due to transients Element specification, NNELC input lines LINE-ID ISEG IELM LINE-ID: character(8): Line identifier. You may specify ALL to include all lines ISEG: integer/character: Segment number. You may specify ALL to include all segments. ENDS includes the end segments on the line IELM: integer/character: Element number. ALL includes all Elements ENDS includes end elements on the above specified segment Forces are not necessarily stored for all elements, see data group File storage for internal forces for storage information. If the user specifies elements for which forces are not stored these elements are ignored. The data group Storage information may be used to obtain an overview of the stored data. Options for the output distribution functions of the force time series statistics, one input line This input line is given only if IOP=2. NCL XCMIN XCMAX NCL: integer: No of classes in the output distribution functions (i.e. no of points on the abscissa axis) 0<NCL<41 XCMIN: real: Range of argument values for output distribution functions is XCMIN*sx(1) - XCMAX*sx(1) in which sx(1) is the standard deviation of x estimated from the first sequence XCMAX: real: Spectrum smoothing parameter for the spectral analysis of the force time series, one input line This input line is given only if IOP=3. MSM MSM: integer, default: 0: Smoothing parameter MSM=0: No smoothing MSM>0: Smoothing by averaging over 2*MSM+1 values 4.2.6. Curvature time series from time domain analysis Results include only the dynamic time dependant curvature (static values are not included) See also data group Curvature time series calculated from dynamic nodal displacements. Data group identifier, one input line DYNCURV TIME SERIES Plot Output options, one input line IOP IDOF IT1 NTS NNELC IOP: integer: Code for type of output IOP=1: Time series IOP=2: Time series statistics IOP=3: Spectral analysis IDOF: integer: Code for degree of freedom IDOF=1: Curvature about local y-axis, end 1 IDOF=2: Curvature about local y-axis, end 2 IDOF=3: Curvature about local z-axis, end 1 IDOF=4: Curvature about local z-axis, end 2 IT1: integer: First stored time step to be included NTS: integer: Number of stored time steps to be included (from IT1). A large number includes the remaining time steps. NNELC: integer: No. of input lines used for element specification For IOP=3 an FFT analysis is carried out. If NTS is not an integer power of 2, a reduced time series will be analysed. In order to get an effective analysis, IT1 and NTS should be selected so that - \(\mathrm {IT1=NT-2^M+1}\) - \(\mathrm {NTS=2^M}\) Where \(\mathrm {NT}\) is the total number of stored time steps and \(\mathrm {M}\) is the largest integer so that \(\mathrm {NTS\<=NT}\). Normally it is preferable to omit the first part of the time series due to transients Element specification, NNELC input lines Identical to Element specification, NNELC input lines for Dynamic resulting force time series from time domain analysis. Options for the output distribution functions of the curvature time series statistics, one input line This input line is given only if IOP=2. Identical to Options for the output distribution functions of the force time series statistics, one input line for Dynamic resulting force time series from time domain analysis. Spectrum smoothing parameter for the spectral analysis of the curvature time series, one input line This input line is given only if IOP=3. Identical to Spectrum smoothing parameter for the spectral analysis of the force time series, one input line for Dynamic resulting force time series from time domain analysis. 4.2.7. Curvature time series calculated from dynamic nodal displacements See also Curvature time series from time domain analysis for curvature component time series. This option gives absolute value of curvature in 3D space at a specified node. Calculation of curvature is based on the interpolating polynomial through the positions of 3 adjacent nodes in the same line. Curvature can therefore only be calculated if displacement time series are stored for the specified node and two neighbouring nodes (see data group File storage of displacement response for storage information). The data group Storage information may be used to obtain an overview of the stored data. Calculation of curvature at line ends is omitted. Data group identifier, one input line CALCurv TIME SERIes Plot Total curvature calculated from the selected node and the two neighbouring nodes. Output options, one input line IOP IT1 NTS NNODC IOP: integer: Code for type of output IOP=1: Time series IOP=2: Time series statistics IOP=3: Spectral analysis IT1: integer: First stored time step to be included NTS: integer: Number of stored time steps to be included (from IT1). A large number includes the remaining time steps. NNODC: integer: No. of input lines used for element specification For IOP=3 an FFT analysis is carried out. If NTS is not an integer power of 2, a reduced time series will be analysed. In order to get an effective analysis, IT1 and NTS should be selected so that - \(\mathrm {IT1=NT-2^M+1}\) - \(\mathrm {NTS=2^M}\) Where \(\mathrm {NT}\) is the total number of stored time steps and \(\mathrm {M}\) is the largest integer so that \(\mathrm {NTS\<=NT}\). Normally it is preferable to omit the first part of the time series due to transients. Node specification, NNODC input lines Identical to Node specification for NNODC input lines for Dynamic displacement time series from time domain analysis. Options for the output distribution functions of the curvature time series statistics, one input line This input line is given only if IOP=2. Identical to Options for the output distribution functions of the force time series statistics, one input line for Dynamic resulting force time series from time domain analysis. Spectrum smoothing parameter for the spectral analysis of the curvature time series, one input line This input line is given only if IOP=3. Identical to Spectrum smoothing parameter for the spectral analysis of the displacement time series, one input line for Dynamic resulting force time series from time domain analysis. 4.2.8. Displacement envelope curves Envelope curves of displacements from time domain analysis are presented as: - Minimum, static and maximum x, y and z displacements for regular analysis - Mean, static and mean + standard deviation for irregular analysis. Static values are identified as dashed lines while the others are solid. Data group identifier, one input line DISPlacement ENVElope CURVes Plot Print options, one input line LINE-ID IPDOF1 IPDOF2 IPDOF3 LINE-ID: character(8): Line identifier for which displacements are wanted. You may specify ALL to include all lines in the system. The print part of this option will always produce results for all stored degrees of freedom, i.e. x-, y- and z-displacements. The following parameters are used to specify the dof’s to be plotted IPDOF1: integer: Degree of freedom for first figure IPDOF1=0: Not included IPDOF1=1: x-displacement IPDOF1=2: y-displacement IPDOF1=3: z-displacement IPDOF2: integer: Degree of freedom for second figure. Interpretation as for IPDOF1 IPDOF3: integer: Degree of freedom for third figure. Interpretation as for IPDOF1 Each figure is presented on separate plot. 4.2.9. Force envelope curves Envelope curves of forces from time domain analysis are presented as: Minimum, static and maximum axial force torsional moment or bending moments for regular analysis Mean, static and mean + standard deviation for irregular analysis Static values are identified as dashed lines while the others are solid. Data group identifier, one input line FORCe ENVElope CURVes Plot Print options, one input line LINE-ID IDOF1 IDOF2 IDOF3 LINE-ID: character(8): Line identifier for which forces are wanted. You may specify ALL to include all lines in the system. The print part of this option will always produce results for all stored degrees of freedom, i.e. axial force, torsional moment and bending moments about local y- and z-axes. The following parameters are used to specify the dof’s to be plotted IDOF1: integer: Degree of freedom for first figure. IDOF1=0: Not included IDOF1=1: Axial force IDOF1=2: Torsional moment IDOF1=3: Bending moment about local y-axis IDOF1=4: Bending moment about local z-axis IDOF1=5: Pipe wall force, incl. hydrostatic pressures Pipe wall force is only avaivable for PLOT IDOF1=6: Shear force in local y-direction IDOF1=7: Shear force in local z-direction IPDOF2: integer: Degree of freedom for second figure. Interpretation as for IPDOF1 IPDOF3: integer: Degree of freedom for third figure. Interpretation as for IPDOF1 Each figure is presented on separate plot. 4.2.10. Curvature envelope curves Envelope curves of curvatures from time domain analysis are presented as: - Minimum, static and maximum values of curvatures for a regular analysis - Mean, static and mean + standard deviation for irregular analysis Static results are dashed, while the others are solid. Data group identifier, one input line CURVature ENVElope CURVes Plot Print options, one input line LINE-ID IDOF1 IDOF2 IDOF3 LINE-ID: character(8): Line identifier for which curvatures are wanted. You may specify ALL to include all lines in the system. The print part of this option will always produce results for all stored degrees of freedom, i.e. local y- and z-curvatures and resulting curvature. The following parameters are used to specify the dof’s to be plotted IPDOF1: integer: Degree of freedom for first figure IDOF1=0: Not included IDOF1=1: Curvature about local y-axis IDOF1=2: Curvature about local z-axis IDOF1=3: Resulting curvature Resulting curvature is taken as the vector sum of the curvatures about local y- and z-axis and will therefore always be positive IPDOF2: integer: Degree of freedom for second figure. Interpretation as for IPDOF1 IPDOF3: integer: Degree of freedom for third figure. Interpretation as for IPDOF1 Each figure is presented on separate plot. 4.2.11. Support forces Forces in both ends of specified lines are analyzed and presented in the global coordinate system. Forces due to static and dynamic loads are included. Forces due to hydrostatic pressures are not included, i.e. the axial component is the effective tension. Data group identifier, one input line SUPPf TIME SERIes Plot Output options, one input line IOP IDOF IT1 NTS NLINC IOP: integer: Code for type of output IOP=1: Time series IOP=2: Time series statistics IOP=3: Spectral analysis IDOF: integer: Code for degree of freedom IDOF=1: Global x-direction IDOF=2: Global y-direction IDOF=3: Global z-direction IT1: integer: First stored time step to be included NTS: integer: Number of stored time steps to be included NLINC: integer: Number of input lines used for line specifications For IOP=3 an FFT analysis is carried out. If NTS is not an integer power of 2, a reduced time series will be analysed. In order to get an effective analysis, IT1 and NTS should be selected so that - \(\mathrm {IT1=NT-2^M+1}\) - \(\mathrm {NTS=2^M}\) Where \(\mathrm {NT}\) is the total number of stored time steps and \(\mathrm {M}\) is the largest integer so that \(\mathrm {NTS\<=NT}\). Normally it is preferable to omit the first part of the time series due to transients. Element specification, NLINC input lines LINE-ID LINE-ID: character(8), default: 0: Line number. You may specify ALL to include all lines Options for the output distribution functions of the force time series statistics, one input line This input line is given only if IOP=2. NCL XCMIN XCMAX NCL: integer: No of classes in the output distribution functions (i.e. no of points on the abscissa axis) 0<NCL<41 XCMIN: real: Range of argument values for output distribution functions is XCMIN*sx(1) - XCMAX*sx(1) in which sx(1) is the standard deviation of x estimated from the first sequence XCMAX: real, default: 0: Spectrum smoothing parameter for the spectral analysis of the force time series, one input line This input line is given only if IOP=3. MSM MSM: integer, default: 0: Smoothing parameter MSM=0: No smoothing MSM>0: Smoothing by averaging over 2*MSM+1 values 4.2.12. Element angle time series from time domain analysis Data group identifier, one input line ELMAngle TIME SERIes Plot Output options, one input line IOP IT1 NTS NNELC IOP: integer: Code for type of output IOP=1: Time series IOP=2: Time series statistics IOP=3: Spectral analysis IT1: integer: First stored time step to be included NTS: integer: Number of stored time steps to be included (from IT1). A large number includes the remaining time steps NNELC: integer: No. of pairs of input lines used for element specification Two of the subsequent input lines (Code for element specification and either Global or vessel axis and element specification or Element pair specification) given NNELC times. Code for element specification IRELCO IRELCO: integer: Code for type of output IRELCO=0: Angle between fixed global axis and one specified element IRELCO=1: Angle between support vessel coordinate axis and one specified element IRELCO=2: Angle between two elements Global or vessel axis and element specification This input line is given only for IRELCO=0 or 1. IAXIS IVES LINE-ID ISEG IELM HEAD IAXIS: integer: Code for axis IAXIS=1: x-axis IAXIS=2: y-axis IAXIS=3: z-axis IVES: integer, default: 1: Vessel number if IRELCO=1 else dummy LINE-ID: character(8): Line identifier ISEG: integer: Segment number IELM: integer: Element number HEAD: integer: Vessel heading in final static position if IRECLCO=1, else dummy \(\mathrm {[deg]}\) The angle output is between 0 and 180 degrees. If the element direction (from end 1 to end 2) is along the specified axis, the relative angle is 0. Otherwise, if the element direction is along the negative axis direction, the angle is 180 degrees. The element direction is calculated as the direction along the secant from local end no 1 to local end no 2 (i.e. local element x-axis). Element pair specification This input line is given only for IRELCO=2. LINE-ID1 ISEG1 IELM1 LINE-ID2 ISEG2 IELM2 LINE-ID1: character(8): Specification of first element ISEG1: integer: IELM1: integer: LINE-ID2: character(8): Specification of second element ISEG2: integer: IELM2: integer: The angle output is between 0 and 180 degrees. If the element direction (from end 1 to end 2) is along the specified axis, the relative angle is 0. Otherwise, if the element direction is along the negative axis direction, the angle is 180 degrees. The element direction is calculated as the direction along the secant from local end no 1 to local end no 2 (i.e. local element x-axis). 4.2.13. Total displacement time series from time domain analysis Results include the total dynamic displacements (static values are included) Data group identifier, one input line TOTDisp TIMe SERIes Plot Output options, one input line IOP IDOF IT1 NTS NNODC IOP: integer: Code for type of output IOP=1: Time series IOP=2: Time series statistics IOP=3: Spectral analysis IDOF: integer: Code for degree of freedom IDOF=1: Translation in x-direction IDOF=2: Translation in y-direction IDOF=3: Translation in z-direction IT1: integer: First stored time step to be included NTS: integer: Number of stored time steps to be included (from IT1). A large number includes the remaining time steps. NNODC: integer: No of input lines used for node specification For IOP=3 an FFT analysis is carried out. If NTS is not an integer power of 2, a reduced time series will be analysed. In order to get an effective analysis, IT1 and NTS should be selected so that - \(\mathrm {IT1=NT-2^M+1}\) - \(\mathrm {NTS=2^M}\) Where \(\mathrm {NT}\) is the total number of stored time steps and \(\mathrm {M}\) is the largest integer so that \(\mathrm {NTS\<=NT}\). Normally it is preferable to omit the first part of the time series due to transients. Node specification, NNODC input lines Identical to Data Group C: Output from DYNMOD for Dynamic displacement time series from time domain analysis. Options for the output distribution functions of the displacement time series statistics, one input line This input line is given only if IOP=2. Identical to Node specification, NNODC input lines for Dynamic displacement time series from time domain analysis. Spectrum smoothing parameter for the spectral analysis of the displacement time series, one input line This input line is given only if IOP=3. Identical to Data Group C: Output from DYNMOD for Dynamic displacement time series from time domain analysis. 4.2.14. Total resulting force time series from time domain analysis The result force includes both the dynamic time dependent force and the static force. Data group identifier, one input line TOTForce TIME SERIes Plot Output options, one input line IOP IDOF IT1 NTS NNELC IOP: integer: Code for type of output IOP=1: Time series IOP=2: Time series statistics IOP=3: Spectral analysis IDOF: integer: Code for degree of freedom IDOF=1: Axial force IDOF=2: Torsional moment IDOF=3: Bending moment about local y-axis, end 1 IDOF=4: Bending moment about local y-axis, end 2 IDOF=5: Bending moment about local z-axis, end 1 IDOF=6: Bending moment about local z-axis, end 2 IDOF=7: Shear force in local y-direction, end 1 Nonlinear dynamic analysis only in present version IDOF=8: Shear force in local y-direction, end 2 Nonlinear dynamic analysis only in present version IDOF=9: Shear force in local z-direction, end 1 Nonlinear dynamic analysis only in present version IDOF=10: Shear force in local z-direction, end 2 Nonlinear dynamic analysis only in present version IDOF=11: Axial wall force IT1: integer: First stored time step to be included NTS: integer: Number of stored time steps to be included (from IT1). A large number includes the remaining time steps NNELC: integer: No of input lines used for element specification For IOP=3 an FFT analysis is carried out. If NTS is not an integer power of 2, a reduced time series will be analysed. In order to get an effective analysis, IT1 and NTS should be selected so that - \(\mathrm {IT1=NT-2^M+1}\) - \(\mathrm {NTS=2^M}\) Where \(\mathrm {NT}\) is the total number of stored time steps and \(\mathrm {M}\) is the largest integer so that \(\mathrm {NTS\<=NT}\). Normally it is preferable to omit the first part of the time series due to transients. Element specification, NNELC images Identical to Element specification, NNELC input lines for Dynamic resulting force time series from time domain analysis.. Options for output distribution functions. Given only if IOP=2 This input line is given only if IOP=2. Identical to Options for the output distribution functions of the force time series statistics, one input line for Dynamic resulting force time series from time domain analysis. Spectrum smoothing parameter. Given only if IOP=3 This input line is given only if IOP=3. Identical to Spectrum smoothing parameter for the spectral analysis of the force time series, one input line for Dynamic resulting force time series from time domain analysis. 4.2.15. Distance time series calculated from the time domain analyses This option is mainly to be used in order to perform a check of collision risk between two risers, between a riser and the vessel or between a riser and a fixed structure. The minimum distance is calculated for only a part of the riser. All elements within the specified segments are searched to find this minimum distance at each time step. Note that the distances are absolute, they are always positive values. The program cannot identify a line crossing situation. Data group identifier, one input line DISTance TIME SERIes Plot Output options, one input line IOP IT1 NTS IDITYP IMETH IVES XCGVES YCGVES ZCGVES IOP: integer: Code for type of output IOP=1: Time series IOP=2: Time series statistics IOP=3: Spectral analysis IT1: integer: First stored time step to be included NTS: integer: No of stored time steps to be included (from IT1). A large number includes the remaining time steps IDITYP: integer: Type of distance to be calculated IDITYP=1: Distance between specified segments on lines IDITYP=2: Distance between specified segments on a line and a globally fixed line IDITYP=3: Distance between specified segments on a line and a line fixed on the vessel IMETH: integer, default: 1: Method option IMETH=1: Distance between elements are calculated IMETH=2: Distance between nodes are calculated IVES: integer, default: 1: Vessel number in case of multivessel analysis and IDITYP = 3 XCGVES: real, default: 0: Static X coordinate of the vessel in case of IDITYP = 3 YCGVES: real, default: 0: Static Y coordinate of the vessel in case of IDITYP = 3 ZCGVES: real, default: 0: Static Z coordinate of the vessel in case of IDITYP = 3 With the distance, we here mean the minimum distance. All elements within the specified segment(s) are scanned for each time step in order to find the one with the minimum distance. Method 1 is more accurate, but more time consuming than method 2. Specification of segments on lines which the minimum distance should be calculated from, one input line LINE-ID NSEG ISEG1 ISEG2 . . ISEG(NSEG) LINE-ID: character(8): Line identifier NSEG: integer/character: No of segments for which the minimum distances are to be calculated from You may specify ALL in order to include all segments ISEG: integer: The included segment numbers Searching through all elements may cause rather large computation time. Specified segments to which the minimum distance are calculated, to be given only if IDITYP=1. One input line LINE-ID NSEG ISEG1 ISEG2 ... ISEG(NSEG) LINE-ID: character(8): Line identifier NSEG: integer/character: No of segments for which the minimum distances are to be calculated to You may specify ALL in order to include all segments ISEGj: integer: The included segment numbers Searching through all elements may cause rather large computation time. Specification of a line in the global coordinate system to which the minimum distance are to be calculated, to be given only if IDITYP=2. One input line XG1 YG1 ZG1 XG2 YG2 ZG2 XG1: real: Global x-coordinate, end 1 YG1: real: Global y-coordinate, end 1 ZG1: real: Global z-coordinate, end 1 XG2: real: Global x-coordinate, end 2 YG2: real: Global y-coordinate, end 2 ZG2: real: Global z-coordinate, end 2 Specification of a line in the global coordinate system relative to the vessel reference point to which the minimum distance are to be calculated, to be given only if IDITYP=3 XV1 YV1 ZV1 XV2 YV2 ZV2 XV1: real: Vessel x-coordinate, end 1 YV1: real: Vessel y-coordinate, end 1 ZV1: real: Vessel z-coordinate, end 1 XV2: real: Vessel x-coordinate, end 2 YV2: real: Vessel y-coordinate, end 2 ZV2: real: Vessel z-coordinate, end 2 Options for the output distribution functions of the distance time series statistics, one input line This input line is given only if IOP=2. NCL XCMIN XCMAX NCL: integer: No of classes in the output distribution functions (i.e. no of points on the abscissa axis) 0<NCL<41 XCMIN: real: Range of argument values for output distribution functions is XCMIN*sx(1) - XCMAX*sx(1) in which sx(1) is the standard deviation of x estimated from the first sequence XCMAX: real: Spectrum smoothing parameter for the spectral analysis of the distance time series, one input line This input line is given only if IOP=3. MSM MSM: integer, default: 0: Smoothing parameter MSM=0: No smoothing MSM>0: Smoothing by averaging over 2*MSM+1 values 4.2.16. Generate snapshot file from time domain analysis (special option) This is a special option specified and commissioned by Norsk Hydro, for generation of input files for an animation program used by Norsk Hydro. Nodes coordinates, element forces and curvatures from dynamic analysis are written to the following files: - SNAPSNxx.DAT - Node coordinates - SNAPFOxx.DAT - Element forces - SNAPCUxx.DAT - Element curvatures Element forces and/or curvatures will only be written for lines for which the storage coincide with the storage of node displacements. Data group identifier, one input line GENERATE SNAPSHOT FILE Plot Print options, one input line IT1 NTS IJUMP NLIC NPVESD IVES LFORCE LCURV IASCII XCGVES YCGVES ZCGVES IT1: integer: First stored time step to be included NTS: integer: Number of stored time steps to be included. You may specify REST to include the remaining time step IJUMP: integer: Include every "IJUMP" stored time step NLIC: integer: No. of input lines to describe the line specification NLIC=0: No riser snapshot NPVESD: integer: No of coordinates to describe the vessel NPVESD=0: No vessel snapshot IVES: integer, default: 1: Vessel number in case of multi-vessel analysis LFORCE: integer, default: 0: Control parameter LFORCE=0: Element forces are not written to file LFORCE=1: Element forces are written to file LCURV: integer, default: 0: Control parameter LCURV=0: Element curvatures are not written to file LCURV=1: Element curvatures are written to file IASCII: integer, default: 0: Control parameter IASCII=0: Unformatted snapshot files IASCII=1: Formatted snapshot files XCGVES: real: Static X coordinate of vessel CG YCGVES: real: Static Y coordinate of vessel CG ZCGVES: real: Static Z coordinate of vessel CG Line specification, NLIC input lines LINE-ID LINE-ID: character(8): Line identifier to be written to file. You may specify ALL to include all the lines in the system The lines are written only if at least the displacements of the end nodes are stored, see data group File storage of displacement response for storage information. Vessel description, NPVESD input lines. The specified points are connected by one line to illustrate a part of the vessel contour IPV XVT YVT ZVT IPV: integer: Coordinate number XVT: real: Vessel’s X-coordinate in global system, relative to the vessel reference point \(\mathrm {[L]}\) YVT: real: Vessel’s Y-coordinate \(\mathrm {[L]}\) ZVT: real: Vessel’s Z-coordinate \(\mathrm {[L]}\) The vessel points are in global system, but they are relative to the vessel reference point (the attachment point). 4.2.17. Stress time series calculated from the time domain analysis This option allows for calculation of stresses in circular metallic homogeneous risers. The stress time series are calculated based on the stored force time series from DYNMOD and the component properties specified in INPMOD. Stresses may only be calculated for CRS1 and CRS0 components. Stress time series are calculated for specified points on the tube circumference. Data group identifier STREss TIME SERIes Output options, one input line IOP IDOF IT1 NTS ISUBST NNELC IOP: integer: Code for type of output IOP = 1: Time series IOP = 2: Time series statistics IOP = 3: Spectral analysis IOP = 1 in present version IDOF: integer: Stress components type 1 IDOF = 1/11: Axial stress at end 1/2 IDOF = 2/12: Torsional stress at end 1/2 IDOF = 3/13: Bending stress at end 1/2 IDOF = 4/14: Axial + bending stress at end 1/2 IDOF = 5/15: Shear stress at end 1/2 IDOF = 6/16: Shear stress + torsional stress at end 1/2 IDOF = 7/17: Equivalent stress at end 1/2 IDOF = 8/18: Hoop stress at end 1/2 IDOF = 9/19: Radial stress at end 1/2 IDOF = 21/22: External pressure at end 1/2 IDOF = 23/24: Internal pressure at end 1/2 IT1: integer: First stored time step to be included NTS: integer: Number of stored time steps to be included (from IT1). A large number includes the remaining time steps ISUBST: integer, default: 0: Code for subtracting the static stress contributions ISUBST = 0: Total stresses calculated ISUBST = 1: Static stress is subtracted NNELC: integer: Number of lines used for element specification Point for stress calculation, one input line THETA INEX IOPPRE THETA: real, default: 0.0: Angle from local y-axis for stress calculation \(\mathrm {[Deg]}\) INEX: integer, default: 2: Stress location switch INEX = 1: Inner wall INEX = 2: Outer wall IOPPRE: integer, default: 1: Code for updating inner and outer pressure values. |IOPPRE| = 1: Static inner and outer pressure used. Outer pressure is calculated as hydrostatic pressure from MWL. |IOPPRE| = 2: Updated inner and outer pressure used. Outer pressure is calculated as hydrostatic pressure from MWL. IOPPRE < 0: Wall forces calculated using outer area given by the pipe diameter or the alternative cross section diameter. Corresponds to evenly distributed shear forces between buoyancy material and pipe. Warning: This option is under development! Nonlinear time domain analysis only. In the present version, the external pressure is calculated as a hydrostatic pressure from the MWL. The external pressure is updated for all structural elements. The internal pressure is updated for all elements that are part of a Main Riser Line. Element specification, NNELC input lines LINE-ID ISEG IELM LINE-ID: character(8): Line identifier. You may specify ALL to include all lines ISEG: integer/character: Segment number. You may specify ALL to include all segments. ENDS includes the end segments on the line IELM: integer/character: Element number. ALL includes all elements, and ENDS includes end elements on the above specified segment Stresses may only be calculated for elements for which forces are stored, see data group File storage for internal forces for storage information. If the user specifies elements for which forces are not stored, these elements are ignored. The data group Storage information may be used to obtain an overview of the stored data. Options for the output distribution functions of the stress time series statistics, one input line This input line is given only if IOP=2. NCL XCMIN XCMAX NCL: integer: No of classes in the output distribution functions (i.e. no of points on the abscissa axis) 0<NCL<41 XCMIN: real: Range of argument values for output distribution functions is XCMIN*sx(1) - XCMAX*sx(1) in which sx(1) is the standard deviation of x estimated from the first sequence. XCMAX: real: Spectrum smoothing parameter for the spectral analysis of the stress time series, one input line This input line is given only if IOP=3. MSM MSM: integer, default: 0: Smoothing parameter MSM=0: No smoothing MSM>0: Smoothing by averaging over 2*MSM+1 values. 4.2.18. Stress envelope curves This option allows for calculation of stress envelopes from the element forces stored in DYNMOD, see data group File storage for internal forces for storage information. The data group Storage information may be used to obtain an overview of the stored data. Data group identifier STREss ENVElope CURVes Noplot Print options, one input line LINE-ID IDOF1 IDOF2 IDOF3 LINE-ID: character(8): Line identifier ILINE = ALL: Stresses in all lines calculated IDOF1:integer: Stress component type 1 IDOF1 = 1: Axial stress IDOF1 = 2: Torsional stress IDOF1 = 3: Bending stress IDOF1 = 4: Axial + bending stress IDOF1 = 5: Shear stress IDOF1 = 6: Shear + torsional stress IDOF1 = 7: Equivalent stress IDOF1 = 8: Hoop stress IDOF1 = 9: Radial stress IDOF2:integer: Stress component type 2 See IDOF1 Dummy at present IDOF3:integer: Stress component type 3 See IDOF1 Dummy at present Stress calculations options, one input line TSTA TEND IOP DUR TSTA: real, default: 0: Start time in stress time series \(\mathrm {[T]}\) TEND: real, default: 0: End time in stress time series \(\mathrm {[T]}\) TEND = 0.0: Until last time step used IOP: integer, default: 0: Code for envelope type IOP = 1: Min and max values presented IOP = 2: Maximum range IOP = 3: Standard deviations IOP = 4: Estimated extreme values (not yet implemented) DUR: real, default: 10800: Duration used in extreme value estimation \(\mathrm {[T]}\) Dummy parameter in present version Stress calculation location, one input line NPCS IOPPR THETA INEX IOPPRE NPCS: integer, default: See below: Number of points around the cross-section = 0: max stresses estimated IOPPR: integer, default: 0: Print option IOPPR = 0: Print maximum stresses only IOPPR > 0: Print stresses at all NPRCS points THETA: real, default: 0: Angle for stress calculation \(\mathrm {[Deg]}\) Dummy for NPCS>1 INEX: integer, default: 2: Stress loction switch INEX = 1: Inner wall INEX = 2: Outer wall IOPPRE: integer, default: 1: Code for updating inner and outer pressure values. |IOPPRE| = 1: Static inner and outer pressure used. |IOPPRE| = 2: Updated inner and outer pressure used. Outer pressure calculated as hydrostatic pressure from MWL. IOPPRE < 0: Wall forces calculated using outer area given by the pipe diameter or the alternative cross section diameter. Corresponds to evenly distributed shear forces between buoyancy material and pipe. Warning: This option is under development! Nonlinear time domain analysis only. The default value for NPCS is dependent on the value specified above for IOP: Default is 0 for IOP = 1, otherwise it is 4. In the present version, the external pressure is calculated as a hydrostatic pressure from the MWL. The external pressure is updated for all structural elements. The internal pressure is updated for all elements that are part of a Main Riser Line. Stress calculation parameters, one input line IOPSTR ASTI WSTI DIASTI THSTI EMOD IOPSTR: integer, default: 0: Option for stress calculation IOPSTR=0: Stresses calculated from bending moment (recommended) IOPSTR=1: Stresses calculated from curvatures ASTI: real, default: 0: Alternative cross sectional area \(\mathrm {[L^2]}\) WSTI: real, default: 0: Alternative cross section modulus \(\mathrm {[L^3]}\) DIASTI: real, default: 0: Alternative cross section diameter \(\mathrm {[L]}\) THSTI: real, default: 0: Alternative cross section wall thickness \(\mathrm {[L]}\) EMOD: real, default: 0: Modulus of elasticity \(\mathrm {[F/L^2]}\) Bending stresses are calculated from curvature, diameter and EMOD if IOPSTR=1 and EMOD>0 \(\mathrm {WST=\frac{2}{EMOD\times DIAST}}\) The default values of 0 for ASTI, WSTI, DIASTI, THSTI and EMOD are interpreted as no change from the cross-sectional properties given in INPMOD. 4.2.19. Riser stroke time series from time domain analysis The riser stroke is calculated for the supernode specified in DYNMOD from the motions of the vessel and the vertical displacement of specified supernode. This option is not of interest if the terminal point of the riser is vertically fixed to the vessel. Data group identifier, one input line STROKe TIME SERIes Plot Option to calculate the riser stroke time series, one input line IOP IMOT IDERIV IT1 NTS IOP: integer: Code for type of output IOP = 1: Time series IOP = 2: Time series statistics IOP = 3: Spectral analysis IMOT: integer: IMOT = 1: Stroke IMOT = 2: Platform heave motion only IMOT = 3: Risers upper end heave motion only IDERIV: integer: IDERIV = 0: Original IDERIV = 1: First derivative IDERIV = 2: Second derivative IT1: integer: First stored time steps to be included NTS: integer: Number of stored time steps to be included 4.2.20. Code check curves This option allows for code check of the response. Data group identifier CODE CHECk CURVes Main output options, one input line LINE-ID IOPCOD IOP IDIST DUR PROB LINE-ID: character(8): Line identifier LINE-ID = ALL: All lines checked IOPCOD: integer, default: 1: Option for type of code check IOPCOD = 1: titanium code check IOP: integer, default: 2: Option for using maximum or estimated extreme values IOP = 1: Maximum values from stress time series used IOP = 2: Estimated extreme values used IDIST: integer, default: 2: Distribution type used in extreme value estimation IDIST = 1: Rayleigh distribution used IDIST = 2: Three parameter Weibull used Dummy for IOP = 1 DUR: real, default: 10800: Duration used in extreme value estimation \(\mathrm {[T]}\) Dummy for IOP = 1 PROB: real, default: 0: Probability level used in extreme value estimation PROB = 0.0: Expected maximum value used Dummy for IOP = 1 Time range and cross-section points, one input line TSTA TEND NPCS IOPPR TSTA: real, default: 0: Start time in stress time series \(\mathrm {[T]}\) TEND: real, default: 0: End time in stress time series \(\mathrm {[T]}\) TEND = 0.0: Until last time step used NPCS: integer >= 0, default: see below: Number of points around the cross-section IOPPR: integer, default: 0: Print option The default value for NPCS is dependent on the value specified above for IOP: Default is 0 for IOP = 1, otherwise it is 4. Static load step and load factors, one input line ISTEPF GAMF GAMC GAME GAMR ISTEPF: integer, default: 0: Static step number for functional loads ISTEPF = 0: Final static load step is used GAMF: real, default: 1: Load factor for functional loads GAMC: real, default: 1: Load effect factor for condition GAME: real, default: 1: Load factor for environmental loads GAMR: real, default: 1: Resistance factor Stress calculation parameters, one input line SMYS EMOD NU F0 SMYSB TADD SMYS: real > 0: Specified minimum yield stress \(\mathrm {[F/L^2]}\) EMOD: real > 0: Modulus of elasticity \(\mathrm {[F/L^2]}\) NU: real, default: 0.3: Poisson’s ratio F0: real, default: 0.005: Initial ovality \(\mathrm {=(D_{max}-D_{min})/D}\) SMYSB: real, default: SMYS: Specified minimum stress used in axial capacity \(\mathrm {[F/L^2]}\) TADD: real, default: 0: Additional torsion moment \(\mathrm {[FL]}\) Typical values of SMYS and EMOD for steel are in the order of \(\mathrm {[SMYS=220.0E3kN/m^2]}and\) if the units m and kN were chosen in INPMOD. Cross-section parameters, one input line ASTI WSTI DIASTI THSTI ASTI: real, default: 0: Alternative cross sectional area \(\mathrm {[L^2]}\) WSTI: real, default: 0: Alternative cross section modulus \(\mathrm {[L^3]}\) DIASTI: real, default: 0: Alternative cross section diameter \(\mathrm {[L]}\) THSSTI: real, default: 0: Alternative cross section wall thickness \(\mathrm {[L]}\) The default values of 0 are interpreted as no change from the cross-sectional properties given in INPMOD 4.2.21. Time domain fatigue damage This option allows for calculation of fatigue damage calculation from axial and bending stresses in circular metallic homogeneous risers using a specified SN curve and rainflow cycle counting. The calculated fatigue damage is per year of the specified environmental conditions. The fatigue damage is calculated based on the stored force time series from DYNMOD (see data group File storage for internal forces for storage information) and the component properties specified in INPMOD. Stresses may only be calculated for CRS1 and CRS0 components. The fatigue damage is calculated for a specified number of points on the tube circumference. Data group identifier, one input line TIMEdomain FATIgue DAMAge NoPlot Control data, one input line NSECT NPCS IOPPR TBEG TEND IOPSTR FAT-ID NSECT: integer: Number of riser cross sections to be considered NSECT = 0: All cross section where forces are available is included in the analysis NPCS: integer: Number of points in the cross section where fatigue is calculated IOPPR: integer: Print option for fatigue results IOPPR = 0: Print results only for most critical point in cross section IOPPR > 0: Print results for all NPCS points TBEG: real: Beginning of stored stress time series for fatigue calculation Number \(\mathrm {[T]}\) TEND: real: End of stored stress time series for fatigue calculation \(\mathrm {[T]}\) Default is the last stored time step IOPSTR: integer, default: 0: Option for stress calculation IOPSTR=0: Bending stresses calculated from bending moment (recommended) IOPSTR=1: Bending stresses calculated from curvatures. EMOD and DIAST must be given FAT-ID: character(16): Identifier for fatigue calculation. Used in result presentation only The remaining of the time series is used if TEND is less or equal to TBEG (Default is full time series). Cross-sectional data, one input line DSCFA DSCFY DSCFZ ASI WSTI DIAST EMOD CFRS LFRS TEFF DSCFA: real, default: 1: Default stress concentration factor for axial force contribution DSCFY: real, default: DSCFA: Default stress concentration factor for bending about the local Y axis DSCFZ: real, default: DSCFA: Default stress concentration factor for bending about the local Z axis ASI: real, default: See below: Optional cross-sectional area \(\mathrm {[L^{2}]}\) WSTI: real, default: See below: Optional section modulus \(\mathrm {[L^{3}]}\). Dummy if stresses are are calculated from curvature (IOPSTR = 1) DIAST: real, default: See below: Cross section diameter. Used to calculate tresses from curvature if IOPSTR = 1. Otherwise not used. EMOD: real, default: See below: Modules of elasticity. Used to calculate tresses from curvature if IOPSTR = 1. Otherwise not used. CFRS: real, default: 0: Constant correction coefficient, friction stress \(\mathrm {[FL^{-2}]}\) LFRS: real, default: 0: Linear correction coefficient \(\mathrm {[L^{-2}]}\) TEFF: real, default: See below: Effective thickness used together with the reference thickness TREF given below in thickness correction \(\mathrm {[L]}\) The cross-sectional area, modulus and thickness defined for each cross section in INPMOD are used as defaults for ASI, WSTI and TEFF. Stress range correction due to friction is given as: \(\mathrm {\Delta \sigma _f=CFRS+LFRS\times T_{avg}}\) \(\mathrm {T_{avg}}\) is the static value of the tension. The friction stress correction is added after Rainflow counting of the stress time series due to axial force and bending \(\mathrm {\sigma _{tot}(t)=\sigma _{axial}(t)\times SCFA+\sigma _{Y-bending}(t)\times SCFY+\sigma _{Z-bending}(t)\times SCFY}\) The units of the friction correction coefficients must be consistent with the Selection of unit system physical constant in INPMOD. SN curve data, two input lines Fatigue capacity curve description NOSL LIMIND FATLIM RFACT TREF KEXP NOSL: integer <= 5, default: 1: Number of straight lines defining the SN curve LIMIND: integer, default: 0: Fatigue limit indicator LIMIND < 0: Fatigue limit in terms of stress cycles is specified LIMIND = 0: No fatigue limit for present curve LIMIND > 0: Fatigue limit in terms of stress range is specified FATLIM: real, default: 0: Fatigue limit, interpretation dependent on LIMIND. See Example 1: 2 segments and fatigue limit. LIMIND < 0: Base 10 logarithm of number of stress cycles for which the SN curve becomes horizontal LIMIND = 0: FATLIM is dummy LIMIND > 0: Stress range level for which the SN curve becomes horizontal \(\mathrm {[S]}\) See RFACT below RFACT: real, default: 1: Factor between the stress unit \(\mathrm {[S]}\) used to define the SN curve and the force and length units \(\mathrm {[F]}\) and \(\mathrm {[L]}\) chosen in INPMOD \(\mathrm {S\times RFACT=\frac{F}{L^2}}\) TREF: real, default: 0: Reference thickness for thickness correction \(\mathrm {[L]}\). TREF = 0: No thickness correction KEXP: real, default: 0: Exponent for thickness correction. KEXP = 0: No thickness correction If \(\mathrm {kN}\) and \(\mathrm {m}\) were chosen as force and length units while the SN curve is given in \(\mathrm {MPa}\), RFACT should be set to 0.001. If the SI units \(\mathrm {N}\) and \(\mathrm {m}\) were chosen for force and length and the SN curve is in \(\mathrm {MPa}\), RFACT should be set to 1.0E-6. TREF`and `KEXP must either both be zero, no thickness correction, or both positive, thickness correction included. Fatigue capacity curve constants RM1 RC1 RMi RNCi ... RM1: real: Slope of the SN curve. First curve segment for NOSL>1, total curve for NOSL=1. (log cycles / log stress) RC1: real: Constant defining the SN curve. First segment or total curve RMi: real: Slope of curve segment i, i=2, …, NOSL RNCi: real: Transition point between curve segment (i-1), and i, i=2,…, NOSL| (log cycles) See Frequency domain fatigue damage for details of the fatigue curve specification. For a single slope SN curve, log cycles as a function of log stress: \(\mathrm {logN=RC1-|RM1|\times log\Delta S}\) Where: \(\mathrm {N}\): Number of cycles to failure \(\mathrm {\Delta S}\): Stress range or log stress as a function of log cycles: \(\mathrm {log\Delta S=\frac{RC1}{|RM1|}-\frac{logN}{|RM1|}}\) Cross section specification, NSECT input lines LINE-ID ISEG IEL IEND SCFA SCFY SCFZ LINE-ID: character(8): Line identifier ISEG: integer >= 0: Segment number on line = 0: All segments in specified line IEL: integer >= 0: Local element number on specified segment = 0: All elements in specified segment IEND: integer: IEND = 0: Cross sections at both ends checked IEND = 1: Cross section at end with smallest node number checked IEND = 2: Cross section at end with largest node number checked SCFA: real, default: DSCFA: Stress concentration factor for axial force contribution SCFY: real, default: SCFA: Stress concentration factor for bending about local Y axis SCFZ: real, default: SCFA: Stress concentration factor for bending about local Z axis Time domain forces for the specified elements must be stored in DYNMOD, see data group File storage for internal forces for storage information. The data group Storage information may be used to obtain an overview of the stored data. If several specifications match an element, the first specification will be used. 4.2.22. Time domain longterm data This option allows for calculation of transfer function modulus and, in the future, also distribution parameters for the stresses from axial and bending force in circular metallic homogeneous risers. The results are intended to be processes in a longterm analysis like in LONFLX and LOSSTA. The results are calculated based on the stored force time series from DYNMOD (see data group File storage for internal forces for storage information) and the component properties specified in INPMOD. Stresses may only be calculated for CRS1 and CRS0 components. The transfer functions are calculated for a specified number of points on the tube circumference. Data group identifier, one input line TIMEdomain LONGterm DATA NoPlot Control data, one input line NSECT NPCS TBEG TEND NSECT: integer, default: 0: Number of riser cross sections to be considered NSECT = 0: All cross section where forces are available is included in the analysis NPCS: integer, default: 16: Number of points in the cross section where fatigue is calculated TBEG: real, default: 0: Beginning of stored stress time series for fatigue calculation Number \(\mathrm {[T]}\) TEND: real, default: 0: End of stored stress time series for fatigue calculation \(\mathrm {[T]}\) Default is the last stored time step. The remaining of the time series is used if TEND is less or equal to TBEG (Default is full time series). Calculation control data, one input line MXFRQ FLOW FHIG IDIST MXFRQ: integer: Maximum number frequencies in the output of transfer functions FLOW: real: Lower frequency limit in the printing FHIG: real: Upper frequency limit in the printing IDIST: integer: Distribution type (Future use) The actual number of frequencies in the output will usually be somewhat less than MXFRQ because the printing is going in integer steps over the calculated Fourier components. The intermediate points is used for smoothing of the transfer function Cross sectional data, one input line DSCFA DSCFY DSCFZ ASI WSTI DSCFA: real, default: 1: Default stress concentration factor for axial force contribution DSCFY: real, default: DSCFA: Default stress concentration factor for bending about Y axis DSCFZ: real, default: DSCFA: Default stress concentration factor for bending about Z axis ASI: real, default: 0: Optional cross sectional area WSTI: real, default: 0: Optional section modulus The cross sectional area and modulus defined in INPMOD is used by default. Cross section specification NSECT input lines ILIN ISEG IEL IEND ILIN: integer: Line number ISEG: integer: Segment number on line IEL: integer: Local element number on specified segment IEND: integer: IEND = 1: Cross section at end with smallest node number checked IEND = 2: Cross section at end with largest node number checked Time domain forces for the specified elements must be stored in DYNMOD, see data group File storage for internal forces for storage information. The data group Storage information may be used to obtain an overview of the stored data. 5. Data Group D: Output from FREMOD 5.1. Frequency domain layer damage This data group may be used to calculate wear and fatigue of tendons in a nonbonded flexible pipe cross section. 5.1.1. Data group identifier, one input line FREQuency domain LAYEr DAMAge NoPlot 5.1.2. Control data, one input line NLAYER NSECT NLAYER: integer: Number of layers to be considered NSECT: integer: Number of riser cross sections to be considered 5.1.3. Layer data, 2 × NLAYER input lines Axial stress and friction per unit (pressure/axial force/curvature) IDLAY ALFA1 ALFA2 ALFA3 ALFA4 ALFA5 IDLAY: integer: Unique identification number for the layer data ALFA1: real: Axial stress in helix per unit pressure (difference) ALFA2: real: Axial stress in helix per unit axial force ALFA3: real: Axial stress in helix per unit pipe curvature \(\mathrm {[1/bendingradius]}\) ALFA4: real: Friction stress per unit pressure (difference) ALFA5: real: Friction stress per unit axial force 5.1.4. Wear and geometrical data; 1 data string: BETA1 BETA2 THICK WSAFE SIGUL SIGLI BETA1: real: Wear factor per unit curvature and pressure BETA2: real: Wear factor per unit curvature and axial force THICK: real: Thickness of layer WSAFE: real <= 1: Safety factor for wear SIGUL: real: Ultimate stress SIGLI: real: Limit stress 5.1.5. Cross section specification, NSECT input lines LINE-ID ISEG IEL IEND IDLAY1 ... IDLAYn LINE-ID: character(8): Line identifier (dummy for IEL < 0) ISEG: integer: Segment number (dummy for IEL < 0) IEL: integer: Element number IEL > 0: local element number IEL < 0: global element number IEND: integer: IEND = 1: Cross section at end with smallest node number checked IEND = 2: Cross section at end with largest node number checked IDLAY1: integer: First layer to be checked IDLAYn: integer: Last layer to be checked Frequency domain results for the specified element/ends must be stored on the FREMOD result file ifnfre. 5.2. Frequency domain fatigue damage 5.2.1. Data group identifier, one input line FREQuencydomain FATIgue DAMAge NoPlot 5.2.2. Control data, one input line NOFC NSECT IRES NOFC: integer: Number of SN curves NSECT: integer: Number of riser cross sections to be considered IRES: integer: Response print option IRES>0: print of total fatigue damage only IRES<0: print of fatigue contributions 5.2.3. SN data, 2 × NOFC input lines Fatigue capacity curve description ISNC NOSL LIMIND FATLIM RFACT ISNC: integer: SN curve number - must be given in ascending order NOSL: integer, default: 1: Number of straight lines defining the SN curve LIMIND: integer, default: 0: Fatigue limit indicator LIMIND < 0: Fatigue limit in terms of stress cycles is specified LIMIND = 0: No fatigue limit for present curve LIMIND > 0: Fatigue limit in terms of stress range is specified FATLIM: real, default: 0: Fatigue limit, interpretation dependent on LIMIND. See Example 1: 2 segments and fatigue limit. LIMIND < 0: Base 10 logarithm of number of stress cycles for which the SN curve becomes horizontal LIMIND = 0: FATLIM is dummy LIMIND > 0: Stress range level for which the SN curve becomes horizontal RFACT: real, default: 1: Factor between the stress unit \(\mathrm {[S]}\) used to define the SN curve and the force and length units \(\mathrm {[F]}\) and \(\mathrm {[L]}\) chosen in INPMOD \(\mathrm {S\times RFACT=\frac{F}{L^2}}\) If \(\mathrm {kN}\) and \(\mathrm {m}\) were chosen as force and length units while the SN curve is given in \(\mathrm {MPa}\), RFACT should be set to 0.001. If the SI units \(\mathrm {N}\) and \(\mathrm {m}\) were chosen for force and length and the SN curve is in \(\mathrm {MPa}\), RFACT should be set to 1.0E-6. Fatigue capacity curve constants RM1 RC1 RMi RNCi RM1: real: Slope of the SN curve. First curve segment for NOSL>1, total curve for NOSL=1 RC1: real: Constant defining the SN curve. First segment or total curve RMi: real: Slope of curve segment i, i=2, …, NOSL RNCi: real: Transition point between curve segment (i-1), and i, i=2, …, NOSL (log cycles) Explanation of the input parameters in input lines SN data, 2 × NOFC input lines (above). All parameters are found in figure below. Example 1: 2 segments and fatigue limit. Note that FATLIM can be alternatively specified Example 2: 3 segments and not fatigue limit. Illustration of input data for fatigue capacity curve definition The SN curves defined by input parameters are always assumed to relate \(\mathrm {\Delta S}\) (stress range) to number of cycles before failure. A straight-lined SN curve in log-log scale is in general defined as \(\mathrm {N=C\times \Delta S^m}\) or \(\mathrm {logN=logC+m\times log\Delta S}\) Where: \(\mathrm {N}\): Number of cycles to failure \(\mathrm {\Delta S}\): Stress range The two input parameters used to define the SN curves are directly found in the equation above, namely \(\mathrm {RC=logC\quad }\) (always positive) \(\mathrm {RM=m\quad }\) (always negative) If the user has an SN curve without having these parameters explicitly defined, they can be calculated as follows: Using the two points A and B on the figure to define the straight line, we have \(\mathrm {logN=\frac{logN_2-logN_1}{log\Delta S_2-log\Delta S_1}\times log\Delta S-\frac{logN_2-logN_1}{log\Delta S_2-log\Delta S_1}\times log\Delta S_1+logN_1}\) Hence: \(\mathrm {RM= \frac{logN_2-logN_1}{log\Delta S_2-log\Delta S_1}}\) (always negative) \(\mathrm {-RM\times log\Delta S_1+logN_1}\) (always positive) The relation between these parameters specified for different unit systems is easily found from the equations above. 5.2.4. Cross section specification, NSECT input lines LINE-ID ISEG IEL IEND SCF IFAT1 ... IFATn LINE-ID: character(8): Line identifier ISEG: integer: Segment number in line IEL: integer: Local element number in specified segment IEND: integer: IEND = 1: Cross section at end with smallest node number checked IEND = 2: Cross section at end with largest node number checked SCF: real, default: 1: Stress concentration factor IFAT1: integer: First SN curve to be checked . . . IFATn: integer: Last SN curve to be checked Frequency domain results for the specified element/ends must be stored in FREMOD 5.3. Frequency domain force results 5.3.1. Data group identifier, one input line FREQuency FORCe RESUlts NoPlot 5.3.2. Specification of number of sections, one input line NSECT NSECT: integer: Number of sections to be specified 5.3.3. Section specification, NSECT input lines LINE-ID ISEG IELM IEND LINE-ID: character(8): Line identifier ISEG: integer: Segment number IELM: integer: Element number IEND: integer: Element end (1 or 2) Both local (LINE-ID SEG ELML) numbering and global element numbering (-ELMG) can be given This option is valid for linear bending stiffness only, i.e. IEJ=1 in INPMOD. Example: parameter/numbering line-id iseg ielm iend local: 1 2 4 1 0 0 -25 1 6. Description of STARTIMES File 6.1. Description of STARTIMES file generated by OUTMOD 6.1.1. General comments A time series generated by OUTMOD is identified by a time series number and a version number. Response type is identified by the time series number, see description below. The selected node number or element number is identified by the version number. For one response type versions are numbered 1,2,3,4……N according to: version 1 for 1st selected element/node, version 2 for 2nd selected element/node, … version N for last selected element/node Time series number and version number are printed to OUTMOD result file for each selected response. In addition, FEM element/node number is included in identification text for each time series stored on STARTIMES file. 6.1.2. Example Output of time series of dynamic axial force for element 1, 33, 45 is specified in OUTMOD. Identifiers to generated time series are: Element 1: 40.01 (time series number 40, version number 1) Element 33: 40.02 (time series number 40, version number 2) Element 45: 40.03 (time series number 40, version number 3) 6.2. Description of time series numbers Time series number Contents WF motion time series 1 HF surge 2 HF sway 3 HF heave 4 HF roll 5 HF pitch 6 HF yaw LF motion time series 7 LF surge 8 LF sway 9 LF yaw WF and LF motion time series 10 HF + LF surge 11 HF + LF sway 12 HF + LF yaw Wave elevation time series 13 Wave elevation Wave kinematics (Not implemented in OUTMOD) 14 Water particle velocity: x-direction 15 Water particle velocity: y-direction 16 Water particle velocity: z-direction 17 Water particle acceleration: x-direction 18 Water particle acceleration: y-direction 19 Water particle acceleration: z-direction Dyndisp time series 20 Dynamic displacement: global x-direction 21 Dynamic displacement: global y-direction 22 Dynamic displacement: global z-direction 23 Dynamic rotation about: x-direction 24 Dynamic rotation about: y-direction 25 Dynamic rotation about: z-direction Calcurv time series 26 Total curvature calculated from nodal coordinates Element angle time series 27 Element angle \([\mathrm {deg}]\) IRELCO = 1: Angle between global z-axis and one element IRELCO = 2: Angle between support vessel axis and one element IRELCO = 3: Angle between two elements Distance time series 28 Distance IDITYP = 1: Distance between specified segments IDITYP = 2: Distance between specified segments on a line and a globally fixed line IDITYP = 3: Distance between specified segments on a line and a line fixed on the vessel Stroke time series 29 Stroke IMOT = 1: Stroke IMOT = 2: Platform heave motion only IMOT = 3: Riser heave motion only Support force time series 30 Support force component: global x-direction 31 Support force component: global y-direction 32 Support force component: global z-direction Dynforce time series 40 Dynamic axial force 41 Dynamic Torsional moment 42 Dynamic bending moment about local y-axis: End 1 43 Dynamic bending moment about local y-axis: End 2 44 Dynamic bending moment about local z-axis: End 1 45 Dynamic bending moment about local z-axis: End 2 46 Dynamic shear force in local y-direction: End 1 47 Dynamic shear force in local y-direction: End 2 48 Dynamic shear force in local z-direction: End 1 49 Dynamic shear force in local z-direction: End 2 Dyncurv time series 50 Dynamic curvature about local y-axis: End 1 51 Dynamic curvature about local y-axis: End 2 51 Dynamic curvature about local z-axis: End 1 53 Dynamic curvature about local z-axis: End 2 Totforce time series 54 Axial force 55 Torsional moment 56 Bending moment about local y-axis: End 1 57 Bending moment about local y-axis: End 2 58 Bending moment about local z-axis: End 1 59 Bending moment about local z-axis: End 2 60 Shear force in local y-direction: End 1 61 Shear force in local y-direction: End 2 62 Shear force in local z-direction: End 1 63 Shear force in local z-direction: End 2 64 Axial wall force Totdisp time series 65 Total displacements in global x-direction 66 Total displacements in global y-direction 67 Total displacements in global z-direction Stress time series 75 Axial + Bending stress: End 1 76 Axial + Bending stress: End 2 77 Torsional stress 78 Equivalent stress: End 1 79 Equivalent stress: End 2 Input to DYNMOD Appendix A: Hydrodynamic load models